Toulouse Torch Relay Team Testimonies
 TR3 15–20 May 2024
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17 May 
Some of us were on a college campus where we met a lot of very open students. The majority spoke English making it much easier for us volunteers to have meaningful conversations. 
18 May 
Like the first time we tabled, there is an unprecedented openness in Toulouse. Many of the local Toulousians are willing to have long conversations and exchange contact information, especially among the young people. Several university students prayed to receive the Lord today. We also met a number who were newly saved and have a fresh hunger for the Lord and the word. We had several second contacts today with those we had at the table. Finally, we had our first Zoom appointment with a girl we had met in Montpellier, and she is very willing to have a weekly Bible study with the sisters.
19 May 
We had dinner with a local family in the recovery and another family they are close to.  Altogether, there were three young people and three adults; it was a very sweet time. While the adults were having fellowship regarding the church life and the Christian life, the young people and the trainees were on the couch having a good time getting to know one another. Eventually we all came together and sang songs in English and French to end the night.
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  • 880 Bibles were given out
  • 142  personal contacts and 10 follow up appointments
  • 11 prayed with us to receive the Lord
  • Seminar: 17 new ones attended
Prayer Burdens
1. Pray that the Lord would release the long-term care of the contacts from these three cities through the coordination of the saints, both local and overseas.
2. Pray for that the Lord would continue to bless the next trip in Bordeaux. Pray for the weather.
3. Pray that the Lord would thrust out the workers to labor with Him in France, not only during these gospel trips, but especially afterwards.
4. Pray for the health of the saints participating in the gospel trips.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France