Nantes Torch Relay Team Highlights
TR6 5-8 June 2024
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Our time in Nantes was one of sowing seeds of the gospel. We had believers come to the table that were so encouraged that there was a distribution of God’s word in Nantes. Another was so happy to see Christians openly testifying of their faith in Nantes and how impressed they were that we came from different places around the world to pass out Bibles. Others commented “I want to know the Bible! “ 
A group of five young people came to talk with us, some whose outward appearance was very typical of the young people of this age. They were so open and there was absolutely no resistance to receiving the Lord. Each one prayed to receive the Lord and they all wanted a Bible. They were proof that the Lord looks on the heart and not at the outward appearance.
There was a young woman who had been raised to think that you had to go to a “specific building” to know God and talk to Him. We shared with her that we are partners in Christ (Heb 3:14). She received a Bible and then said, “I am so happy to have my own Bible!” She was very encouraged to be able to call on the name of the Lord and as she was calling on the name of the Lord her face lit up. She was excited to learn that she could talk to the Lord in any place and at any time.
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  • 25 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 28 gave personal contact info
  • 3 appointments
  • 300 Bibles distributed
  • 4 attended seminars
Prayer Burdens
  1. Pray that the hearts of those who received the Bible would open it, read, and discover the riches of God’s word through the footnotes and would reach out for fellowship.
  2. That the Lord would continue to mature in the hearts of all who prayed the prayer at the end of the gospel tract. That the Lord would sovereignty arrange for more contact with the saints. 
  3. Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of 2-3 families to come to Nantes and that these families would become the nucleus of the church life here (families, students, working ones).  That the church life would be established.
  4. The Lord moving in the saints would pray regarding His move in Europe, and that the Lord would move in our hearts to such an extent that we would have a heart like Isaiah and declare “here am I”.. 
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France