An invitation to pause —and immerse yourself just as you would with a magazine.

24.08.2024 white space Letter .003 —beyond the scroll workshop and more

this quote found on cosmos
overthinking—the art of creating problems that don't exist.'

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edited with September from the Dear 2024 collection plus a Dear 2024 light overlay.
hand-sculpted concrete vase by Kim Prokopowich

For the most aesthetic experience, consider reading this letter in your browser.

1— Demure

Demure: A New Way of Being

Traditionally, 'demure' is defined as being reserved, modest, and shy. 
In 2024, 'demure' has taken on a new life as a viral trend, embodying a cutesy, clean, and mindful lifestyle. 

While I'm not into the cutesy aspect, I appreciate the quiet, refined (not showy) way of being in a noisy world

If you're curious about this trend, check it out on TikTok or Instagram—but not before you read this letter). 
Essentially, the social trend involves people performing everyday activities accompanied by the audio and/or text—'very mindful, very cutesy, very demure.' 
Sometimes it's satirical, sometimes it's not. 

Interestingly, I've always felt aligned with this demure way of life. Who knew it would become a trend? 
And although I'm not one for hopping on the latest trend, I'm here for demure—it aligns beautifully with the ‘white space’ way. 

So, how about you? Are you ready to embrace the demure trend? I'd love to hear. (as always, feel free to hit reply and share your thoughts).

2 — a new workshop

Have you checked out Cosmos? It's like a more 'demure' Pinterest. This app beautifully captures the essence of the demure trend, offering a clean and mindful—quiet space for inspiration. 

The question I've received multiple times since I emailed last is: 
Cosmos is beautiful, but how do I get it to show me what I want?

This question inspired my new workshopperfectly timed for fall.
Moving Beyond the Scroll
a live workshop on August 29th, where I'll guide you step-by-step through my exact curation-to-creation process, using real-time examples.
Learn how to refine endless inspiration (aka train the free Cosmos app to show you what you need), mindfully notice details, selectively curate your inspiration boards, and create an actionable plan for your next creative project and beyond.

Plus, get my list of 35 search phrases to help train your inspiration app of choice.

Can't make it live, a replay will be available inside the private classroom.
Sign up with the special white space savings link here before it expires.
Summer is almost over. Are you ready to get more intentional with your art & creativity? 
I'd love to see you there. ♡
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3— Speaking of trending. hello em-dash

The em-dash is having it's own ‘viral moment.’
It seems many of you love the ellipse (3 dots) but are open to a little em-dashing of your own.
(No ideas what I'm speaking of?  Read my em dash story here.)

Anyhow, Michelle messaged me the other day to say, 
how do I type the em dash on my phone?'

Here's how.

4 — Fall Postcard printable

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A lovely postcard to include with fresh baking or styled fall photos from my vintage art collection.
For an extra-special touch of analog, consider stamping the date with your note.

(I wish the magic light came out to play. I would have made a postcard film too.)
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Still Life with Apples
Artist: Charles Ethan Porter 1886

5 — Three podcast episodes

+The Maker's Schedule
 +I really enjoyed this conversation with Jamie Jamison and Lori Siebert on Rebloom

6— I love this QUOTE

I realized recently that what one thinks about in the shower in the morning is more important than I'd thought. I knew it was a good time to have ideas. Now I'd go further: now I'd say it's hard to do a really good job on anything you don't think about in the shower.

—Paul Graham

7— click-worthy links

+Nikon users. Have you seen this battery from Small Rig? It has USB Type-C charging port. How brilliant.
+Cathy is one of the most beautiful souls. Follow on Insta and subscribe to her emails.
+These pens are pure bliss to write with and beautiful too.
+Also my Birkenstock dupes arrived — they're gorgeous, but not as comfy as the real thing. I still love them.
+Have you jumped on the viral Cucumber salad trend. I've made a few different versions—so good. ♡  

Until next time.
xx Kim

If this email inspired you, or you learnt something new, consider sharing it with a friend.
If you're the friend reading this, hello lovely. Please consider subscribing. ♡ 
In my last email, I shared the story of a writer who consistently shared her words and eventually published a beautiful book. As promised HERE she is and this is her beautiful book.
This summer, I became obsessed with helping creative women design stunning squarespace websites and Flodesk emails. (Flodesk is what makes the aesthetics of the White Space letters possible.)
If you like my style and need a hand, feel free to email me
some links contain my partner info and I may receive a small commission if you purchase through the link. Thank you for your support.

211 Main Street, box 455
Rivers, Manitoba R0K 1X0, Canada