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As a collective of creatives, we are intricately woven into various energetic systems, starting with our families and extending to encompass school, work, friendships, communities, and the broader social and political contexts we inhabit. Each of these systems emits its own distinct energy, subtly shaping our behaviors and interactions within them. While we may have been conditioned to overlook these energetic undercurrents, they undeniably influence our experiences and most certainly our creative process. 
This phenomenon can be likened to a contagion.
For those of us living in the United States, we are about to embark on a strange and wild influence of systemic energy. It’s an election year. As a system, the atmosphere is already charged with a palpable sense of immediacy, and as the election draws nearer, this background anxiety is poised to intensify, lingering into early 2025. The magnitude of this collective unease varies depending on myriad factors, including geographical location, personal beliefs, and societal marginalization.
In developmental terms, the United States can be likened to a teenager, navigating the tumultuous terrain of adolescence on the world stage. Like any adolescent, our nation is a dynamic entity, brimming with potential, yet prone to bouts of volatility and uncertainty. The essence of America lies not in its static identity but in its ever evolving nature. A perpetual work in progress, characterized by experimentation, triumphs, and setbacks.  Bono has famously said that, “the United States is not a place, but an idea.” An astute observation.  An idea is in process. It is not final. It is expanding and contracting. Full of possibility, trial and error, wins and fails.  An idea is a living breathing thing that has yet to be fully realized. An idea is a teenager. It is the adolescent nature of our development as a country that makes living in the US so incredibly fraught with the terrible and the beautiful. When anything is possible, anything is possible. Hooray and ooops.  Lots of trial and error. Painful and also exciting. Raging hormones. Here we are. 
Election years, by their very nature, exacerbate this sense of unease, casting a spotlight on the high stakes involved in shaping our collective future. The systemic tone of this energy can be all encompassing. As I mentor my clients, particularly those in the retail and leadership sectors, I emphasize the importance of cultivating what I term "tone awareness" as we enter into this cycle. Tone awareness entails attuning oneself to the prevailing energetic currents and adapting strategies accordingly, navigating the turbulent waters of uncertainty with groundedness  and foresight. It is impossible to say for certain how the collective anxiety of this election year will affect business and communication overall, but based upon my experience studying systems over the years, I do have a few sound predictions. 
If we keep in mind that the overall energetic tone set by the United States as a system is adolescent, we can plan for the needs of that developmental phase accordingly. First, as with teens, responses are often all or nothing. Anxiety either brings them to reaction or shuts them down. It is the efforts of parents and caregivers to help teens integrate their feelings to move toward response instead of these dichotomous reactions. All or nothing. 
If we reflect on the needs of adolescents a few significant ideas come to mind. Teens need containment. They are experiencing such rapid growth and uncertainty in their bodies that they feel completely uncontained. They are often combative and stubborn because they actually need to run into a bit of a brick wall, just to feel safe. This is where caregiving comes in and the incredibly steadfast job of holding the line, no matter how stupid it may be. Most caregivers of teens are exhausted by this constant need to hold the line. It[s like having to remember a million rules in your head at once. And yes with teens we want to listen and negotiate, but in the end, they need to feel safe and containment is what does the trick. When anxiety is profound as part of a larger system, often there is a need to push back. A desire to stretch the rules and create confusion so it becomes clear as to where the limits are. If you are currently in a leadership position you may be feeling an uptick in these behaviors already. 
The good news is that acknowledging the tone of a system and planning accordingly is simple. It can be akin to planning for the weather. If it looks like rain, bring an umbrella. There are no real tricks to planning in this way and with a few simple strategies in place you will be prepared to offer your team, customers, clients, and system a stable place to land during an uncertain time. I’ve outlined the why here in this contemplation and if you are a Mentorship client of mine chances are we have already begun to touch on the how. I invite you to join me in Mentorship to learn more about grounding your business and creative process for uncertainty in the coming months. 
Solar Transit
Gate 17
The Gate of Opinion
On March 24, the sun gracefully moves through Gate 17, the Gate of Opinion.
This celestial transition beckons you to embark on a profound journey of self-exploration, focusing on an exploration of mental flexibility and open mindedness..
Gate invites you to delve into the dynamics of expressing unbiased and well-intentioned opinions, and to cultivate a mindset that uplifts and benefits the collective consciousness. To  approach situations with fairness, seeking win-win outcomes that contribute positively to the well-being of all involved. This transit emphasizes the importance of maintaining flexibility in thought and expression, allowing for a more harmonious exchange of ideas.
One of the key aspects of Gate 17 is its invitation to effortlessly express viewpoints while upholding flexibility and fairness. This involves a conscious awareness of the energetic impact of one's opinions and a commitment to ensuring that words contribute positively to the collective consciousness. By doing so, becoming agents of constructive communication, fostering understanding and unity.
To experience the potential expansion of  Gate 17, identify and question patterns of mental inflexibility and the thought patterns that may hinder the ability to approach situations with an open mind. Seek diverse perspectives, be receptive to feedback, and reassess opinions in light of new information. Flexibility is a beautiful thing. 
Here are some journaling prompts to deepen your understanding and engagement with this transit:
1. Reflect on a recent situation where you encountered conflicting opinions. How did you handle it, and what did you learn about your approach to differing viewpoints?
2. Consider a time when you received feedback that challenged your perspective. How did you respond, and what insights did you gain from the experience?
3. Explore any biases or fixed beliefs that may influence how you receive opinions. How can you cultivate greater flexibility in your thinking to embrace diverse viewpoints?
4. Imagine collaborating with a group holding differing opinions. How would you navigate these differences to ensure constructive dialogue and mutual respect?
Gate 17 is an invitation to embody mental flexibility, open-mindedness, and fairness in expressing opinions. By embracing the energy of this Gate, you become a catalyst for positive change, promoting constructive communication and contributing to the collective consciousness in a way that aligns with the principles of logic, fairness, and impartiality.
Do you know about Tapping? It can be an effective addition to energy work and nervous system regulation. Many of my Mentorship clients include Tapping as part of their daily ritual. You can learn more about Tapping and how to do it by hitting the button below.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Prompt for this transit.
“Even though I have a lot of ideas and thoughts to share, I trust that waiting for the right time allows my words to be heard and valued and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
Have a great week exploring this transit! Ready to learn more about your Human Design? Hit the buttons below to schedule a reading with me and download the free Human Design information sheets to learn more!
Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Gate 18
The Gate of Correction
The potent energy of the Full Moon beckons us to delve into self-discovery, urging us to identify and release aspects of our lives that no longer align with our intentions. This Full Moon in Libra, the cardinal air sign sits in the 7th House illuminating our partnerships in love, work and friendship. Paired with Gate 18, the Gate of Correction, this Full Moon is an opportune time to reflect upon how you can bring balance and grace to your relationships and connections through patience and the sharing of wise insights that benefit the collective.  
Gate 18, the Gate of Correction, presents an opportunity for profound introspection into your ability to discern the right timing for sharing insights aimed at enhancing or rectifying systems and patterns. It prompts a contemplation of whether your motivation for sharing these insights stems from a genuine desire to assist others or merely to assert your correctness. Your most aligned self is one that can offer insights imbued with joy, solutions, and connection, rather than solely seeking validation for being right.
 Journal Prompts for this Full Moon:
1. Reflect on your recent interactions with loved ones, colleagues, and friends. How do these relationships contribute to your sense of harmony and balance?
2. Consider instances where you've felt compelled to share insights or opinions with others. What underlying motivations drove these expressions, and how did they impact the dynamics of your relationships?
3. Explore your understanding of patience and discernment in communication. How can you cultivate these qualities to enhance the quality of your interactions and connections?
4. Imagine a scenario where you offer insights that lead to positive transformation within your relationships. How does this vision inspire you to approach communication with empathy, grace, and wisdom?
This Full Moon, coupled with the influence of Gate 18, invites us to contemplate the art of sharing insights with grace and discernment. By embracing patience and wisdom in our interactions, we can foster deeper connections and contribute to the collective harmony of our shared human experience.
Solar Transit
Gate 21
The Gate of the Huntress
On March 30, the sun gracefully traverses Gate 21, known as the Gate of the Huntress. During this celestial transit, you're invited to embark on a deeply introspective voyage of self-discovery. Gate 21 offers a profound opportunity to delve into your inner realm, particularly focusing on how you navigate opposing forces to benefit the collective.  
As the sun aligns with Gate 21, it brightens the path for an understanding of  the energy associated with appreciating and effectively managing resources by finding a balance among opposing forces. Gate 21 illuminates the empowerment of communities through skillful resource management.
The essence of this transit lies in the ability to navigate and harmonize opposing forces. To be able to find balance in opposing energies such as the masculine and feminine within the collective in order to find equilibrium and harness the energy in a way that is universally beneficial..
To experience the highest alignment of Gate 21, redirect controlling energy towards constructive pursuits. Channel efforts into what lights you up! The spark of your own creativity and inspiration lights the way for others to experience abundance and a movement away from scarcity. To move away from controlling tendencies that may be counterproductive and, instead, channel that energy into endeavors that contribute positively to personal and communal growth.
Gate 21 encourages recognition of the importance of effective and balanced resource management, an appreciation of the dynamic interplay of opposing forces, and the pursuit of joy and delight to create a more balanced and empowered community.
Here are some journaling prompts to deepen your understanding and engagement with this transit:
1. Reflect on a recent experience where you found yourself navigating opposing forces. How did you manage to strike a balance, and what did you learn from this experience about harmonizing energies?
2. Consider a situation where you felt compelled to exert control over a particular outcome. How might you redirect this controlling energy towards more constructive pursuits that align with your passions and inspirations?
3. Explore the concept of resource management in your personal and professional life. Identify areas where you could improve your ability to allocate resources effectively and foster a more harmonious environment.
4. Imagine a scenario where you successfully harmonized conflicting energies within a group or community. What strategies did you employ to achieve this balance, and how did it contribute to the collective's growth and empowerment?
Gate 21, invites introspection into managing resources and balancing opposing forces. This period emphasizes the empowerment of communities through harmonious resource management, urging individuals to redirect controlling energy towards constructive pursuits for personal and communal growth.
Do you know about Tapping? It can be an effective addition to energy work and nervous system regulation. Many of my Mentorship clients include Tapping as part of their daily ritual. You can learn more about Tapping and how to do it by hitting the button below.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Prompt for this transit.
“Even though In the past I sought to control everything to create abundance, I now trust that the collective will be best resourced when I follow my strategy and authority and seek what lights me up and I deeply and completely love and accept myself”
Have a great week exploring this transit! Ready to learn more about your Human Design? Hit the buttons below to schedule a reading with me and download the free Human Design information sheets to learn more!
Q + A
Welcome to my exciting monthly feature: Q + A! I'm absolutely thrilled to be diving into your thought-provoking inquiries about Human Design, Astrology, creativity, and Energy Work. Your curiosity fuels my passion for sharing knowledge, and the process of answering your questions continually enriches my own understanding.
Consider this space a welcoming sanctuary for curiosity, self-discovery, and expanding your horizons. Here, you can explore the intricate world of Human Design, Astrology, and Energy Work, and discover how they can profoundly influence your creativity and success as a creative professional. It's a journey of enlightenment and empowerment, and I can't wait to embark on it with you.
Don't hesitate to send your questions my way by simply clicking the button below. I'll be selecting one or two to address in the upcoming first newsletter of each month. Your inquiries drive the conversation, and I'm eager to provide you with insightful answers.
Q: How do I better understand my creative process?
Oh I love this question. It’s a BIG one. And maybe like THE one! 
Understanding your creative process is crucial for harnessing its power and maximizing your productivity. In my mentorship sessions, I focus on empowering clients to take control of their creative journey by exploring practices that unlock inspiration and flow, dispelling the myth of creativity as merely magical.
There are no shortage of places to look to become deeply informed about how to align to your creative process. My first recommendation is to consider how you learn and integrate information. Do you thrive on consistent daily progress, or do you require imminent deadlines to ignite your creative spark? Both are the right answer. Recognizing your preferred approach allows for tailored planning and the freedom to be in your process on your terms. 
Additionally, delving into your natal chart can offer profound insights into your creativity. For instance, as an Aquarius - a fixed air sign under Saturn/Uranus and the 11th House - I embrace inventive, free-flowing processes with a touch of whimsy. However, the stability of my fixed sign provides a reliable foundation, while the influence of Saturn and Uranus infuse my process with discipline and innovation. Trusting in this balance allows me to navigate my creative journey with confidence.
These are just a few avenues to explore when seeking understanding of your creative process. By delving into these areas, you can unlock new depths of insight and enhance your creative journey. Let me know your questions! Happy to help you dive in. 
Stay tuned for an upcoming Q&A session in a few weeks. Please send in your questions, and feel free to reach out by clicking the button below. I'm eagerly anticipating guiding you further on this fascinating journey!

Speak soon, Friend!

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