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Hey there First name / Scrapper ā€¦ well hey there! Have you been patchworking recently? I'm neck deep in patchwork for the next Makers Bundles and the themeā€¦ Patchwork! We've got a fabulous lineup of quilt designers and their patterns for the next Bundle. So keep your eyes peeled for that release in May or Join the Makers Bundles list. You can unsubscribe at anytime, we email monthly at most.
Quilt Block Mania is live for March and the theme is drinks. Of course I had to do a tea themed block. Tea is life, or well, a requirement in my daily life. Another sweet applique block with a little bias tape thrown. And always the yo-yo's. Quilt Block Mania is a group collaboration, blocks are available to download and they're free.. The details are below on how to get your hands on my block Tea for Me and blocks from the Quilt Block Mania crew, there's over 20 of us.
We're into month two of Mariners Mischief and this month it's these very cute star blocks. It's the block repeated the most in the quilt and I thoroughly enjoyed cutting and piecing these little critters!.
There is time to join us for the 2024 Block of the Month club ! We're going to have a fabulous year stitching. There are two options, Mariners Mischief and an all applique design, Meadowlicious. Mariners Mischief kicked off Monday 5 February 2024 and Meaowlicious, 3 June 2024. All of the details are at the link.
Ok let's get into this digest. So. Many. Awesome shares in here.
Happy sewing and have a great weekend.
Nic xo


Bloomax will be launched soon and I can't wait to share this quilt with you. There's a waitlist to join for the launch special.

Hi First name / Scrapper, check out these awesome patchworky items below, that range by Crystal Manning, Julia is just gorgeous!. Click on the image to find out more.


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