I started this newsletter almost a month ago. But God knew the timing. Since starting this “book report” on Anne of Green Gables, I've lost my bosom friend, Katie. She loved Anne of Green Gables, and Ben and her were constantly convincing me to read it. And, I'm so glad I did before she past away because we got to nerd about what we loved about it. I've started and restarted this newsletter so many times. Taking this “report” at different angles, but one thing that keeps coming back is Anne's zeal for life. What do I mean by life? Well, all of it—the beauty, the sorrows, nature, imagination, people, places. She was so affected by life because she loved, and Katie reminds me so much of Anne. |
Prior to Anne, the town of Avonlea was stale. Things were the way it should be and the beauty all around was taken for granted. But as a newcomer, Anne saw it with new eyes and her eyes. Avonlea sprung to life. Trees murmured and laughed. A pond became the Lake of Shining Waters. She had that pleasant ache for nature, and she paid attention to it. |
Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell About it. - Mary Oliver - |
Mary Oliver captured Anne's spirit perfectly with a these few phrases. Isn't that all we need in life? That's how Anne's relationships were made. Her love and wonder outpoured out of her life, and she had to share it with others. We see it first when she meets Matthew. Timid Matthew did not know he needed someone like Anne, but he could not help but be affected by her exuberance over everything. She brought joy into his life, and I don't know if he knew how to process it other than the fact that it made him better. Over and over again, Anne was overwhelmed by the vivaciousness of life, and her astonishment and adoration attracted those around her. However, as much as the town of Avolea needed Anne, Anne also needed the people there. The Cuthberts and the people of Avolea loved her and accepted her as one of their own, and this was something she never had before. |
As I think about Katie, I can't help but think about her joy. Everyone remembers Katie by her contagious laugh. She saw the best in everyone, and she valued you for who you were. I was the Hong Kong girl coming to America. She was the first person who befriended me. She welcomed me into her friend group and family. She gave me a belonging. Although we are SO different in personality, I am a better person because of her. I would've never knew I needed a Katie until she came along. Every chapter of my adult life has been shaped by her, and we always joked that we'll grow old together, wear matching sweatsuits, & having matching perms. Her death was not the future I planned. |
Anne of Green Gables ends with a similar loss. "I’m just as ambitious as ever. Only, I’ve changed the object of my ambitions…. My future seemed to stretch out before me like a straight road. I thought I could see along it for many a milestone. Now there is a bend in it. I don’t know what lies around the bend, but I’m going to believe that the best does. It has a fascination of its own, that bend, Marilla. I wonder how the road beyond it goes – what there is of green glory and soft, checkered light and shadows – what new landscapes – what new beauties – what curves and hills and valleys further on.” - Anne of Green Gables Thank you, Lucy M. Montgomery, for helping me process the grief of losing someone so dear. |
- I'll be in Indie Craft Parade again this year!! Mark you calendars for August 16-17. This is the one market in the year that I get to show off ALL my products. It's soo fun.
- I've been working on new cards AND new market list. ANDDDD I'm introducing a new weekly pad. I am soo excited to show you.
- I shipped out my biggest order to a retailer starting with A! It lands in the stores in the Fall. I'll let you know when that happens.
- I'm working on MORE city matchbooks. But you can shop my current ones here. Right now I have Chicago, Philly, Greenville, Knoxville, Atlata, New York and Asheville! We will be adding San Francisco, Hartford and Tuscon this year.
I love it when you respond to these emails. And yes, I respond, let's chat! I'll feel less like I'm writing into a void. And if you missed the last newsletter, I've shared it HERE. \Want to recommend my newsletter to a friend? (THANK YOU) If you forward this email, they can sign up by clicking HERE. |
106 Devonshire Ln Greenville, SC 29617, USA |