OL4 Olympic Games Gospel Trip (Part II)
20 - 29 August 2024 Bible Distributions
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Dieppe and Rouen
A woman who is doing carrier work was very open to talk with us and told us she knows God and reads the Bible.  She was asking what church we are and where do we meet? She was very happy to come back to meet us the same day in the evening at a cafe around our distribution location. Three sisters met her and had a nice time with her talking about the Lord, the Spirit, and hearing about her past experiences. She said she is so thankful to meet us. And she will come back to us next Tuesday when she is off from work and will attend the upcoming harvest meeting.
We set our table and banner outside a major shopping mall in the afternoon, there were many people coming and going especially since it’s the weekend. Two university students stopped.  One was very talkative and he told us that he is a Christian and that he has just arrived for school which starts in September. He is willing to come to the harvest meeting and gave his contact number so we can contact to him next week and to also arrange for an appointment to meet. The other university student with him received a Bible from us.
A young man who was sitting in a wheelchair stopped when two sisters greeted him in French, he took a Bible and an invitation to the harvest meeting, and he was open to talk and willingly left his contact information. A young mother with a baby was very open, one sister took care of the baby for her, and another sister talked with her. She received a Bible and an invitation. A couple of young ones were open and came to the table and talked with the French speaking sister, they had a long and nice conversation, then they received two Bibles and invitations. A man who is just retired was very open to talk when I greeted him. We also had an appointment with him the same day in the evening. 
A university student had a long conversation with us and she told us that she has been studying economics for 5 years. She is a Christian but does not go to any churches yet. She also gave her contact number to let us contact her next week to arrange a time to meet, she also will try to come to the harvest meeting. She even asked if she can join a WhatsApp group or meet with us regularly.
Today was another good day on the gospel. At the beginning there was a lot of people at the table and then it slowed down and so I stood with a sister a little way away from the table and started praying and then as we were praying around five people came and were talking to different saints. Then a sister and I had a feeling to go over by the metro stop and there we prayed for one contact that would want to meet up and have regular appointments. We then met a lady who was a believer, and we showed her the Bible and we asked if she wanted to keep in touch to meet up. She said she was only free on weekends like today. So, I said do you want to meet up now or a little later. She had an appointment but said she’d text us when she was done. So, the sister and I met with her and we read Chapter 1 of BXL-1, MHL together. It was a very enjoyable time. She had a lot of questions that she wanted answers for.  We prayed at the end and she thanked the Lord for bringing us on her path and she prayed that her faith would grow.
Two young ladies who asked for an English Bible on the first day came back to us to receive their English Bible today.

We met two young people that received Bibles from us and we got their contact information. One of the two young people worked in a local restaurant. The other young person worked in a busy hotel. A brother led this young person to read a prayer. He works a lot at a hotel but despite this, Wednesdays and Thursdays are available for him to come to a meeting.
We met a young person who was delighted to be approached. She could hardly believe that she could receive a free Bible. The language barrier made the conversation quite basic. Despite this her openness was evident.
Two women and one man who received Bibles as well as the MHL booklet, are planning to come to the meeting on the Lord’s Day. 
A visiting one from another city read a footnote from John 3:16 having enjoyed the verse. He took a Bible, a MHL booklet, and wanted to meet today. I am hoping he can be connected to the local saints.
Three Bibles were given out to three young people. The language barrier restricted our conversation. Despite this they were excited to receive the Recovery Version Bible (they had never seen a Bible). They took a Bibles for Europe card and were told about available ministry to get help.
A woman came and began to debate with us. But, over time she began to soften. Eventually she gave her life to the Lord Jesus, led in prayer by a local brother. May the Faithful One infuse us with His dynamic energy to remain faithful as He is.
A man from Paris received a MHL booklet. He came to the table and met a local brother who explained more in French and will link him to the saints in Paris where he lives. Having read John 3:16 with me he further enjoyed the footnote. We exchanged personal contact information. I have invited him to join us tomorrow.
A young sister came to the Lord’s Day meeting to join one of the serving sisters. She enjoyed the meeting very much. Her plan is to come again. The sister’s number was passed on to maintain the relationship. Our contact with her will be maintained through Google translate. So encouraging particularly as she enjoyed the singing!  
One of the burdens on this trip was to blend with the local saints. One of the sisters on the trip had the opportunity to spend the night at a local sister's house to spend more time with her teenage daughter. It was a sweet time of fellowship not only with the young sister, but also with her mum. Praise the Lord for a sweet time of building with the local saints. May He cause them to remain in our hearts and prayers for His going on in Europe. 
Each day we were served food physically and spiritually by the serving saints who were smiling, positive and diligent to keep the oneness. We became built together as a cohesive unit to the extent that the serving saints will forever be on our hearts. Multiple local saints consistently joined us during our times of reading, coordination, fellowship, prayer, and outreach. After one of the gospel times a local brother took us to a local restaurant that he used to work in as a young man; we enjoyed a sweet fellowship time together. We thoroughly enjoyed blending with the local saints. This trip greatly refreshed our view of the Lord’s move. One brother said that the trip changed his life regarding his view concerning the Lord’s move.  We ended the gospel trip with a harvest meeting where we met more of the local saints and their gospel friends in a pleasant atmosphere of mutuality.
Rouen and Dieppe Statistics
  • 183 Bibles distributed
  • 10 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 25 personal contacts exchanged
  • 4 appointments with new contacts
  • 5 appointment with previous contact
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Today we met a young student.  We shared the diagram in the MHL to explain how the Lord passed through a process and became the Life Giving Spirit so that He can be in us. We followed our sharing by the prayer in MHL and calling on His name. After he called on the name of the Lord his face was full of joy. After his lunch he came back again and wanted to say goodbye. He was a very sweet fresh student.
We met with a young man. What a story of Christ’s salvation! His story was so encouraging to us. He takes a verse every morning and it sets the whole day for him. He said that so often the verse is a perfect match for his daily situation. We read Chapter 4 from Basic Elements of the Christian Life Volume 1, BXL -1, “Calling on the Lord”. He let it soak into his being and said he would put what he heard into practice. We decided to meet early next week. He is a chef so we will meet in his restaurant. Hallelujah!
I feel my highlight was our dinner together with the new ones. They were so happy and peaceful and open to us. They lingered and didn't want to leave and after we left the restaurant we talked even more outside the restaurant. We walked with a couple of them to the train station and said good-bye. I feel they will all continue with us. Their hearts are very warm. Thank You Lord for these precious hungry ones!

I thank the Lord that we had eight new ones who came to enjoy singing and a message on “Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life” this afternoon. Two of them attended the harvest meeting for their third time, and for one of them it was their second time. These three are ones that we met on this gospel trip.
It was a wonderful friendly sweet afternoon with new ones. There was no awkwardness, and they were willing to share in our group that God is Life!  They talked away as if they had known us for a long time.  One said although he was a Christian, he never realized that in John 6:57, “He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me”, referred to Christ as the Tree of Life and that we each are a Garden of Eden.   We are given a choice every day to take Christ as the Tree of Life.
A new one said she was a Christian and read the Bible, but did not realize that God‘s Word is Spirit and we must take the Word in by our spirit to receive life. We showed her how to call on the Lord and pray God‘s Word back to Him as the way to eat Him. She called on the Lord’s name with us and was so relaxed and happy she gave us all a big hug. Lord, we expect to see her again!

We met a young brother who was very warm and open. He thanked us and thought it was very noble that we were giving out free Bibles. He initially did not want one for himself because he wanted to pay for it and did not want to take it away from someone who really needed it. Later, we shared with him a Bibles for Europe article about the Bible as our food. He really enjoyed the article, and we invited him to come to our Lord’s day afternoon Christian fellowship to hear more, and he came!!! We did not know it at the time, but the message was on taking the way of enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life and that God put us in front of that tree so that we would take in Christ as our food. We are so glad that he got to hear that, despite man’s fall, God came as a man as the Tree of Life that we would eat Him and take God as our source. Hallelujah, God has just one speaking! This young brother enjoyed the meeting so much that he joined us for dinner afterwards.  He was very happy that he had come today and was very encouraged by the fellowship.
We met a sister who loved the Word of God and was so happy to have an appointment to connect with us again the next day. She was raised in religion and was saved when an international group came to her country and preached the gospel. She endured a lot of persecution from her family when they heard her praying and reading the Word of God. She even changed her name after reading the story of Dorcas in the Bible. She would sneak away to be with other believers to pray and read the Word. She moved to Europe 22 years ago.  When she saw us in the square handing out Bibles for free and found out that we had come from all parts of the world she was amazed and had to come forward to get a Bible. We shared with her about the two trees in the Garden of Eden and how the Lord came as the Tree of Life to us. She so enjoyed the fellowship, and she immediately agreed to meet with us again, and she would love to sing with us the Word of God!

We had an appointment with a sister. We talked for a while to find out about her situation and then we prayed for her and her family of four children. We went through the first chapter in the Basic Elements of the Christian Life, BXL-1, MHL I believe she is a genuine believer. 

We had an appointment with a young woman who is a freshman in law school. We shared with her the footnotes of John 3:16 and John 10:10-11. She really appreciated the footnotes. She agrees on having another appointment with the sisters.

We had a sweet appointment with a sister. We shared our testimonies about the Lord and read Chapter 1 in BXL – 1, MHL. She appreciated how it made the gospel so clear and was checking all the verse references in her Bible. She would love to meet again with us.
We had a sweet 2nd appointment with a new one. We finished reading BXL – 2 with her.  She had such a positive response on the lesson on “The Aspect of Assurance and Joy of Salvation”. Afterwards we prayed for her family and the start of her academic year. She shared a personal experience of how the Lord provided the funds for her school year. She will try to come to the Lords Day meeting and a sister plans to follow up with her and get an appointment with her next week. Lord, keep drawing this one to your economy.
Our time with a new one and her friend at a saints house yesterday was very sweet. We were in BXL -2. They both enjoyed this time very much. We talked about how we need to strike our spirit when we read the Word. Then not only do we get enlightened, but we also get the very life of God from the Word. They pray-read with us and called on the name of the Lord. They are so open and really entered into the enjoyment with us. They were amazed at how far we had come to have that fellowship time with them. Lord, keep them coming, keep them hungry and open. Amen!
Lille Statistics
  • 991 Bibles distributed
  • 44 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 97 personal contacts exchanged
  • 19 appointments with new contacts
  • 20 appointment with previous contact
  • 8 attendees came to gatherings
  • 3 was baptized
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Mertzig (Luxembourg) 
We met a young mother who appeared curious about our Bible distribution. She was willing to watch the MHL video together with us and in response she wept and said, “Jesus answered my prayers tonight.” We built a connection with her. She thought she needed to go home and check on her baby who was with the nanny. However, on her way back to her home, her nanny called and said that she could stay outside longer for a break. Within an half an hour she came back and told us, “It was God’s leading.” She opened and explained how she had moved to Luxembourg from a different country. In her physical move, she also decided to leave Catholicism. The current church she infrequently attends had felt off to her, so yesterday she prayed because she was sad and really needed God. She testified that meeting us was a response to her prayers. We will meet with her over dinner tomorrow.
While a mother with two boys seemed in a hurry, her son pulled her hand in our direction. We asked if her son liked to read the Bible, and she replied that he's always asking her questions about the Bible and God. We then asked her son if he had received the Lord Jesus, and he said no. We asked if he wanted to receive the Lord Jesus now, and he firmly said "yes." After his mom agreed, we began to pray together with the older son. Halfway through the prayer, the younger brother began to pray with us, and to our joy, the mother immediately joined in. She wept many tears of thanks at the end of the prayer. We invited them to the seminar on Tuesday night. Lord, gain this household for Yourself!
A few days ago, as we were getting ready to leave the Bible distribution area, we met a kind municipal agent. During our first conversation, we asked him if he believed in God, and he replied, “No, God is not kind to me.” After we left, we felt strongly to pray for the healing and softening of his heart. Today, the agent came by again to say hello and was open to the saints. We shared the MHL and showed him the Word with footnotes. He received it warmly and listened attentively. However, whenever we offered him a Bible, he politely declined and made a joke. We believe he used humor to mask his suffering and insecurities. At the end of our conversation, the agent asked if we would be at the same place tomorrow because he would like to stop by and visit us again. We believe this desire to engage with us reveals his attraction to the gospel and to a community of believers!
A few of us from the team were invited by a bus driver in a passing mini car-bus to take a ride down the street. As we were singing with the Lord, an elderly man came onto the bus. He immediately showed an interest in playing our guitar and joining us in singing. We shared the MHL with him and prayed for him to receive the Lord. He wept tears in knowing that the Lord had not forsaken him despite difficult circumstances. A few minutes later, an elderly woman entered the bus. She came in the middle of our preaching the gospel to the bus driver. Upon learning that we were fellow believers of the Lord, she immediately joined in with us! The next 15 minutes can only be described as a dynamic testimony of her salvation living in darkness and being transferred into the kingdom of the Son of His love! She shared how she received a Bible from her co-worker. He shared with her that this is not a religion but building a relationship with a Person! At one point in her search through the Word, she received a divine revelation that the Lord Jesus was her Savior. In response, she told the Lord, "Reveal Yourself more to me!" We can testify that her speaking touched not only the bus driver but also shepherded us and the elderly man. Our experience of the Lord on that bus ride was a genuine experience of entering into the reality of Ephesians 5:19 - "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord." We invited them all to the seminar that evening.
Thank the Lord for the blended labor and shepherding of the Body. Many who met the saints from previous gospel trips attended the seminar as well as several of the ones we met today. The woman from the bus was pleasantly surprised to see the man from the bus attend the seminar as well. During our small group discussion, we found out that she had crossed paths with a local saint years ago at a ministry meeting. One of the local sisters also remembered her. The Lord is so sovereign in choosing and drawing His loving seekers together. After further fellowship about Mark 16:16 and much prayer, the man from the bus was baptized at a local saint's home. What a victorious Christ we have!
Mertzig Statistics
  • 246 Bibles distributed
  • 14 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 32 personal contacts exchanged
  • 5 appointments with new contacts
  • 4 appointment with previous contact
  • 10 attendees came to gatherings
  • 1 was baptized
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Prayer Burdens
  1. Pray that the Lord will send more families and shepherds to meet the need here in Lille as there are many new contacts but in need of shepherds. Pray that the burden for short term migration from the saints in Europe to take care of the new ones while waiting for families to migrate to Lille. Pray that the Lord strengthen and supply with sufficient grace for the families in Lille to continue in their shepherding.
  2. Pray for those who said they would come to the harvest meeting, That the Lord would continue to work in their heart and bring them back to the Father’s house!
  3. Cover the preaching of the gospel and gain many households for your testimony in Luxembourg!
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at lordsmove.org/offerings.html. Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France