Marseille Torch Relay Team Highlights
 TR1 6-11 May 2024
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6 May 
On the first day that we arrived, a sister visiting from abroad invited us to her relative’s home. This sister had brought her sister-in-law and niece to the Paris Conference. Thus, we were able to see the sister's sister-in-law again, as well as meeting her husband and two other daughters. They prepared food for us, and we settled into a pleasant conversation. We sang “I am the living Bread” in French and English. Then a brother shared about the Lord being edible. Another brother then talked about the footnotes in the Recovery Version Bible, and we read together Revelation 2:7, footnote 5, in French. After some sharing, we ended with some prayer for the family, and based on the conversations during our time, we prayed for Marseille. It was a very pleasant time! The sister told us afterwards that her family enjoyed our company and had told her that they felt so comfortable with us all. 
7 May 
On our first day of Bible distribution: 
There were many people who were interested in receiving a Bible at the table near the Vieux Port.  We had our hands full, with people waiting in line.  Several people that we met at the table came back again to bring their family and friends to receive more Bibles.  
We visited a Christian family, and one of the daughters met with the saints again today with two of her friends. After their appointment, they came to the coordination room to see all the saints. This family and the daughter’s friends are all interested in having fellowship with us and in reading the ministry. 
8 May  
On Wednesday, we met a brother who is a librarian in Marseille, specifically in the religion department. He had never heard of the Recovery Version before and was very interested. He had his own Greek text to compare with our translation, and we got to cover several footnotes with him regarding points of truth that he had never considered before. He was very impressed and wants to come back with his uncle and friends to give them Bibles, as well as meet with us again.
Also, a young seeking Marseillaise approached the table and lingered with the team. Seeing as she was so receptive, we went through the Mystery of Human Life with her and led her to pray the prayer at the end. We exchanged phone numbers to read the Bible together and she wants to come to the seminar on Friday evening. 
9 May
Several people that we met yesterday came back today to bring their families and friends to receive Bibles
We had contact with a family for at least four occasions this week, including attending our seminar. The father, mother, and three children are all seeking believers, who have been living in Marseille for more than 35 years.
We also met two believers who were quite open, living in Montpellier. We exchanged contact information  and they said that they would like to see us when we get there in a few days. 
10 May 
A Marseillais librarian came back today for our seminar; this was our third time contacting him this week. He enjoyed the time and he exchanged contact information with the saints.
We had sweet fellowship with a sister who used to meet with the saints in London, but now lives in Marseilles.
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  • 712 Bibles were given out
  • 78 personal contacts and 4 follow up appointments
  • 5 prayed with us to receive the Lord
  • First seminar: 7 new ones attended
  • Second seminar: 10 new ones attended
Prayer Burdens
  1. That the Lord would give us wisdom in following up with all the contacts we have received.
  2. Even more, that the Lord would raise up solid families in Marseille whose homes could contain so many seeking ones. There is a desperation that something stable could be established here.  
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France