Strasbourg Torch Relay Team Highlights
TR7 24 June – 1 July 2024
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The gospel team gathered in Strasbourg, France to co-labor with the church during the
Torch Relay.
24 June - On the day we arrived, the local saints invited us to a welcome dinner where
there were some newer ones that have been meeting in Strasbourg. It was an
encouraging time when the newer ones shared how they came into the church life. The
local saints also shared with us their burden and hope that the younger generation
would fully participate in the Lord's recovery.
25 June - During our first Bible distribution, there were many individuals who
approached the table without being prompted and then there were others who initially
said no to a Bible but eventually came back to the table to receive a Bible. Many of the
young people we spoke to had an unprecedented openness to the Bible and a genuine
interest in the seminars taking place later in the week. One person even had a follow-up
appointment that same day!
26 June - As we talked to young people, we felt that many are very hungry for something
real. We met a student near the university who had never read the Bible. We read the
Mystery of Human Life with him and he prayed to receive the Lord. (Afterwards we
could see him reading the tract again on his own!) In another instance we shared John
10:10 and the related footnotes with a young man. He received a Bible and said it was
God’s blessing to meet us. He wants to come on Lord’s Day and is eager to be in more
contact with the brothers.
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27 June - Today we had some very special interactions, and the Lord reminded us that
He’s sovereignly arranging every person that we meet. For instance, one student we met
said that she had just recently been thinking that she should purchase and start reading
the Bible and then, she happened to meet us and received a Bible! Another person we
met turned out to be a former colleague of one of the saints on the team. People of all
ages came to the table very eager to receive a Bible and were firm in their desire to have
further fellowship with believers. The Lord also released many lengthy meaningful
conversations, and many of these contacts expressed interest in coming to the Friday
seminar and Lord’s Day meetings. How we thank the Lord!
28 June - We passed out Bibles in three different locations and many were open to
receive a Bible and have more fellowship! Later in the day, four of ones we met attended
our seminar. As the evening progressed, they were all noticeably happier and more
comfortable with us. One of them asked many seeking questions and after our time told
us that he plans to attend the meeting on Lord’s Day morning.
29 June - Today we took a tour of the city and blended with the local saints over lunch.
Three new ones joined us, and one of them spent most of the afternoon with the saints.
30 June - Two new ones that we met this week joined the Lord’s table, with one of them
entering right into the enjoyment by declaring lines from the hymns. In the evening, 13
of the ones we met this week attended the seminar on the Mystery of Human Life.
During the discussion that followed, many responded positively and indicated that they
wanted to come to more meetings. One person asked whether God had a need for man
and the fellowship that followed led some to call on the name of the Lord!
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A Follow-up to the Montpellier Torch Relay
15 June (TR2 11–15 May)
On 15 June, as a follow up to the recent torch relay, saints from Lyon travelled to Montpellier and visited a brother and sister we met during the TR1-3 gospel trips; ones who are in regular contact with the saints. We were full of joy to see one another. As we sat down for our picnic together, we asked them if they had any questions or would like to share any experiences. The brother from Montpellier answered immediately in the most excellent way: He shared that when he met the saints during the torch relay, he found out that he had a spirit, and that God came to dwell in his spirit! Later he said, “I have God in me, I have eternal life in me” so doesn't that mean that I am God?” Wow! What light he received! Then we opened our Bibles and read verses that unveil God’s economy. It was so rich to enter into these high truths together. 
We fellowshipped about how each member functions in the Body by going to the verses in 1 Corinthians 14:26 and Ephesians 4:16. We also shared the comparison of our own body with one head, and Christ’s Body with Christ as the head. Our time together was very much in mutuality, with each one praying, reading, and sharing. 
When it was time to go, this dear brother and sister asked if a group of us would be coming again soon, and if some would come on a regular basis. We said that we would do our utmost to do so. Then, they both exclaimed, “We’ll come visit you in Lyon!”
  • 43 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 87 gave personal contact info
  • 5 appointments
  • 354 Bibles distributed
  • 4 new ones attended 1st gospel meeting
  • 13 new ones attended 2nd gospel meeting
Prayer Burdens
  1. The Lord would gain many, particularly the younger generation, for His testimony in Strasbourg.
  2.  The Lord would continue to strengthen existing connections with ones we’ve contacted and release a way for continued appointments after the gospel trip.
  3. The Lord would release the connections He desires between the contacts and the saints in Strasbourg for further shepherding.
  4. The Lord would lead some saints to migrate to Strasbourg.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France