Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In This Issue For You
The Last Lunar Standstill Season
in The Great Turning
Vlog with Daniel Giamario
 An Important Pilgrimage 
by Lizzie Kay Moon
Capricorn Full Moon
by Vivian Hurley
Inanna with Mars Revisioned
Ascending Journey registration extended!
Leo Overstory Venus - Evening Star Arises
by Silvianne K. Delmars
Course 02 - Tracking Transits
Guided Group Experience begins August 4!
Course 04 - Navigating The Night Sky
 Now available!
Transits & Timeline Support Circle
Personal Online Support with Lizzie Moon & Team
Esoteric Circle - Fire Branch
Explore Spirituality with Daniel Giamario
Beginners Circle
with Mary Kern and Shiva Faranpour
Leo New Moon Monthly Members Call
with Daniel Giamario and Silvianne K. Delmars
The Last Lunar Standstill Season
in The Great Turning
Vlog with Daniel Giamario
For this month's vlog, Daniel shares 
Originally offered at the TOTAMS "Preparing for 2025 Council" event in December 2023, this presentation is now part of a condensed version of the Council: 
1962-2034 marks the time frame of a Great Turning of The Ages. 
The Lunar Standstill season happens about every 19 years. 
The Lunar North Node reaching 00 degree Aries on January 11 2025 marks the exact center of the last of four Lunar Standstill Seasons in the Great Turning. Within the wider context of the six converging astrological and astronomical timelines, Daniel explores the intent of Lunar Standstills. Topics addressed include Out-Of-Bounds Moons, the Moon Walking on The Land, the Great Shining Ones, and the reunification of the Moon, Sun and Earth. This has major ramifications for the Inner Sacred Marriage Process. The themes of these four seasons (1969, 1987, 2006, 2024-2025) within the currently unfolding Turning of the Ages are being discussed. 
An Important Pilgrimage
by Lizzie Kay Moon
At the proverbial last minute, Lizzie was flying over the ocean on a pilgrimage to the Outer Hebrides. Here she would meet 28 fellow skywatchers from Scotland, England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, and the Philippines on a quest to experience the “Moon Walking on The Land” across “Cailleach na Mounteach” or “The Old Woman of The Moors” during the current once-in-18.6 years Major Lunar Standstill season.
As others have done for thousands of years, the group gathered amidst the ancient standing stone circles of Callanish on the Isle of Lewis to witness and celebrate the full moon at its rare southern extreme during the Summer Solstice. They would feast and sing and dance and reflect and share their offerings among the massive monuments. 
Capricorn Full Moon
by Vivian Hurley
On June 4, the birth of the White Buffalo Calf to a wild Yellowstone herd fulfills an ancient Native American prophecy that is a blessing and a warning. A gathering of Nations came together recently to honor and name the White Buffalo Calf.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse, leader of the Lakota and 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and Bundle, presided over the ceremony and named the White Buffalo Calf, Wakan Gli, Sacred Return or Comes Holy.
Inanna with Mars Revisioned
Ascending Journey registration extended!
is a series of seminars ceremonially celebrating the Venus Leo Synodic Overstory.
We are thrilled to welcome all who newly joined us for the Ascending Journey
 and have decided to keep registration open until Venus passes through the 
Upon successful registration, you will get access to all live Venus/Moon conjunction Zoom sessions of the Ascending Journey which began on July 8, just before Venus rose from the Underworld. You will also be added to our lively, dedicated, private and secure Inanna Community Forum where you can view all previous (Descending Journey) course materials, resources, bonus videos and session recordings!
This offering is designed to include both women and men – as Venus is equally the archetypal feminine for both women and men, and Mars is equally the archetypal masculine for both men and women.
We will be gathering via Zoom just before each visible Venus/Moon conjunction during her ascending cycle, to learn, share and hold space for all who choose to learn and apply this unique knowledge to connect more deeply with Great Mystery, aided by the cycles of Venus and Mars and their unique interaction with each other! Meetings include teachings on the astrology, astronomy, and mythic stories of each phase we encounter, group sharing, and unique ceremonials for each gate/portal of Venus’s journey.
Leo Overstory Venus - Evening Star Arises
by Silvianne K. Delmars
"At this tender point of her journey, newly reborn from her ordeal of death and rebirth, Venus is dim and still tentative in her outer expression as she clings to the horizon, visible for only those fleeting moments in the liminal space of evening twilight. On the inner realms, we can imagine this reborn Sacred Leo Feminine is also fiercely determined, imbued with the distilled essence of the eternal, ever-shifting archetype she is now impelled to embody in a new way, as she returns to the outer trappings of her old life, irrevocably shifted.
How profound and lasting that shift will be depends entirely upon her dedication to staying true to the renewed understanding she brings with her, as she emerges from the dark into the light of day. Hounded by demons who prey upon old guilt and habits, urging her to fall into the trap of allegiance to outworn codes of behavior, she must reach for illumination from the small but steady flame that burns in the service of a new code, sourced in her own deep knowing."
Course 02 - Tracking Transits
Guided Group Experience begins August 4!
This Guided Group Experiene is a series of live Q&As led by Daniel Giamario for a small group of students all enrolled in 
and moving through the material together. 
Students must first be enrolled in the course to join.
Each session will take place live on Zoom
Dates for this group to meet are:
1:00pm PDT on
August 4, August 18, September 1, September 15, September 29
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If you have already enrolled in Course 02, and would like to add a Guided Group Experience, you can purchase the add-on by clicking the following link: 
If you have not already enrolled in this course, and would like to sign up, please visit: Turningoftheages.com/course2
Course 04: Navigating The Night Sky
Now available!
taught by Daniel Giamario and Gemini Brett
is now published and ready for eager students to explore!
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If you have previously purchased this course,
 either as part of your full TOTAMS Certification package or individually, 
it will now show up on your student dashboard!
Please note that this course is on a drip-release schedule. 
New modules are being released every New and Full Moon until complete.
To deepen your understanding, stay tuned for a 
Course 04 Guided Group Experience being offered early next year.
Transit & Timeline Support Circle
Personal Online Support with Lizzie Moon & Team
Esoteric Circle - Fire Branch
Explore Spirituality with Daniel Giamario
Beginners Circle
with Mary Kern and Shiva Faranpour
Leo New Moon Members Call
with Daniel Giamario and Silvianne K. Delmars
TOTAMS Membership is a great way to engage with a community of like-minded individuals, receive regular astrological and night sky updates, insights and teachings, as well as the best discounts available on everything TOTAMS has to offer.
Our members represent the heart and soul of our school. Just like our Founder, Daniel Giamario, and all our dedicated team, they are Seed People, carrying forth the wisdom of the past to co-create a new world at this pivotal time of the Great Turning of The Ages.
Looking ahead … 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of the Turning of The Ages Mystery School.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
15000 S Mission Rd
Sahuarita, AZ 85629, United States

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