OL5 Olympic Games Gospel Trip (Part I)
31 August - 9 September 2024 Bible Distributions
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As we finish the last of our gospel trips which began in May and ended in mid-September, we are full of praise and thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ, Who prepared the French-speaking people to receive the seed of the gospel of the kingdom. We believe that in a number of places they will become God's farm, God’s building.
 The Lord has done more than we could ask or think. How we praise Him! In the places where we have labored continuously for 50 days, the Lord has gathered a small group of new believers who have entered into the church life with us. It is our real hope that these ones will be the increase to existing churches or the nucleus of new churches. We have seen the benefit in these places of practicing the day by day and house to house church life. The local saints along with the visiting saints rejoiced at being together outside of a formal church life. Everyone participating acquired a taste to have a church life as our living instead simply having scheduled meetings. The God - ordained way has been practiced, not as a work to gain ones, but as a normal living carried out in the Body of Christ. Now our eyes are turned to the urgent need before us. There must be a way to care for the ones we have contacted during our gospel trips. Of course, the Lord will thrust out workers through migration and there will be a full-time team based in Paris but neither of these fill the urgent need we have right now. In fellowshipping with several teams it came up that some really desire to come back quickly, and spend one to three months where they had labored during their OL gospel trip so that there would be a continual presence in that place. We felt that this was the Lord’s speaking on how the urgent need could be met. Among the co-workers in Europe, we began to fellowship how retired ones and those serving full-time might be able to quickly return so that the shepherding of these new ones could continue seamlessly.  A letter concerning this has been out to those who participated in certain TR and OL gospel trips.

Paris Region
The owner of a restaurant next to our distribution table saw our sign and came to get two Bibles, one for himself and another one for his wife. He was very glad to see people distributing Bibles and offered us some free food from his restaurant. I went to the restaurant to have some further fellowship with him and found out that it was a family business. The owner has a younger brother who worked at the counter. He also received a Bible. I showed him John 10:10-11 and the three types of life in Greek. He is about to start university this month and is interested in knowing more about the Bible.
Today is the first day of our preaching. Although there are language limitations, I experienced the desperateness of the Lord to gain people for Himself. Today, A young person came over to us from the crowd of people who just got off the bus, she is a non-believer. I brought her to a French speaking sister and we led her to read MHL. In the end she prayed to receive the Lord. She said she felt free and peace after reading and praying. She would also like to join us for a Bible study. 
Today we met a 3rd year French student during the Bible distribution at Jussieu. He didn’t speak much English, but he was open and happy to receive a Bible. He was on his way to campus, but once we began talking, he wasn’t in a hurry to leave us. He spoke with the brother for about 15 minutes. He said his parents were catholic, and his mom really enjoyed reading the Bible. He was eager to show his mom the Bible. The brother showed him the footnotes and encouraged him to read the Bible. He asked him if he wanted to get together to read the Bible sometime and he said yes! We received his contact information and invited him to the gathering on Friday night. He was very open to meet again.  
Today was the Lord’s Day. Two new ones from a previous gospel trip came to the Lord’s Day meeting, and we had two appointments with ones from a previous gospel trip in the afternoon.
In OL3 the saints met a young French girl who received the Lord. She came to the meeting that very night and has been coming to be with us every day. During this trip, OL5, she has been helping out in the kitchen and she came  twice with the team this week to hand out Bibles. She is quite shy but enjoys being with the local saints. The saints have been sharing with her about baptism, and she decided to get baptized on Monday. As the team was praying and fellowshipping with her about baptism we wondered if she could get baptized on Sunday night.  Then we said why not tonight? This was Wednesday, 9/4. As we were considering this she walked into the room where we were meeting, and they asked her if she wanted to get baptized before Sunday.  She asked when, and the sister said maybe tonight, or what about right now? It was just before dinner, and she said “okay”!  The whole team and the local saints gathered in the bathroom where the bathtub was and began singing and praising the Lord. It was so awesome! Two of the brothers from OL5 who had just met her baptized her into the Triune God! 

Wednesday night after the baptism and dinner we had a gathering with some new ones we had met. The young sister who was just baptized was also there. We had a wonderful time of singing and then three new sisters shared their stories of how they got here and how the Lord had been moving in their lives. 
*Note:  Since universities are starting their academic terms, Bible distributions were
set up in public areas close to campuses since it is illegal to distribute on campus grounds in France.
The lady we had just met told us how the Lord had been moving in her to meet with some Christian believers. The day we met, she was coming up out of the metro at Jussieu and there were two sisters on our the team offering her a Bible. She couldn’t believe it and she said okay! They asked her if she wanted to get together to read the Bible, and she said okay! They met with her that day and had a very good time talking about the Bible. They invited her to dinner that night and she shared her story. She had dinner with us and you could tell during the singing that she was touched. She shared she had never had such joy and fulfillment. She came again for dinner the next night, also!
Our appointment was with one we met from the previous day. She was a first-year student at Sorbonne University and a fellow believer in Christ. We met her at a cafe across the Jussieu university campus. The first thing we were struck by was that she prayed by herself before she took a bite of her meal or a sip of her drink.  During our conversation, she mentioned that she had been praying for three years to meet fellow believers as she felt alone.  A day before she met us, she prayed to meet believers who could speak English and were from other countries. As she shared, she cried because she was overwhelmed by her feelings of joy and surprise that her prayers were answered. She said she was flabbergasted, having met us.
A young Jewish student approached us to get a Bible. With his Jewish background, he knows Old Testament very well. He was open and wanted to know more about the New Testament. We shared with him John 10:10 and Mystery of Human Life, MHL. He prayed, sang and called on the name of the Lord together with us. He was also willing to meet and bring his friends to meet with us to receive Bibles.
Today we met a young student from a Paris University. He started asking where the sister
was from and if she knew anyone in Paris. He himself was from Lyon and was happy to talk with her because he felt people were not friendly in Paris, while everybody was easy to talk to in Lyon. When she asked if he wanted a Bible, he took it and said, “Why not?”
Later today, we felt it was best to head to a different nearby station - La Croix de Berny, to redeem the last hour of our Bible distribution. We passed out 22 bibles in around 30 minutes, including one Portuguese and one Spanish Bible. When the local saints learned of our location, two came almost immediately to join us and help us with translation. We were very grateful for their service and enjoyed being together with them. One of the Bible recipients enjoyed seeing Christ’s genealogy in Matthew.  She had never seen anything like that before. Five new ones from previous gospel trips came to join our dinner and Bible study that night. We read through John 4 about the thirsty woman at the well and the Lord coming personally to touch her conscience, lead her to confess, and open up to take a drink of living water.

A young person came up to the table and we read the MHL with her. She prayed on the spot to receive the Lord, and said she feels free after she prayed! Hallelujah!

A young man who is a Christian was with his teenage sister approached us; they both received a Bible.   He was very impressed with the footnotes in the Bible. He brought his mother out to meet us. They are open to meeting with us. 

We as a team were very impressed with the number of teenagers who were interested in receiving the Bible and the Lord. May the Lord gain what He is after in the young people in Paris.
A young Christian student read John 10:10-11 and then read the entire footnote for verse 11. She was grinning from ear to ear. 
One student said, "I know you from Massy.” He had received a Bible from us at Massy. We got his contact information, and he’s going to come to our dinner on Saturday. Students are very precious!
A young person passed by me while he was going to the grocery store. When he passed by me the first time, he didn’t get a Bible. But when he came out of the store, he decided to get a Bible. I asked him if I can show him the MHL video. He watched the video and when it was over, he didn't want to leave. He asked if he can get it from YouTube, and found out it wasn't available on the internet, and said it was a shame.

My highlight for today is to meet a freshman from the university. When he said that he has never read the Bible and was still lingering to listen, I realized that he needed the gospel. I shared MHL with him. He was very attentive and eventually prayed with me the prayer at the 5th key. And in the end he told me that he wanted to buy or find a Bible from the library, but never succeeded in finding one. I was very much impressed by his seeking heart

Today I got a 3rd year college student interested in the Recovery Version study Bible. When I approached him initially, he said he was a Christian and already had a Bible.  After I showed him how helpful and enlightening the footnotes can be, he gladly took a French study Bible with him to school.

I met a graduate student who was impressed by the footnote in John 3:16 on the word “believes”. She received light from realizing what it meant to believe “into” God. She gladly accepted a Bible. I am in contact with her. May the Lord cause her heart to be soft and open.

I was really touched by the seeking heart of one from a previous OL gospel trip. Even in a difficult situation of having to take care of a whole family by himself, he paused his work to come to the gathering meetings. What an encouragement!

Today I met a freshman law student. She was very open to speak to me about the Bible. We read John 3:16 and footnote 3. She was also open to come to a Bible study and we exchanged contact information. May the Lord continue to draw this new one to our meeting.

A student who is getting his masters came to our home meeting. He enjoyed both the physical and spiritual food. He said he has not had home cooked meals for so long. He also said from our reading of the Bible and fellowship he is much clearer about the rhema word and logo word. He said he will come again tomorrow night. Praise the Lord! 
 A young man came asking me how to answer some questions for his Muslim friend so that he could preach the gospel to him. We went through verses both in the Old Testament (Gen.1:26, Isa. 9:6, Mic. 5:1) and New Testament (Matt. 28:19, John 1.1, 14) to see the Divine Trinity and Divinity of Christ. He was very satisfied.  He took a Bible with him and left his number for further contact. 
I was very encouraged by the young man who came to the meeting today. Seeing his expression as he received light from the Word and from the saints' speaking greatly increased my burden to preach the gospel especially to students. 
Today we hosted one young man at our place for dinner along with several of the local saints. We sang “I am the Living Bread”, in both French and English. We later read half of John 6, including vs 48, that Jesus is the bread of life. This young man appreciated the footnotes, and said he felt he could better understand the Bible with the help of the study tools in the Recovery Version. 

Two out of three ones that I contacted today responded to my WhatsApp text. May the Lord continue to soften their hearts and cause them to be willing to come for further times together. 
Tonight, a student we met earlier came to our Bible study. Before she left, we asked if she wanted to come again, and she nodded an enthusiastic “yes”! Most of the time I had no idea what she was saying (she spoke French), but I felt so joyful that we shared a physical and spiritual meal with her.
During the distribution today outside the train station, a young man walked up to me. He had arrived from Congo a week ago to study at the university, and he said to me that he forgot his Bible at home! He received a Bible from us and got some guidance on how to use the study tools, as well as some information on how to contact some saints in Nanterre. Praise God this man was brought to us and may he take a step towards the Lord in fellowship. 
After we split our group meeting into smaller groups, the attendance became higher (one evening we had 8 new ones!).  The fellowship became more mutual where everyone could ask questions and give answers. We learn from one another and atmosphere was in the Lord’s presence. I believe that everyone enjoyed the fellowship.  All the new ones said when they will come again next time. The Lord is spreading in Nanterre! 
There were 3 students and 2 young working ones who joined the Bible study this evening, and we read John chapter 7. Those who are from Christian families shared that they experienced vanity and thirst in the past when they were away from the Lord. But now they can say that the Lord has called them back and is giving them the living water. 
One of my gospel friends came to the meeting tonight. She grew up Catholic and church hopped after moving to France, but she couldn’t find a genuine group of believers. She started to read the Bible recently and she is thirsty for the truth. I am encouraged by her.
We met a student at the train station, she was very open and later came to our place for dinner and the Bible study. We read the second half of John 6 together, and she liked the truth of Jesus being our real food and drink. She also enjoyed singing hymns. Eventually, she prayed with us and said that she will come again tomorrow. 
We read John 7 together tonight. I was thrilled to see every one of us open our mouths to supply each other. Praise the Lord for sending the new ones to come fellowship with us tonight! My highlight for today was that a new one continues to come to the meetings and is full of enjoyment.  I really enjoyed how we distribute the Bibles during the day to gain new ones and then have the new ones dine with us in the evening.  
In the Bible study today, we had 2 gospel friends and 1 new one joining us. We read John chapter 9 which is about the need of the blind in religion. One of them enjoyed John 9:39 “those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind”. He shared that because the blind believed the Lord so he could see eventually, whereas the Jews became spiritually blind because of their unbelief. He concluded that he also read the Bible before meeting with us, but he didn’t understand much back then. Now, he really enjoys and can apprehend the meaning of the verses. 
There was a university student who lingered near where we distributed Bibles as if waiting for something. Therefore, I responded by approaching him and chatting with him for a while to break the ice. Then I let him read John 10:10-11 and the footnotes after informing him that I do not read French. His eyes opened wide after I showed him the footnotes. This raised his interest in the French Bible, and he happily took it home. Praise the Lord!
 We had much fellowship with one of the sisters who got baptized in February this year. She shared all her hardships to us. And after reading John 8. She realized she received the light of life and is not in the darkness anymore.
We had a Bible study at a home with one who has been meeting with us for 2-3 weeks.  We were on John Chapter 9. He shared that the Pharisees were so stuck to the law and ordinances that they were the ones who were blind and that the blind man did not sin but obeyed God’s word and could eventually see. He also said that before he met us, he couldn’t understand the Bible. Now after meeting us, he is starting to understand the Bible.
We tabled at the train station outside of Nanterre University. We are very impressed that there are many students who are wide open. We had some significant conversations with most of them. I really enjoyed the oneness of our coordination, although I am lacking in the language, the saints who can speak French joined the conversation together whenever someone stopped by, and others prayed for them.
Pray for our contact with students from the universities around Paris. Pray that the seed of the gospel would find the good earth in their hearts. Pray for the shepherding of the new ones and gospel friends

  • 295 Bibles distributed
  • 27 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 179 personal contacts exchanged
  • 8 appointments with new contacts
  • 14 appointment with previous contact
  • 60 attendees came to gatherings
  • 2 was baptized

Dieppe and Rouen
A sister and I met a young lady who was open to receive the Bible. She mentioned she was searching to know about Jesus. She is open for fellowship, and we have an appointment with her tomorrow. A sister and I met a lady with her son. They are genuine believers and were very open. We used Google translate to communicate and they were happy to receive the Bible and learn that there are study footnotes.

A brother and I had appointments with two young men tonight. Each received a Bible, and they scanned the green QR code, and are willing to read Bible with someone.   So, I connected them with a French speaking brother. They exchanged information. Pray that they both will be open for further contact.
A freshman came to ask for a French and an English Bible (her major is English). She said that she was born in a Christian family. However, she does not feel that she knows the Lord. During covid, she picked up the Bible and read it, and she loved it. She has been reading the Bible ever since. I showed her how to use the footnotes from John 10:10 and John 10:11. She sang with us and we called on the Lord together to enjoy Him as the living bread to us. She went on the same metro as we did. She said that she was very nervous about starting university. I sent her through WhatsApp two verses Phil 4:6 and Phil 4:7. She replied "Amen! Thank you so much! It went well!" Pray that the 2nd appointment with her will be confirmed soon.

Two new ones came and told us that they are refugees from Sri Lanka and waiting to get visas. They both requested to have Bibles, and one of them exchanged contact information. He told me that they are helpless right now and that the only help that they can get now is from God. He replied to me tonight that he is open to having further contact, and we made an appointment to meet tomorrow.
There were multiple times where people walked past us and didn't take a Bible, but after a few seconds they would turn around asking for a Bible and would talk with us. Several were excited to see they could get a free Bible and were very open to try to come to the gathering meeting.
We read John 3:16 and a footnote with two young women. One smiled after reading the footnote and signed up for the Bibles for Europe, BFE, emails. She said she will come to our gathering.

A graduate student came to request an English Bible and a French Bible. He read the footnote from John 3:16 and said that this Bible is good. He left his contact info. He said that he would like to come to the harvest meeting. 
A young man (who spoke limited French and limited English) was interested in a Bible. He finishes work late on Saturday but will come to the harvest meeting.  
A young woman lit up when she saw us and approached the table. She is not a practicing Christian and wanted to receive a Bible. Her friend also received a Bible. They said they would come to our gathering.

One young man who is a cook at a school readily stopped when we asked him if he wanted a free Study Bible. He without reluctance scanned both QR codes and set up an appointment to meet with us tomorrow. Lord Jesus bring him for your purpose' sake!

I met a young working man, who requested a French Bible, he speaks a little English. Because he was asking for a meeting in Paris, I eventually understood that he said he works in Rouen, but lives in Paris. Fortunately, one of the sisters has the Paris meeting information, he took a picture of the meeting place information and left. I pray our Lord will guide him to the meeting in Paris on the Lord’s Day.

A group of 3 friends came by and then, one of them stopped to receive a Bible. Her phone died when trying to scan the BFE code. So, she borrowed her friend’s phone, to scan the code, and then signed up before they all walked away. Her friend also received a Bible from another saint further down the walkway.
One young woman received a Bible and spent time to let us to introduce her on how to use the Bible, and we also shared the MHL with her. She scanned the blue card QR code.
A woman stopped when we mentioned the Bible and came over to the table with us for us to show her the Bible and the footnotes.  She did exchange names and phone numbers with us, and we gave her an invitation to the Harvest meeting.

We spoke to one young woman from Rouen and her flesh sister who was visiting her. The young woman wanted a Bible and scanned the QR codes for Bibles for Europe, BFE, and for the WhatsApp channel and said she would try to come to the Harvest meeting. She also agreed to meet with us tomorrow to read the Bible. 
We met a woman who came by herself to the table and asked for all the information she could have and even started helping us to help spread the gospel to people. She is willing to come to the dinner in Rouen if she is available. She also gave us her contact information.
We met a woman with a Catholic background who came to the table and was so full of joy seeing young people involved in the sharing of the Gospel, she gave us her contact information and is willing to come to the dinner if she is available. 
We met a young man, originally from the Middle East, who is studying IT in the university in Rouen. He started reading the Bible 3 years ago, but not in a consistent way. He wants to know more and gave us his contact information.
A university student came to receive a Bible. She mentioned that earlier this morning she wanted to start reading the Bible again and was very joyful to see us giving out Bibles! She testified that although there were many times she wanted to give up, she always had hope in the Lord. We got her contact information and said she wanted to pray together. She also called on the Lord with us. 
A college student came with his girlfriend and requested a French Bible. He said that he reads the Bible by himself. He scanned the blue QR code and received the invitation. He said that he will contact a brother to read the Bible once he knows his schedule. It sounds like he is looking for a church. He also called on the name of the Lord with us.
The man who is a cook at a school whom we met earlier came to our scheduled appointment on Thursday. We went over the MHL with him, and he prayed to receive the Lord, and we called on the Lord with him. He shared his testimony with us. We showed him the other chapters in the BXL.  We set up an appointment to read with him weekly. We invited him next door to the Anchor house for dinner and he came with us. Some of us had fellowship with him over dinner and answer the question he had about speaking in tongues. We showed him first Corinthians 14:19 and he said that helped him to understand. He thanked us very much for everything and we all called on the Lord with him before he left. He says he will come to the Harvest dinner tomorrow night.
We had some great conversations today with ones at the table. We met two young men; one was a Christian and the other was not. After sharing some verses from the Word with them, the one that was not a Christian prayed and received the Lord! 
We met other young people that seemed dissatisfied and empty and ready to hear about the meaning of their human life. They said they will come to the Harvest meeting or would like further contact. A couple of the people we met said they’re looking for a church and we let them know about the meetings of the church in Dieppe.
We were very encouraged by the openness of the young people. We met three young people that were very eager to get a free Bible. When we found out they were under 16 years old, we told them that we needed their parents’ permission in order to give them the free Bible. Immediately they called their parents to get permission and eventually they were very happy to receive their Bibles. 

We also met a few new ones from previous gospel trips that were happy to see us and wanted to meet up soon for coffee and fellowship. 
We met a young man and woman that are in nursing school in Dieppe they stayed to talk to members of our team for a while. They were very open and wanted to meet with us again.
We shared with several people at the table today and had some good conversations. One of the highlights was a middle-aged lady who prayed to receive the Lord. She had tears in her eyes afterwards and she was really thankful for the Bible. She lives in Dieppe and is open to more contact.
In the afternoon a few of us had an appointment with a couple we met this past week. We felt they were attracted to the truth that we presented and would like to meet again.
Today, our team was invited over for lunch to a couple’s home here in Dieppe. We enjoyed being together and blending with them. In the evening, we went to the Harvest meeting in Rouen and joined the team there. Seven new ones came to the meeting, and we had an enjoyable time of singing and fellowship.
Pray for the ones who could come and stay in Rouen for 1-3 months for the raising up the church life there. Pray for those who would migrate to Dieppe for the strengthening of the church life.
  • 205 Bibles distributed
  • 9 prayed to receive the Lord
  • 27 personal contacts exchanged
  • 3 appointments with new contacts
  • 3 appointment with previous contact

Prayer Burden
Pray that the ones, retired or full-time, who have participated in the Torch Relay or Olympic Gospel Trips would have the echo of the Lord’s burden in their heart to come for one to three months to meet the urgent need for the continued shepherding of these dear new ones the Lord has put into our hand.
Pray that all those who have applied to serve full-time in France would get their visas approved in a timely manner. By mid-October these ones will join with the Lord for His shepherding care for all the ones saved and baptized since the beginning of the Torch Relay Gospel Trips which began in May and continued with the Olympic gospel trips which have just been completed.
Pray that there would be open hearts to hear and respond to the Lord’s call to migrate.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at lordsmove.org/offerings.html. Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.”
Archived Reports
Read all the past gospel reports here.
268 bd Gambetta
Tourcoing, 59200, France