Montpellier Torch Relay Team Testimonies
 TR2 11-15 May 2024
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12 May 
We met a student who was a new believer. She was very open and had lunch with the sisters. She also spent time with 13 saints tonight at the saints' Airbnb, where we had dinner, sang, pray-read, and had fellowship. Her takeaway was that we need to eat the Lord--"Just taste and see" ! She will get coffee with the sisters tomorrow.

Two people came to the table today who had just asked the Lord if they can get a free Bible. One of them had even asked the Lord while she was on the tram, and then, she saw our table as soon as she got off! Both were both very touched and are planning to come to our harvest meeting on Tuesday.

We met another student who had lost her Bible and needed to get a new one. Three of the saints got dinner with her tonight and she told us her testimony. She grew up a Christian in her country, but when she came here, she had put God aside and eventually she felt so empty, and she couldn’t figure out what it was since her life seemed outwardly to be so good. Eventually the Lord touched her that she had forgotten about Him even though He had not forgotten her. Overall, she is very sweet and very seeking and wants to come on Tuesday.

Overall, we really feel that the Lord has been pouring out His blessing. Though the streets were fairly quiet today, we had many significant conversations with those who came to our table. Generally, we had a younger demographic in Montpellier than in Marseille, encountering many more students. Many of the ones who stopped at our table were very open, and despite not passing out as many Bibles, we still got a significant number of personal contacts, many of whom are happy to have a second contact.
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13 May
Many today are extremely open. We have two and even three contacts with several young people in Montpellier, and many of the ones who came to the tables expressed interest in joining our harvest meeting tomorrow night.

We met for coffee with a contact whom we previously had lunch and dinner with.  She was extremely open and kept talking about how she enjoyed her time with the saints yesterday. She recounted the different things that the saints shared and loved that there were some she could pursue the Lord with. The sisters are planning to have weekly Zoom calls with her. She will also have an internship in Paris this summer, so we are hoping to connect her quickly with the saints there.

We had dinner with a graduate student whom we had met in Marseille and wanted to see us again in Montpellier.  Another young woman also joined us, whom we had dinner with the previous evening.  We had a sweet time of fellowship with them at the saints' Airbnb, where we heard of their testimonies, we sang together, and shared from the Word. They thoroughly enjoyed the time, and both are planning to come to our harvest meeting tomorrow night. One even offered to help with bringing drinks.

We spoke to a man, and we told him about the eternity in man's heart and man's spirit, which he received very well. He also asked about why the Jews didn't accept Jesus, and we spoke from John 1 how He came to His own yet they did not receive Him, but to those who did, He gave them authority to be children of God. We said that there are many today who still reject Him, but that he has a choice to receive Him. He was very open, and at the end, he prayed from the Mystery of Human Life.
  • 314 Bibles were given out
  • 61 personal contacts and 9 follow up appointments
  • 2 prayed with us to receive the Lord
Prayer Burdens
  1. That we would find favor in the eyes of the French authorities, and that the enemy would have no way to frustrate these gospel trips.
  2. That many of the more than 50 contacts we've reached so far would come to the harvest meeting tomorrow night.
  3. That we would have long-term contact with the seeking ones whom we've already seen several times, and that they would become remaining fruit.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France