Concluding Report for OL 1 - 
Olympic Games Gospel Trips (Part I)
25–29 July 2024
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As we read these reports may our hearts be stirred again as we see the budding, blossoming, and the bearing of small clusters on the Vine Tree as it spreads. May our praises, worship and thanksgiving be to our Father God who desires to propagate His Son among the French-speaking people in France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. What a mercy and privilege to be one with Him at this time!

Paris Palaiseau
The team went to one of the largest universities in the Paris area. The university has 48,000 students and the Paris meeting hall is only a few train stops away from the campus. The saints feel this university is good ground for the gospel. Despite the rainy weather, the saints were able to meet new ones by giving out Bibles at the metro station. We met a young man who said he had just lost his Bible and was happy to receive a new one.
Praise the Lord for the blending in the Body! We had several visiting saints at the Lord’s table in Palaiseau at the Paris meeting hall. Two new ones came to the Lord’s table, one family from the previous Torch Relay 9 gospel trip and a young student visiting from another country. The young student prayed to receive the Lord and enjoyed the testimonies in the prophesying meeting. Another new one, a young female student we met earlier last week, came for the sightseeing time, and stayed for dinner. She has spent every day with the saints since Monday and we are praying she will be remaining fruit. We had three new ones come to our harvest meeting tonight. One from our previous Torch Relay 9 gospel trip and two from our current OL1 gospel trip. We covered the tree of life and then went into small groups to fellowship how can we enjoy Christ as the tree of life. Two young college students shared how the Word can nourish us and be our supply. We are praying that these two college sisters and the new one from Torch Relay 9 will be remaining fruit! 
We passed out a total of 391 Bibles, 3 prayed to receive the Lord, and we exchanged contact information with 58. There were 2 appointments, a new one from a previous gospel trip had an appointment every day, and 5 came to gatherings. 
Prayer Burden
Pray for more new ones to enter into the day-by-day church life in the new Paris Meeting Hall.
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Paris Versailles
Today, we had a wonderful distribution! There were many who came hungry for God's word. We found ourselves busy with many conversations and getting contact information with people who came to the table. In total, we passed out fifty bibles and obtained eleven new one’s information. Some of the saints started praying frequently together during the distribution, especially for those who received a Bible and had exchanged contact information. While at the table, we felt like the Lord was in us as a magnet because while we were in a small, condensed area that was not out in the open; still, so many people saw us and came to our table.
Today was another day of wonderful works of our God! In one account, I saw a car stopping before a pedestrian crossing. The driver was looking at our placards, and I saw a genuine desire in his eyes to get a Bible. I went over to him, and we had a short conversation. He said that he wanted a Bible. He was even willing, for further contact, to scan our QR-code that was located at a narrow exit, where cars cannot stop for long. Later the team members told me that he was an instructor from a driving school.
We read 1 Thessalonians 5:23 with a young girl and then we shared with her about the three parts of man.  She was very open, so the sisters continued to share with her, and we eventually prayed with her to receive the Lord.  She called on the name of Lord Jesus!  We were so happy to give her a free Bible but because she was a minor, she called her mother for permission to receive a Bible, and her mom said Okay! She took a photo of our seminar information, and she also took our contact information so that her parents can contact us.
We had a sweet conversation with two young people waiting for the bus near our distribution table, one of them was already a Christian and the other one had read the Bible when she was small. They were both very open to join us in our seminar and we shared our personal contact information with them. 
How wonderful that we can bear fruit together! We talked to some people who were very open to pray and exchange contact information with the saints. The first person to request a Bible was a bus driver, who, as he was driving his bus out of the train station, stopped quickly and opened the door to receive a Bible. Six people prayed to receive the Lord today! Additionally, one brother had an appointment with a contact that we met a few days ago. 
We were praying for two more to speak to and immediately the Lord sent us a young woman and an older woman. The young woman was on the phone, and she hung up her phone to listen to us. She was very open and wanted a Bible. The woman came over when she saw our banner. She wanted to know more about the Bible. We gave her a Bible and we are praying that she will be available on Monday for the harvest meeting.
A mom with her children were passing by and saw the banner “Bibles for Europe”. Her young son pointed out the free Bible sign to his mom. All three of them came for Bibles. A brother told her Jesus is God and sisters shared verses with them and explained how to use the Recovery Version Bible with the footnotes. The mom said, “The Bible is more precious than gold!” and immediately a brother responded with “Yes, We are rich!”. The mom said she likes her children reading the Bible, so she asked for three Bibles, one for each child. The whole family is very open and was invited to the harvest meeting. 
We saw a father with his daughter pass by, and they were surprised that we distributed free Bibles, we read John 10:10 - 11 and he really appreciated the footnotes with Greek word origin. His daughter was so open and gave us a big smile. Soon after, a mother with her son approached our table and I had the feeling to preach the Gospel to her, we read to her John 10:10-11 and 1 Thessalonians 5:23 on the three parts of our human being. We called on the Lord's name three times in French and three times in Chinese. They are saved! Her face is full of joy, and we shared our personal contact information and invited her for the harvest meeting. She replied “Yes!” five minutes after our invitation via WhatsApp message reached her. What a wonderful experience!
We were encouraged by a pair of young people that were cycling past us. The young man on the bicycle hopped off when he saw the sign for a free study Bible and by the expression of his face, he seemed very interested and excited. He came up to us very cheerfully and asked if the Bible was really free. We said yes! and asked if we could show him Bible verses with footnotes. Despite the rain, he was willing to take the time for us to show him how to use the study Bible and he was very happy to receive a Bible. It is encouraging seeing young people in France who are open to receive a Bible and are hungry for the Lord.
Today the weather was bad with lots of rain, and we didn't pass out as many Bibles due to low traffic, but we were still encouraged by some of the open ones who came to receive a Bible. Despite the limitations with the weather, through our prayer, the Lord supplied us and even two police officers received Bibles after speaking with us. Tonight, one whom we met earlier, came to our nightly Bible study and we prayed with him to receive the Lord. He wants to come back every evening! 
The Lord has surely poured out His blessing in Versailles during this OL1 gospel trip! The portion from the local saints was a real encouragement and strengthening to our team. We had one appointment with a new one prior to the harvest meeting. Another new one came to our nightly Bible study where he prayed to receive the Lord. At the harvest meeting, nine new ones came and two of them prayed to receive the Lord. The Lord is truly moving in the French people: We have seen an unprecedented openness especially in young people who have been some of the most enthusiastic ones to receive a study Bible. We have now around nine more solid new ones we met from this gospel trip, and we hope that they will continue to meet with the saints and be brought into the church life. 
A new one came to our Monday harvest meeting. The sharing was on the Bible as a divine romance: How God longs for His children to come to Him and have a personal relationship with Him. I asked her if she believes in God. She said she’s not a believer yet. But she thinks that there is someone higher like maybe God that she needs to really care for her children. We then read the Mystery of Human Life with her. She had really good questions: “What’s the difference between my soul and spirit” and “How can I distinguish between the two”. We shared John 4:24, Hebrews 4:12 including the footnotes. She confessed with her mouth and prayed to the Lord to receive Him. She called on the name of the Lord Jesus! 

We passed out a total of 200 Bibles, 15 prayed to receive the Lord, and we exchanged contact information with 47. There was 1 appointment and 10 came to gatherings. 
Prayer Burden
Pray we could have the follow-up with the ones we are meeting. Lord, raise up the church in Versailles!
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Paris Nanterre
A young man on skates passed us but then turned around and asked for a Bible. He is a Christian student who recently moved to Paris. He was on his way to go buy a Bible.  He told us that he likes to highlight and write notes in his Bible, and he couldn't believe he found us to receive a Bible.  We read Romans 8:28 with the footnotes with him. He is open to joining a Bible study.
There was a young man who has not yet received the Lord but has been seeking Him through reading the Bible and listening to gospel messages on YouTube. We presented to him the MHL in a way of asking questions on each of the keys. He prayed with us at 5th key to receive the Lord!  He sees that the work of the Lord is not just outward gospelizing, but inward dispensing by His Spirit.
We met a father with his daughter from US. He is a dear Christian. They stopped at our table because of the hymn we were singing. After a few exchanges, they wanted to join another hymn. He really appreciated the song and what we are doing. They will join the seminar in Paris!
Three young people wanted to receive Bibles. Two of them were minors and needed to receive their parents’ permission before we can give them Bibles. One of the girls called her parents to get permission. They were siblings and their parents agreed immediately.  With gladness they received their Bibles! We asked them what their favorite verses were and then shared with them the riches of the footnotes for their verses. We shared the MHL, and they all called on the Lord and prayed with us. We encouraged them to call on the Lord in any situation and to receive salvation!
It was a very rich gospel time today. Even as we were packing up to leave, we had a few ones who stood by the table still wanting Bibles even though we ran out of French Bibles.  This afternoon's gospel time was extremely enjoyable and energizing. There was such a spirit of oneness among all the saints with   a sweet flow of the fellowship of life in singing, praying, and distributing Bibles. This time has been quite a rich experience, a “much more” body experience, with the Lord's abundant supply of grace and we are being built up with each other for the Lord's testimony, and a gaining of a strong testimony here in Nanterre. May the Lord continue to strengthen and supply all the saints. May His name be exalted and glorified!"

We passed out a total of 330 Bibles, 7 prayed to receive the Lord, and we exchanged contact information with 97. We made 41 appointments, had 12 appointments with ones from a previous gospel trip, and 7 came to gatherings. 
Prayer Burden
Pray that the Lord would gain the ones we have met for the daily church life!

Paris 1 and 2 
We had a student who was very open to everything we shared and wanted to have a personal appointment. We also talked to a dad who wanted a Bible for his daughter. He was also looking for a place for his daughter to be baptized and was interested in gathering with others. We have contact information for both of them.
We shared with a woman John 10:10. She told us, that this was so timely for her because she was going to a funeral, and it was good that someone speaks to her about life.  Maybe now she will share something about life, instead of speaking about death and mourning at the funeral. Our conversation was brief but very encouraging. She took a Bible and added that since she has lost her husband and her only daughter, the Bible has sustained her. She is going to order another Bible for her friend who loves the Lord as well. There are people who hunger and thirst for the Word of God!

We met a Christian man, today. He wanted a Bible, so we explained to him a little about the Recovery Version Bible and showed him the footnotes. We also shared with him the MHL, he was very open, so we told him about our next seminar on Saturday and Monday. If he is available, he will come.
We met a person who appreciates and knows the Word. We spent time presenting to him the Recovery Version. He expressed interest in more fellowship and asked for more details to attend the harvest meeting and the Lord’s Day meeting in Paris.
Although there was less traffic near our table today, the Lord granted us some sweet experiences with very open people. On our first day of distributing Bibles one of the brothers gave a Bible to a man who works in the shopping center in front of our table. Today, this man came by and said that since he had received his Bible, he has been reading his Bible every day! 
A woman and her teenage daughter approached the saints. After going through the MHL with them, the daughter received the Lord! The woman also took extra Bibles for her other children and is interested in bringing her children to the meetings. May the Lord gain this family!
We met a man who has read the ministry before and is actively seeking a group to meet with. He mentioned that he has been very dissatisfied with other groups.  He very willing gave us his contact information and greeted all the saints at the table very warmly before leaving. We pray that the Lord would release him to attend the seminar meeting this Saturday.
Today we met a man who came back multiple times to get additional Bibles: first for himself, then his wife, then his daughter. He even expressed interest in participating in distributing Bibles himself.
Two sisters had an appointment with a young woman they met on the first distribution day. She was very open and shared her spiritual experiences with the Lord, and even said, “The night before I met you, I prayed to God to reveal Himself to me! Then, the next morning, He brought me to your table!” We spent over two hours getting to know one another, sharing our human and spiritual experiences with one another, and reading verses and footnotes together.
Today, one of the ones we met this week came to our harvest meeting and then joined us for the Lord’s table meeting. During the prophesying meeting, he shared about our need to experience the cross of Christ. We had a wonderful time with him, fellowshipping about the church and the ministry. Lord, bring this one fully into Your recovery!
On our last day of distribution, we had very positive encounters. We met a man who, upon receiving the Bible and hearing about the harvest meeting tonight, immediately called his wife and children and told them, “We received an invitation to a meeting tonight! Be ready by 6:30pm!” He mentioned he was praying to the Lord right before meeting us. 
Sixteen new ones joined our final OL 1 harvest meeting, and we had a wonderful time of fellowship concerning the Bible as a divine romance between God and man. Many local saints joined this time. After the meeting, two new ones were baptized! Earlier today, we had encountered a mother and her adult son. The son had preached the gospel to his mother, and since then, they had been searching for a place to be baptized. Tonight, at our Harvest meeting, they were so joyful to be baptized, even high fiving one another and declaring, “We did it!”
Paris 1 – We passed out a total of 331 Bibles,12 prayed to receive the Lord, and we exchanged contact information with 24. We made 3 appointments and 2 came to a gathering.
Paris 2 – We passed out a total of 327 Bibles, 9 prayed to receive the Lord, and we exchanged contact information with 77. We made 3 appointments and 14 came to a gathering. 2 were baptized.
Prayer Burden
Lord, soften the hearts in central Paris. Grant us many good conversations with people here. Pray we could continue to shepherd these ones! 

Prayer Burden for the Lord’s Work in France:
Pray that all those who have applied to serve full-time in France would get their visas approved in a timely manner. By mid-October these ones will join with the Lord for His shepherding care for all the ones saved and baptized since the beginning of the Torch Relay Gospel Trips which began in May and continuing with the Olympic gospel trips which are currently going on. 
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France