Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky |
The Magic of Language and Communicating Truth Vlog with Daniel Giamario, Mary Kern and Marianna Voulgaris |
Inspired by Mercury’s Retrograde in Sagittarius and Venus’ Throat Chakra portal, Daniel, Mary and Marianna explore the magic of language and communication. The most unique contribution of Sagittarius is revealed. They look at the current metamorphic phase of the Mercury synodic cycle, within the context of the past and future Mercury overstories. How do different Mercury placements relate to perception, cognition, and communication about reality? They also shine a light on the significance of the relevant 23Sagittarius and 7Sagittarius degrees. The most important inquiry is: “What is Truth anyway?” |
Gemini Full Moon The Path Leads Within, by Silvianne K. Delmars |
"This Sunday’s Full Moon in Gemini is pregnant with possibility, beckoning us to a radical expansion of consciousness – a reorganization of perspective that starts by turning our focus inward, delving deeply into the hidden chambers of our own hearts. Whether we hike out into nature under the rays of this potent Full Moon, or simply sit quietly in front of a candle that invokes its light, it offers us a tremendous opportunity to enter the portal of the magical realm within and return with new inspiration for the unpredictable, arduous journey of unprecedented transformation that awaits us in the coming year." Silvianne K. Delmars |
A Very Special Full Moon Experience Moon Magic, by Daniel Giamario |
The Full Moon on Sunday December 15, at 23Gemini53 (1:02am PST) is extraordinary for two lesser-known reasons. Find out what those reasons are! |
December Solstice Seminars Two Days of Celebration, Teaching, Sharing |
We greatly look forward to our customary and have a chance at winning fabulous raffle prizes! |
As the end of Kali Yuga approaches and the last Lunar Standstill Season of the
Great Turning is at its peak, it’s time to update our understanding of the
astonishing convergences of different timelines and celestial cycles. These timelines and cycles include: The Yuga Cycles The end and beginning of the 26,000-year Precessional Cycle The Meso-American 5th or 6th Sun The United States Pluto and Chiron Returns The Fourth Turning The 6th Mass extinction The UN/WEF “Great Reset” vs. the Great Awakening and more! |
It is our tradition at the time of the December Solstice to offer a preview of the major astrological and astronomical events of the upcoming year . Daniel and the TOTAMS Council Team will share an overview of 2025. There are so very many turning points! Saturn and Neptune moving into new signs New Venus and Mars Overstories The Lunar Standstill and the end of Kali Yuga |
A most useful download of the 2025 astrological and astronomical data is included for those who register for our Solstice Seminars. AND AS EVERY YEAR, we are preparing an exciting raffle and end-of-year fundraiser for you! |
TOTAMS End-of-Year Fundraiser & Raffle Celebrate Solstice & Support Our Sacred Mission |
Our many courses, gatherings, articles and complimentary offerings are possible because of you! Enrollment to the December live Solstice presentations includes access to teachings, ceremony, celebration ... and a raffle with great prizes! |
Basic Members automatically receive 2 free tickets Premium Members automatically receive 4 free tickets |
Mysteries of The Winter Solstice A Daniel Giamario Classic Article |
The Winter Solstice for those in the Northern Hemisphere equates to the New Moon point of the year, when we have the shortest day and the longest night. In this season of sacred Festivals, including Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Yule of the Pagan traditions, it can be illuminating and reinvigorating to explore the roots of these festivals and the experiential reality still animating this time of year. Our investigation includes the nature and origin of calendars, and the esoteric and exoteric meaning of the Winter Solstice. |
Transits & Timeline Support Circle with Lizzie Moon & TOTAMS Team |
Our monthly Transits & Timeline Support Circle with Lizzie Moon and the Totams Team was born from a desire for in-depth, personal sharing of how we experience the various initiatory transits, seasons, cycles as well as natal complexes in our individual lives and/or the lives of our loved ones. We come together to assist each other to truly be seen, heard, felt and witnessed in what we might be going through, support each other in better understanding and navigating these cycles, and to deepen our sense of community, participation, bonding and belonging. Feel warmly invited to join! |
Not sure if this is for you? We offer a free taster session for first-time participants. |
Monthly Members Calls Now for EU, US and Asian Timezones! |
We are happily reminding you that we now offer two to cover US, EU and Asian timezones. All the major astrological and astronomical highlights taking place during the lunation cycle covered and discussed in depth! |
Find all Members Calls, call recordings, and further Member Exclusive Events in your dedicated |
Please note: Due to the festive season, our social media will be paused following the December Solstice Celebrations. You will still receive the Capricorn New Moon Newsletter, Wizard Weekly and Lunation Letter. We will resume on January 5 2025. Enjoy This Sacred Season! |
TOTAMS In-Person Events … |
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of the Turning of The Ages Mystery School. Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help! |
9023 S, 134th Ave Goodyear, AZ 85338, United States |
Getting too many emails from us? You can opt to receive our newsletter only. Just go to ‘Manage Preferences' and tell us what you do and don’t want to receive. |
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations Schedule a session with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers! |