Caen Torch Relay Team Highlights
 TR5 25–31 May 2024
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A group of 22 saints spent five days in Caen, France. Here are some highlights:
How open the young people in Caen are! They are like a virgin soil without any spoiling from religion. Two young girls with their teachers in a nearby school, came to the table so open to receive. After reading the Mystery of Human Life, they prayed to receive the Lord with no hesitation. They then lingered with us for a while, until the last possible minute before they had to go catch a bus.
A student, after seeing us while inside a departing bus made a deliberate return trip to our table. She shared how she was recently led back to God through a Bible verse, and we showed her the footnotes for that verse. She was appreciative that we were distributing Bibles and wanted to invite her friends to our seminar on Thursday evening.
I was standing near a bus stop by our table, when a young student came to me and said something in French, which I didn’t understand, but in spirit knew she wanted a Bible. I pointed to our table, and she walked directly to the table to receive a Bible. She spent time with the sisters and later we prayed for her.
Contrary to my previous concept that young people are less willing to receive the gospel or listen to us, there were many young people coming to our table. When we approach students, many of them willingly listened attentively. During a time while contacting a young person, I had a deep feeling that ones like him really need companions and shepherding! More people in this young generation are starting to seek God rather than their parents. May God open a way for continued work in this village, building His testimony here and using the young people to turn this age!
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On Thursday, in a span of 20 minutes there were about twenty French young people coming to the table in small groups. All the French speakers on our team were busy talking with them, so I was at the table doing my best to engage one of the young people by showing him the footnotes in the Bible. So many of them are young, wanting to know about the Bible and God, and have nowhere to go for fellowship.
Yesterday during the torch relay three young people gave us a little flag welcoming the Olympic fire. My husband and I handed them the “Mystery of Human Life” and I explained to one of them the three parts of man and said “Do you want eternal life? Can you pray with me?” She agreed and she read the prayer!
On the last day, I saw two young women running to the table, eager to get a Bible. Later, they came back and very happily brought three of their friends to receive Bibles. Some of them read the prayer with a sister at the table: This was a perfect moment.
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  • 166 Bibles distributed in total (157 French, 9 English)
  • 25 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 45 personal contacts exchanged
  • 2 appointments
  • 3 attendees in the seminar
Prayer Burdens
  1. There will be a home for the open young generation in Caen to meet.
  2. Continual contact and follow up of the exchanged contacts by the team members.
  3. Migration of couples and saints to Caen, France.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France