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First name / Hello
Oh, there is much to say about the topic of art. 
The power of emotion behind art is somewhat of a mystery. Yet once you set your eyes on something that speaks to you, it’s like something moves deeply in your soul and you just can’t unsee it. 
Since having a daughter gifted as an artist and having the privilege of her on staff as our resident artist and art curator, I’ve gained a great deal of respect for artists and the power that art plays in our design world. 
We often seek to capture unique moments by designing art that is integrated into the design concept. It's always about the art….but it's how you curate it that makes the art shine and feel like a crucial part of the space it’s in. 
I'll share some of my favorite examples.
Watercolor: we had the privilege of not only creating this piece for the 2023 Christmas Showhouse, but then also placing it in our client's home. 
Can you see how this custom watercolor piece takes on new meaning and focus in each application?
artist: Emily @emily_gwen_studios
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Another piece that became a personal favorite of ours in the space was this magnolia. We worked with a local artist to create a southern charm feature that united two spaces in the entrance of this Buckhead home. The piece was divided into three panels and framed together creating a dramatic mood with its bold black background and encaustic layering over the top.
artist: Deb Llewellyn through Interiors Market
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Sometimes our art needs take on the form of a custom wall mural. In the next application, the artist painted on a canvas that was then applied to the wall like wallpaper. This particular application was intended to bring the outdoors inside as the entire back wall of the home was enclosed by iron windows. It was such a beautiful way to bring color into the home that was already the backdrop setting of the backyard.
artist: Emily @emily_gwen_studios
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Lastly, we had the privilege of borrowing a beautifully dramatic piece that was sculpted as a dress made from old sewing patterns. The uniqueness of this application brought many people back to their childhood as they toured the space—captured by its scale and uniqueness.
artist: Brenda Sulmonetti through DK Gallery
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And when not in these beautiful spaces, I am continually reminded of the power of art as I travel and see the beautiful landscapes that God has created all around us. 
So remember the role that art can play in your spaces and in your home. It is never an extra or an accessory - it is a curated moment that makes you feel something - and just like with art in music and nature, art in your home can speak to your soul. 
Do you have any questions about using art in your home? If so, just hit reply and let me know! 

here's to interior wisdom,
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Did you miss last month's Interior Wisdom all about inspired travels that I've recently taken? You can read a copy here! 
351 Peachtree Hills Ave. NW, Ste 503D
Atlanta, GA 30305, United States