WHITE SPACE. a ‘slow the scroll’ letter for inspired creatives.

08.09.2024 white space Letter .004 — the unsocial experiment and more.

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edited with dear september from the dear 2024 collection.

For the most aesthetic experience, consider reading this letter in your browser.

1— for the love of analog

Happiness is in the quiet, ordinary things. A table, a chair, a book with a paper-knife stuck between the pages. And the petal falling from the rose, and the light 
flickering as we sit silent.
Virginia woolf

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We think it's the big things, but mostly it's the quiet, ordinary (not ordinary at all) things.

My friend and client, Michelle sent me a lovely package in the mail. 
a sweet Italian calendar (Calendario Italiano), gorgeous paper journals and one extraordinary pressed hydrangea. 

Analog— She said.
Me—Straight to my heart.'

Today's Analog bits and bobs
+vintage apple postcard printed on Aurora White paper
+this date stamp never fails me.
+pressed hydrangea (thank you Michelle, I love it so much.)
+dried peonies  (so glad i kept all the tiny buds this year.)
+Black Wing pencils forever and always
+my all time favourite brass sewing scissors—even though I don't sew. (note: I haven't ordered from this site. I bought mine years back from a small shop that's now closed).

2— A Favourite photo prompt

Today, I invite you to create a little ‘analog’ time, mark it with a pretty picture —and if you're feeling ‘extra’ — print your pretty pic, then place the print in your scene and snap another pic.

Something like this…
(and if you take the challenge, feel free to share it with me on Insta. I'd love to see.)
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3— for the love of the pressed hydrangea ♡ 

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Cause seriously, she's just so perfect

4 — the unsocial experiment 

Change is happening. Could this be a new way to experience the internet? 

These words from the Cosmos manifesto resonate deeply with me:
The future of our internet is about to shift from shallow, fleeting feeds that numb our minds to rich, organized libraries that expand our consciousness. Forget black holes that take us nowhere. In the Cosmos, they lead us precisely where we need to go—even if we don’t know it yet.' —Cosmos.so

Digital ‘Black holes’—oh, I know them well. 
Endless screenshots in my camera roll, thousands of Apple notes, and a mountain of unopened emails. 
And let's not even mention the countless Insta-saves I never revisit. It's overwhelming, isn't it? This digital baggage can feel incredibly heavy.

Lately, social media feels like a black hole to me too. 
Opening 'the app' I once loved now feels more like work than inspiration. Less dopamine, more disappointment
The spark I once felt has faded. Maybe it's the season I'm in, or perhaps it's the digital 'white space' I've been practicing recently—accidentally, at first.

What used to be my go-to isn't calling me as much anymore. In fact, there was a time when my hand would automatically open the app without me even realizing it. 

Just me?
I'm not quitting 'the app' or deleting my account. 
I'm simply exploring the idea that less is moreseeking calmer ways to get inspired.
Enter the unSocial Experiment

This leads me to the unSocial Experiment—30 days of posting on Cosmos with no strategy, likes, comments, or shares required. 

It's an experiment to see what might emerge from this daily creative practice. 
Maybe a reset, or perhaps a redefinition of how we share on social media moving forward. 
I'm not sure. 
But maybe, something magical awaits on the other side of this experiment?

And besides, who doesn't love a good experiment?

Ready to Create Without Limits?
Join me for the unSocial Experiment30 days focused on your own creativity. 
No likes, no comments, just making your art.
Note: unSocial includes access to Moving Beyond the Scroll.

5 — TWO podcast episodes

6— click-worthy links

+Nikon users. I shared this battery from Small Rig in my last email. This is just a quick note to say, I'm impressed.
+John and I are a bit late to this series. It's absolutely beautiful. We highly recommend.
+I'm loving these (not dupe) Birkenstocks, and these too.
+Am I the last to learn about the cat eye nail trend (sometime referred to as velvet)? 
I'm so glad I discovered it at my last appointment. I think it'll be my new go-to. I went with a super subtle soft tan and it catches the light just right.
+Trying the free trial of this simplified Camera App. (With Lampa, you can get the most realistic optical images without HDR or AI enhancements and achieve the most authenticity in mobile photography.) I'll let you know my thoughts in the next email.

Until next time.
xx Kim

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