Have you been minding your mindfulness practice lately? That's a fun play on words! Have you been taking time to breathe? There are infinite ways to be mindful. Having a daily mindfulness practice will help you exercise your “mindfulness muscles” on a regular basis.
Keeping up with your daily habits when things get busy is especially important. Your daily habits keep you grounded and provide structure and routine for productivity. Here's a gentle reminder to prioritize your mindfulness practice.
Ways to practice mindfulness:
- Download your favorite app and listen to a guided meditation
- Take five deep breaths before you open your computer
- Go for an afternoon walk without your phone
- Take out your journal and set a timer for ten minutes
- Click on the video below and meditate with me!
There are many ways to strengthen your mindfulness muscles by incorporating a short daily practice that is certain to have many positive ripple effects with consistency.
Would you like to reduce stress and tension? Would you like to be able to focus when you sit down to work? Would you like to teach your nervous system how to relax?
A daily mindfulness practice will help with all of the above! ✨
It's easy to let our core daily habits slip when things get hectic. It's not about trying to do it all but about keeping your foundation strong when you need to rely on it the most.
One breath at a time. One task at a time. One mindful moment at a time.