My mother had a cute slip of the tongue, which she said that I could share:
She said “transistor people” when she meant “transgender people.”
But Mom was sort of right because transgender people, and all people, are like transistor radios: we emit energy and receive signals on our wavelength.
Whether you believe that or what I say next this is your choice, but I've come to learn the following:
Life will handle HOW to make things happen.
Our job is clarifying WHAT we want to happen and following the signals to materialize our visions or something better than we can imagine.
But here's where the rubber meets the road:
We can't pick up good signals if we're tuned into the blues or Blame FM.
The air is thick with political rhetoric in the States of America.
And whether your preferred person will be our next president or not, the message to us is the same:
The “others” are a threat to our existence!
Resist or else!
If we wanted jazz on the radio, would we tune into a rock station and resist it?
Not if we're in our right minds.
We’d find the right frequency—energy—and let the music happen.
And that's the way to enjoy Blue Skies in our country.
Life is always sending signals to help us bring our visions to life, but we can’t detect them when we're tuned into messages crafted to stoke fear.
The signals—great ideas, curiosity, inspiration, intuition, inner knowing, synchronicities—that lead us to our desires transmit better the more we tune into good-feeling emotions, especially joy, appreciation or love.
Emotions = energy in motion.
And because We The People are transistor people, the energy we put into motion, or emit, matches what we get back, whether music or static.
Abraham Lincoln said, …
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Sharpening the axe is a metaphor for getting into the right, or better, position before taking action on a mission.
Unless your mission is to create unrest, don't bite the bait and fight in fear.
Wait, then deliberately create.
Use any unrest you feel as a springboard to preferred realities:
Be still and ask yourself what you feel scared or unsettled about. Once you have some answers, say, “If I feel unsettled about [X], what is that telling me I truly want?”
By “truly” I mean what your true self or soul—your most loving, infinitely creative and unafraid self—wants.
If you choose to do this exercise, be aware that your scared part might answer quicker and louder, so ask yourself what you TRULY want multiple times.
The way you can tell if the answers are coming from your scared or true self is how they feel: scared answers might feel tight in your chest or gut, while true answers feel like relief, an easier time breathing, expansive or even exciting.
But feeling a sense of relief is good enough to take a baby step forward.
The more we act on our curiosity or hazy ideas, the clearer we get.
The clearer we get, better we feel. And the better we feel, the more we can detect the support that life sends us to live lives of our own making, not ones shaped by those who benefit from our disempowerment.