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Tips for creating a caring & lively world, 3-5 neighbors at a time.
Create your own breakthough.
Happy August, All,
In recent history, I've become aware of August being a month of increased breakthroughs for me, so today I hope to sprinkle breakthrough dust on you!
But what's a breakthrough?
According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, …
"A breakthrough is an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem.”
I trusted that my situation would resolve and didn't call it a problem, but I was sitting in an uncomfortable gap between my vision to inspire widespread village making and quality questions to start and sustain the process. 
Like I said last time, I believe that…
Questions have the power to help us make heaven or leave us in hell. 
“Leave us in hell” kinds of questions abound. They're the ones that mire us in fighting loneliness, hunger and other things that never seem to go away. Or that don't inspire more empowered stories about ourselves and communities.  
With that on my mind, let's just say I had MAJOR analysis paralysis about what questions to ask! But discovering this class was a breakthrough.
It helped me see that I would not only do no harm but greatly support my quest to inspire neighbors to make care communities—villages—by discovering what they cared about enough to act on.
Of course!
So here's a breakthrough question for you:
What would you do in your neighborhood if two or more folks joined in?
I think that's enough to ask you today. 
But rest assured I'll be back with more to ponder. 
All the best.
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Scientist turned storyteller, caregiver & creator of Tiny Village Project
Village Company 360, 1445 Woodmont Ln NW # 989
Atlanta, GA 30318, USA