OL4 Olympic Games Gospel Trip (Part I)
20 - 29 August 2024 Bible Distributions
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Now as we are entering into our final Olympic Gospel Trip, OL5, ending September 9th, we feel that the Lord has done more than we could ask or think. How we praise Him! In the places where we have been continuously laboring for 40 days, the Lord has been gathering a small group of new believers who have entered into the church life with us. It is our real hope that these ones would be either the increase to existing churches or the nucleus of new churches.  We have seen the benefit in these places of practicing the day by day and house to house church life. The local saints along with the visiting saints are rejoicing at being together outside of a formal church life. Everyone participating has acquired a taste to have a church life as our living instead of simply having scheduled meetings. The God - ordained way has been practiced, not as a work to gain ones, but as a normal living carried out in the Body of Christ. Now our eyes are turning to the urgent need before us. There must a way to care for the ones we have contacted during our consecutive gospel trips. Of course, the Lord will thrust out workers through migration and there will be a full-time team based in Paris but neither of these fill the urgent need we have now. But in fellowshipping with several teams it came up that some really desired to come back quickly, and spent one to three months where they have been laboring so that there would be a continual presence in that place. We felt that this was the Lord’s speaking on how the urgent need could be met. Among the co-workers in Europe we have begun to fellowship how retired ones and those serving full-time might be able to quickly return so that the shepherding of these new ones could continue. We will send out a letter shortly to let the saints know
how they can participate in this way.

Highlights for Paris, Nanterre, Palaiseau, Versailles
We presented the gospel to a Portuguese lady in Spanish, who then prayed to receive the Lord! Another young man stood a stones throw away from us for a couple minutes before walking up to us.  He learned about his human spirit and called “Lord Jesus!” He had recently moved to the area with his family and wishes to bring his family to the meetings. Many others also expressed willingness to come to the meetings and have Bible studies with us. We remained busy at the train station even after we ran out of Bibles for the day! Some asked if they could see us at the same place tomorrow so that they can receive a free Bible. The team lingered to make personal connections and to share the truth using the Mystery of Human Life, MHL, gospel tract. 
We met a dear young woman during OL3 and had her for dinner and a time in the Word here in central Paris. This was her second time with us. She wants to come once a week to get into the Bible together.
Two sisters from the team joined by two local sisters really enjoyed last night’s Bible reading with a new one who was met in OL 4.  The new one really enjoyed our time a lot and she wants to know the real God. She understands the Bible when she reads with the saints and wants regular times together.  
I reached out to one of our new ones, I invited her to read the Bible at a coffee shop, and she’s open to a Bible study and willing to share her phone number with a local French sister for further arrangements.
As the team prepared to leave, we met a young man who is a believer. We shared with him about the church and invited him to join the dinner and the Bible study time tonight. He arrived right at the start of our singing time. He shared that he was not doing so well spiritually. He felt that the Lord has sovereignly arranged for us to meet him, and that he himself too, should put in some effort to regain his spiritual strength. He was grateful for our invitation and felt welcomed in the meeting. In addition to this dear believer, a local sister invited her neighbor-friend to the dinner time. This gospel friend was very soft and open to the Lord. She studied the Bible with us, reading and asking questions. She received the Word with a simplicity of heart and called, “O Lord Jesus”, deep from her spirit. With her mouth and heart opened wide, she received the Lord, prayed with us, and we discussed the significance of baptism with her. She felt happy and declared that all the sisters in the study group were shining forth Christ.

Tonight, during the dinner and Bible study time, we continued to shepherd the sheep gained from previous gospel trips. Five ones from previous gospel trips came for more fellowship. We broke into three groups by language. All groups had a wonderful time fellowshipping over the first 13 verses of John Chapter 1. The Lord was able to cherish the new ones through this time. A pair of sisters in the flesh were burdened that their family back in Peru would also have a church that they may belong to. They were delighted to find a brother on the team who have previously lived in their hometown and could connect their family to the local church. The Lord comforted them through this divine arrangement. We received many positive responses from the new ones, and that they would love to come back for further fellowship.
During the seminar tonight, we were visited by five believers, and a family with four children, who are new Christians. We expounded John 1:14, examining the words “tabernacled” and “grace.” We referred to the Old Testament for the picture of the tabernacle to contrast the exclusivity of the high priest entering the Holy of Holies with the inhabitation of Christ in our spirit in the New Testament made possible by the process that the Lord went through. We emphasized the importance of our human spirit always making His riches available to us. We also presented 1 Cor. 15:10, Phil. 4:23, 2 Tim. 4:22 to illustrate Grace as a Person, who is God Himself, being enjoyed by us.
We had our Bible study tonight. One person from a previous gospel trip joined. It had been a long time since he had read the Bible. When he experienced the mutuality where all would share, he was encouraged to read the Bible in this way so that he too would be able to speak the truth.
The Lord also encouraged us by the faith of the two newly baptized sisters. They came to the Bible study drenched in the rain. However, they shared that just as the living stones described in the passage of John 1:35-51, they also would follow the Lord wherever He goes. They uttered, “Nothing is impossible for those who love the Lord.”
Today in the Lord’s Day meeting, we were visited by a seeking Christian who has been looking for a place to meet. Her neighbor, who was contacted from a previous gospel trip, brought her to our meeting. She testified that this is exactly the meeting of the church that she has been looking for. May she find the church her home, that the Lord may gain her for the church. 

Tonight, we were blessed to have visiting saints in our Bible study. We received support from a couple who speaks Spanish, and another couple who speaks French. We continued to shepherd ones from previous gospel trips. One sister testified that she felt peace every time she arrives at the meeting. Another student sister shared from reading John 2, that Jesus turns our dead waters into wine!
Tonight, we had a wonderful baptism with a new sister. This new sister has been the neighbor and friend of a local saint for many years. Since the local saint believed in the Lord, this one has seen changes in this saint’s living, which intrigued and attracted her. After joining several home meetings and Bible studies, she believed and received the fellowship of baptism to declare her faith. During this time the saints have been praying desperately for her that she would be baptized before she moves to a far-away city due to work. The Lord was faithful in answering prayers. After the baptism, she shared that she felt warm in her heart, and the heavy burdens that she has been carrying has finally dropped. May she experience the reality of the Lord sustaining her, that she would be strengthened into her inner man and be connected to a close local church. 

For the Bible study tonight, we continued our fellowship in John 2:12-22. We welcomed four solid new ones.  We discussed the significance of the word “temple”: How the temple, the dwelling place of God in the Old Testament is not God’s goal. When Jesus was on earth, He was the reality of the temple, and after His resurrection, we all became part of the temple because the Holy Spirit now dwells within us. One person then shared his testimony of how the Lord shined on him when he was a young believer, that he would be a Christian only in the meetings and not live Christ outside of meetings. He has thus been learning to live in union with Christ. May the Lord fully gain precious materials that many will be perfected to be fitted into the church life!

Today we split into two teams, going to two different train stations. Our experience today has been that this gospel trip is a continual work, we are watering and reaping the seeds which has been sown by others. Some of the ones that we interacted with today has been contacted in previous gospel trips. Others have seen us previously and have only decided to approach us today. One who had received a free Bible from us yesterday had the intention to gift it to his grandfather. Today he saw us again and received another free Bible this time for himself. One of the teams were distributing at a square and they exercised boldness to walk up to the locals that they may see Christ. On one occasion, a lady when we said “Bible gratuite”, her face lit up and she exclaimed: “Bible!” We met with one young man who can manage some English. Using single nouns in French, we asked him to read a verse that we prepared including reading the footnotes. May the Lord go out with these Bibles to find home in many hearts. 

Tonight, for the Bible study, we received four new ones from the current gospel trip, one who was referred to us by a team from another location, and four solid ones from previous gospel trips. The sister who was just baptized yesterday was praying and enjoying the Word with the saints joyfully. She is also open to having a short Bible reading time with the saints online. 
We had a wonderful time reading John 3:1-13 regarding the matter of regeneration with three ones from OL 4. These ones felt very comfortable with us and was actively participating with questions and responses. One of them shared that the Bible study is really interesting, and he is now finally clear regarding the matter of baptism in water and in the Spirit. We went around asking everyone’s experience of receiving God into their lives. Hearing the personal stories from these ones, caused us to be filled with praises that the Lord is living, and He reaches many in His personal visitations. May the Lord continue to fill the Bible studies with much growth, that He may gain the materials for His own building.
There was a man who was very excited to see our table. He said just this morning his girlfriend suggested that he should go to the bookstore and find a Bible, then he ran into us. He had lost his mother two years ago.  He shared that his mother used to pray a lot, and how he misses her. So, we prayed with him, and he called upon the Lord’s name saying:” Oh Lord Jesus, help me!”. He left his contact information and went on his way looking very joyful.
Another young brother who had met another gospel team two weeks ago came to look for us for an English Recovery Version of the Bible. He shared that he listens to Watchman Nee’s messages often and would love to come to the Bible study the next day. He left the table also very happy and praising the Lord as he went on his way. 
Tonight, we had Bible study with a local saint’s friend.  He enjoyed singing with us and pray reading the verses.   At the end he called on Jesus’s name and was open and simple towards the Lord.
Today's highlight was an insightful presentation given by a brother. The brother shared how the churches throughout Europe have come together, sharing a common burden for advancing the Lord's work specifically in France. This shows the barriers between the churches in Europe are removed. There is a need to establish a proper testimony in France. There is the oneness of the churches in Europe towards France, I was touched by the brother's speaking that the real burden for this gospel trip is not about how many Bibles we distribute, how many new ones we have, or even how many churches are raised up. The real burden is the preparation of the Bride. It is about the Lord doing a special work in us today so that we could be ready for His return.
Two contacts came to the Lord's Table meeting this morning. One of which had already joined us during the week for a Bible Study. A brother gave an overview of the Morning Revival and the saints began prophesying. Then, these two contacts stood up during the Lord's Table meeting to share! This is the highlight of the day! May the Lord strengthen the local saints in their enjoyment of You, to be a shining testimony of Your Body in this city and grant them the wisdom to shepherd these ones and other seeking ones. Both new ones are so precious and may the Lord continue to preserve their hearts to continue to seek after Him and make them useful materials for God's building.
Today we met a woman. She asked us for a Bible. We showed her a verse from the Bible. Then a sister showed her the chapter on calling on the name of the Lord from the booklet 'Basic Elements of the Christian Life', BXL - 1. Not longer after, the woman started to weep. She said that she was a Christian. But after her mother died, she lost faith: She can’t understand why it happened. Then we shared Hebrew 4:15 with her that we have a High Priest who can be touched with the feeling of our weaknesses. We can just come to Him. Then we invited her to call upon the Lord’s name with us. We also invited her to come to our meeting and she left her contact information. We can feel that she was still eager to have a connection with the Lord. May the Lord comfort her, guard her heart continue to open to the Lord, and bring her back to the house of God.
We met a local man today cycling pass us, he stopped at the table and was happy to see us. He said that during his one and a half hours of cycling he was praying to God and then saw our table. A sister read some verses with him and he was open to join our Bible study. Praise the Lord for these seeking ones and responding to our prayers. 
We met a believer who lost her mother and was in great despair. She was asking us about where we meet on Lord's Day. At first, I thought maybe she just want to know who we are. But when I recall the situation today, I feel that she was like the sheep without the Shepherd in Matthew 9. She wants to seek for comfort by coming to listen to the Word of God. How she needs the Lord as the real Shepherd to heal her wounds and bring her back to the flock!
A mother and daughter from Peru approached us, the mother is here to see her son, and is considering moving here. She only speaks Spanish and when she saw that one of our sisters is Spanish speaking she was jumping up and down with joy, saying she’s been looking for a place to meet with saints and was praying about it, she wept in silence thanking the Lord. She’s in such happiness to find brothers and sisters in Versailles. She plans come to our harvest meeting tonight, may the Lord gain her and her family!

There was a young man whom the Lord had been doing a lot in his heart. He grew up in an atheist family.  He was an atheist, but he had friends who were believers and were always preaching the gospel to him and bringing him to church. He was eventually open to read the Bible and prayed to receive the Lord. When he met us, he requested us to baptize him. After a few days, he came to a saints’ house and was baptized with great joy. It was a time filled with the Lord’s glory and brotherly love!

In my travels to France over the past years, I have never seen or experienced the French people being so open and I realized through the sharing today, this is the testimony of nearly all of the saints who have had contact with the French speakers. I really had the sense, like the speaking brother shared today, that the Lord is doing a special work in France during this time, and we need to seize the opportunity. Going forward, we should all be deeply impressed that the Lord wants to have a breakthrough in France, therefore, we need to ask Him, Lord what do You want to do in France? We want to be a part of the preparing of the Bride, Lord, rekindle our love for You! Lord, we want to follow You!

A lady came to us asking for a Bible. We shared with her John 3:16. She then told us that her parents were Christians, and she prays at home, but she hasn't attended church in a long time. I asked if she had been baptized, and she said not yet. I told her we would pray for her baptism and asked if she would like to receive eternal life. She said yes. We then went through the MHL, and she prayed and called the name of Jesus to receive God. The lady left with a smile on her face. She touched the Lord!

My highlight for the Lord’s day was the prophesying of all the saints and the attendance of two new ones. The Lord has revealed that His purpose is for us to enter and possess the good land. To this end, the way is to eat His Word. The sharing from each one was very living and refreshing. In the end, one of the new ones also shared something related to his own experience. There was such a rich exhibition of Christ during the prophecy meeting!

In tonight’s Bible study meeting, the woman I invited yesterday came, and she was very open to all the saints and what was shared. She is from Cameroon and has lived in Paris for about a year. She is a seeker. We read John 4, and she shared that God knows us better than we know ourselves. God knows everything about us, so we just need to come and confess every situation to Him, and that is what God wants us to do. I was tearing up because the Lord nourished me through her sharing.

Today at the evening meeting a new one came who is very seeking, he was taking notes and asking questions all the time. We gave answers to two questions that are at the core of our Christian faith: The Divine Trinity and the difference between our spirit and the Spirit. After sharing a number of verses, he said that he had more light on these matters and was looking forward to living a life of being mingled with God, even though he felt that he is so short. We were so encouraged by his seeking heart.

I was very encouraged today by the newer gospel ones at the Bible Study. One asked about how to eat the Word of God and the group talked about praying the verses back to the Lord. In time, the Lord will also give us life experiences that we need to further digest the Word. Another one said that when he sees the saints, he is happy. He makes the effort to come to the Bible study because he finds happiness here. 

Today, we met two very open young men, one from Congo and the other from the UK. They were amazed that we came all the way from another country to Paris for ten days, not for anything else but to distribute Bibles to those seeking the truth. They were deeply encouraged and very appreciative of what we were doing. The man living in London even asked for our address there, as he hopes to stay in touch, so we provided him with the website for the church in London.  Thank the Lord that through distributing Bibles here, seekers from all over the world could meet this ministry. It showed me a picture of the verse in Acts "The Word of God grew, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly."

I enjoyed the gathering of all the Paris OL4 teams. The brothers' burden that for the Lord to gain France, the Lord needs to gain us first. The Lord wants us to rekindle our love for Him. To gain our first love, not just positionally but also as our top portion. Are we able to follow the Lord in our heart being ready to drop everything? We can pray to the Lord, "When you're walking like in John 21, let me see You and hear Your Voice. Please do a breakthrough in me and let me follow You."

I enjoyed the Bible study group sharing time on John 5 about how religion has ordinances, methods and ways that replaces God, Himself. A new one shared that religion couldn't help his grandmother, but Jesus was able to enliven her. I was touched that he had Jesus as such a practical pattern of living and the life supply to enliven us!

My highlight for yesterday was seeing nine new ones coming to our harvest meeting through our prayer and serving together in one accord. The atmosphere was sweet and all the new ones were well taken care of. Some of these ones who have come a number of times welcomed other new ones! The sharing on the two spirits was impressive.  One said that it is the first time for him to see that there is a difference between the two spirits and that this is helpful for his understanding the Bible. Another one texted me after the meeting and wanted to have more appointments with me in spite of his busy schedule. Blending and serving together with saints all over the world for His interest is very satisfying!
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  • 982 Bibles distributed
  • 52 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 246 personal contacts exchanged
  • 26 appointments with new contacts
  • 37 appointment with previous contact
  • 65 attendees came to gatherings
  • 3 was baptized

Prayer Burden
  1. Pray that the Lord may continue to preserve these new ones hearts, to continue to seek after Him and make them the useful materials for God's building.
  2. Pray that some saints and families would be burdened to migrate to France. For ones to have a feeling for the cities in France, that they would seize the opportunity to be part of the Lord's special move.
  3. Pray that the Lord would continue to be the bountiful Supplier that we may be the true shepherds caring for His sheep.
  4. Pray that the ones, retired or full-time, who have participated in the Torch Relay or Olympic Gospel Trips would have the echo of the Lord’s burden in their heart to come for one to three months to meet the urgent need for the continued shepherding of these dear new ones the Lord has put into our hand.
  5. Pray that all those who have applied to serve full-time in France would get their visas approved in a timely manner. By mid-October these ones will join with the Lord for His shepherding care for all the ones saved and baptized since the beginning of the Torch Relay Gospel Trips which began in May and continuing with the Olympic gospel trips which are currently going on.  
  6. Pray that there would be open hearts to hear and respond to the Lord's call to migrate.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at lordsmove.org/offerings.html. Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France