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Hi friend,
Lots of updates for you this week!
First, the BLG will be on hiatus for the next couple of weeks while I travel for a family wedding and to take my mother to Niagara Falls for her 70th birthday. If I have a lot of spare time, I may try to be in touch during that time.
Second, the initial lineup of events for the summer in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort is up! 
⛺ June 6: Movie Night with Silas
⛺ June 15: Silent Reading Party with Lindley
⛺ July 2: Discussion Group with Lindley
⛺ July 25: Crafty Hangout
⛺ August 4: Pacific Northwest In-Person (COVID Cautious) Meetup
You can click on the tent graphic below to get access to the Fort and all its events.
Third, every time I talk about Gaza, I lose followers, subscribers and business, but: it's not okay to kill children. It's not okay to kill doctors. It's not okay to kill tens of thousands of civilians. And I won't shut up about it.
Keep reading below….

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The Conversation
Here's what's interesting me this week:
» My Doctor Claims He Can "Jump Start" Weight Loss? (read)
» SAVE THIS POST📌 if you beat yourself up👊 when the weight loss plan doesn’t work out. (see)
» Excessive Bodies: A Journal of Artistic and Critical Fat Praxis and Worldmaking (read)
» Yesterday, I came across a post that featured the statement, "That fat on your stomach isn't fat, it's your uterus." (read)
» As we all are battling staying vigilant and fighting while trying to sustain what will be a marathon of collective liberation. Give yourselves those pockets of peace. (see)
🦄 Unicorn chaser: Kitten rescue cam (watch)

@ Body Liberation Stock

As I was scrolling Instagram yesterday, I saw a commenter on a Palestine-related post scoff about he didn't see how this was related to fat liberation. Another commenter replied with something along the lines of, "Oppression and discrimination bad, no matter how it happens."
That about sums it up.
I've also been putting my money where my mouth is, and I invite you to do the same. Here are six fundraisers, that have been vetted by people I know directly, to help people get out of Gaza. Leaving the area is expensive, and not always possible, and donations help people be ready for the opportunity.
If direct giving isn't your style, here are two fundraisers with proceeds going to related charities. One is Fatties for Palestine, whose shirts are out of stock, but I encourage you to follow.
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The second is Chub Rub Clothing, which is giving 100% of proceeds to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
To quote Fatties for Palestine's Hannah Moushabeck (who obscured certain words here to prevent being hidden by Instagram's algorithm),
"P@lest;nian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and P@lest;nian liberation go hand in hand! The systems of white supremacy and colonialism that are the kindling, fuel, and flames of gen0cide are also at the root of fatphobia. “The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free”—Maya Angelou
Calling all fatties to show their alignment with immediate ce@sefire, and a permanent end to Israeli apartheid and gen0cide. We stand with our P@lest;nian family, here and in occupied P@lest;ne."
Unapologetically fat,
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P.S. Share this week's letter or save to read later here
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