May is a busy time of the year. Often, it is a time of transition; semesters are ending, and students are graduating and moving out. Things are in flux.
Times like these can feel both exciting and daunting. Our May Theme & Challenge invites you to celebrate wherever you find yourself.
Celebrate YOU!
Pause for a moment to bask in the glory of your achievements this spring. Reflect on the hurdles you bravely faced and conquered. Take pride in your personal, professional, and academic growth. These moments, often overlooked, are the ones that truly define us.
Even if you didn't achieve all your goals or felt like you struggled, you persevered and made progress.
Practice giving yourself credit this month.
- Pull out your favorite journal and list everything you accomplished, enjoyed, and grew from this semester. Write a short love note 💌 thanking yourself for being courageous and strong.
- Commit to writing down three things you love about yourself every day this month. Write them on a sticky note and post them where you can see them.
- Download the Three Good Things app and cultivate a daily gratitude practice. What I love about this app is that you also write down how each good thing from your day made you feel.
A gratitude practice is even better when you share it with others. Our 365 Mindful Days community is a container for sharing weekly wins, milestones, and the little things that bring us joy.