Palaiseau and Versailles Torch Relay Highlights
 TR9 11 July – 17 July
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During the Torch Relay 9 trip, both teams gathered together every morning for coordination and then headed out to the two distribution cities (Versailles and Palaiseau). We all had wonderful fellowship and blending since both teams stayed at the new Paris meeting place in Palaiseau. A number of local families with young people were able to join the teams along with other local saints.
A true highlight was having the Paris young people with us as an important part of our teams. These are some of our highlights of our time with the young people in Paris:
How fervent the local young people meeting in Paris are! Two young sisters, one whom was a local 16-year-old sister, went out with us today. The 16-year-old sister was so passionate, active, and bold in contacting people and shared with ones the Mystery of Human Life as well as verses from the Bible. One of the best experiences was to have sisters translate from English to French to the many new ones. The Lord has especially blessed the local young people and their portion is indispensable!
In the beginning, language was a limitation but then we realize that the Lord had no barriers. We were able to communicate in French with people with the help of local saints. We were really encouraged by the young people in Paris. There is a special flow of the Lord here with all the saints, especially with the Young People responding to the Lord for the Bible distributions.
Bible Distribution times in Palaiseau and Versailles
Here are some top highlights:
A Russian speaking brother spoke with a Russian-speaking student from Kazakhstan. The student was led to pray to receive the Lord and he wept. Afterward, as he walked away, he exclaimed across the campus, "I feel different!" The brother responded, "You just got saved!"
Some of the saints approached a woman that was glancing at our table. She told them that she had a desire that very morning to read more of the Bible and had hoped to buy a new one. She shared how she was recently convicted of her living and started to pray and sense the Lord’s presence. She had seen that religion was man’s creation and was looking for something more. She received the Bible with joy and set up a meeting time with the sisters within the hour.
When we relocated our Bible distribution to a train station, we were very surprised by the number of people flowing through the station. Thanks to the tram, bus, and train station, waves of people kept coming every 15 minutes and at least five people wanted Bibles out of every wave. One woman who was very skeptical about receiving a free Bible kept asking who we were. After explaining we were volunteers and were not associated with a denomination, she immediately seemed more relaxed and even gave her contact information. Before leaving, she told us that she was on her way to buy a Bible and didn’t know where to buy one, so it was perfect timing to give her one. May the Lord gain more seeking people here in Palaiseau.
There are many Christian believers here, originally from French speaking countries in Africa, that love the word of God. Almost all were extremely grateful to receive the Bible and blessed our labor in the Lord. Many were already meeting in groups but were open to being connected with us through WhatsApp. Many who live in France have relatives in Africa. May these gospel trips bear fruit here and in Africa in the years to come!
In approaching a man waiting for the bus, he only gave us five minutes to present the Bible. During the first three minutes, he kept asking, "Where do you meet in Paris?" Even after presenting the Bible with footnotes, he still asked the same question. This time, he followed up by saying, "I am seeking a 'real' church in Paris. The Bible you have is very good, but tell me where you meet. I believe the Lord listened to my prayer and sent you here to meet me!"
We met a lot of open young people today. One walked directly to our table and asked if he could have a Bible. I asked if I could present a verse to him and show a footnote. He said, “Why not?” After the verse, I asked him if he was interested in further contact and if we could exchange our contact information. He again said, “Why not?” Then I asked him if he would be open to attending the seminar the next day and again, he exclaimed “Why not?!” Two other young men had the same response to the same questions I asked which confirmed again that the Lord has been answering our prayers to open the French people.
We met a lady who recited Isaiah 61 about the jubilee with enthusiasm when asked about her favorite verse. She said that while she was walking, musing on how the Lord had graced her, she met us on the corner of the street. After receiving the Bible, she said it was the Lord’s answer to her conversation with Him. She thanked us with a big smile and was grateful for the spiritual food, saying that this Bible gives life to her.
At one point, a girl came up to me asking in French for a Bible. At this time, all the French speaking saints were busy helping others. However, by this time, I had learned enough French from the others to speak the basics. So, I gave her a Bible and an invitation to the seminar that I had written out in French ahead of time. At least for me, it was a small spiritually linguistic accomplishment!
We met a believer who said that doesn't read the Bible often. After reading John 10:10-11 with the footnotes with him, he received the Bible. Then, following another brother's accommodating pattern who walked with a person who was in a rush, I began to walk with this believer and learned he was a tourist bus driver working in the Paris area. When given an invitation to the seminar, he responded “Why not?”, and would try to come. May the Lord gain him.
Three of the new ones we have been in contact with, told us that they read the Bible every day and were all really touched by the richness of the footnotes, like the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13, for example. Another young working man was touched by the footnote of John 7:37 that the enjoyment of human life will come to an end.! We continue to command You Lord, regarding the work of Your hand! Gain more French speaking people to know the truth, to build up Your church!
One of our new ones called to thank us for the Bible and to ask how the Bible distributions have been going. He was very happy to see us distributing Bibles, and that more people need to know the Bible and be saved. He said every time he reads the Bible, he’ll be thinking of us. He realized it wasn’t a coincidence he had taken the wrong bus to our area but it was so he could receive a Bible. Finally, he told us to send him a message anytime there are any meetings, which he can attend if his work schedule permits.
Palaiseau Statistics
  1. 8 prayed to receive the Lord
  2. 40 gave personal contact information.
  3. 1 appointment
  4. 295 Bibles were distributed
  5. 2 attended seminars
Versailles Statistics
  1. 10 prayed to receive the Lord
  2. 39 gave personal contact information
  3. 1 appointment
  4. 291 Bibles were distributed
  5. 7 attended seminars
Prayer Burdens
  1. Raise up the church life in both Palaiseau and Versailles.
  2. The Lord would cover each distribution site.
  3. Pray for all the ones contacted to be remaining fruit for the building up of the churches in France!
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France