Shepherding Trips Report December 2024 |
So much had happened during the summer gospel trips to France: The French were so open in receiving the gospel and earnestly desiring Bibles. This is what we experienced and viewed during the summer months. But the hidden root system of all that we saw was the prayer that had taken place the previous 3 years at the golden incense altar in the Holy of Holies. The prayer is the center and the “motor” of all that occurred. The ruling center is the golden incense altar, it is the “heavenly White House" in God's administration. The intercession here is the motor that causes a sinner to be saved. It is this intercession that causes these saved ones to grow. This intercession is the ministry of the “corporate Christ". Only this prayer causes God's Economy to be carried out! And this is why France was a different place during the Bible distributions. Now, it is the “Shepherding Phase". There must be the tender care and gentle feeding of all the open ones we met during the Bible distributions. May we join the Lord in His intercession that the ministry of the “corporate Christ" continue. May the Lord thrust out the shepherds to go to Lille, Toulouse, Rouen, Geneva, Switzerland and Luxembourg so that the Lord could raise up golden lampstands in these cities in 2025. Prayer Burdens - Pray that all the visas would be released for all the saint’s desiring to come.
- Pray for some who could come 1 to 3 months to shepherd the new ones.
- Please pray for all the new ones to remain open to the continual shepherding by the saints.
- Strengthen the local saint’s coordination with the saints for caring for the new ones.
- Please pray for the thrusting out of the migrating laborers so churches would be raised up.
1) Lille We are so happy that the Lord allowed us to come for a shepherding trip to Lille for nearly three months! Lille is a university city. It is full of students from all over the world. The majority of the 17 new ones that we cared for are students. Many of these are from other French speaking countries or who have parents that came from other places. The demographics in France have changed in the last 40 years and many have migrated here to work or go to school and ended up staying in France to raise their families. These new ones have become so dear to us. We had immediately become their nursing mother and encouraging father. They received us as family. By the time we left (about 3 months later) they affectionately called us “oncle et tante” (uncle and aunt). These little lambs are so easy to feed and so pleasant. They might in curiosity ask, “What do you call your church?" or ‘Who is W. Lee?’ but they never asked anything to challenge us nor was there any suspicion (like we see in the US). At first, we would meet with them one on one so we could give them some gentle feeding. As time went on, these ones began bringing their friends to us. Some of them were from Christian groups, others were friends or family members they wanted to preach the gospel to. With one sister, we never knew what to expect. She would confirm our time that day and say she was bringing her pastor, her sister, her friend. We just said, ‘Praise the Lord!’ This sister wanted to bring everyone she knew to her “mommy and daddy”, (her mommy and daddy who have been feeding and encouraging her in her Christian life!). When these others ones came with her we would not read what we had planned to read with her but instead we returned to the Mystery of Human Life and we would share the gospel again. More than one of our new ones came with a cluster of their acquaintances to hear the gospel.
We frequently had meals together (I was glad I had my recipes on my iPad!). Along with the meals, we sang, prayed, declared and released our spirits together. When we arrived in Lille, most of the new ones had favorite songs they wanted to sing, and they would spontaneously share what they enjoyed from that night’s reading. Sometimes they even shared related Bible verses to that night’s reading. Week by week we read consecutive chapters from the Basic Elements of the Christian Life series, always beginning with the Mystery of Human Life in Book 1. This series has three books, each with several chapters of foundational material. By the time we left Lille, we finished all three books with 10 different new ones. As shepherding saints, we read the same chapters over and over again, with different new ones sometimes in French, other times in English. This was never tiresome, rather we felt we were being helped personally and rooted more deeply in the truth. Our times were always fresh. Once a new one completed the Basic Elements of the Christian Life series, we moved on to the Economy of God. Just last night my husband and I decided we will continue in this book together since it has been a few years since we read the whole book ourselves.
We changed our tickets to go home when we realized there was a conference in Brussels the first weekend in December and we didn’t want to miss it. Ten of our new ones came to this gathering. What a capstone to our time here in Europe! For all but one of these new ones, this was their first time at a larger gathering with the saints. They had never been to a church prayer meeting, Lord’s Table meeting or even a small group meeting. Afterwards, I was able to talk to a few about their time at the conference. Two went up after a message, without any coaxing, and shared at the microphone. During one message the brother shared about how he lives in Paris but his feeling and care for the saints in Brussels and other localities is the same as for those in Paris. One of our new sisters leaned over to me and excitedly said, “That’s what happened to me!” Afterwards she told me that in her denomination she felt trapped by the four walls of the building she met in. Now she realizes that she is part of the body of Christ and that the body of Christ is worldwide. This sister is on her way back to her home country with names and phone numbers of local saints to contact. A shy French brother, one of the new ones from Lille, shared the notes that he had taken on his cell phone concerning how a weaker branch is grafted in the strong tree. He liked how everything wasn’t focused on one man. In the denominations it is like going to a show. You come in, listen and then leave. It is impossible to connect with other believers, but it is not the same here. He was as impressed with the actual functioning of all the saints as he was with the content of the messages.
We must mention our connection and fellowship with the local saints. When we first arrived in Lille, we were warmly greeted and helped by the local saints. We learned that it was vital to meet and pray and fellowship with the local saints three times a week. We realized that our fellowship and prayer together takes care of any frustrations that might arise when we coordinate with others. We also realized that even our coming together as serving ones needed the support of prayer. Whenever possible, we took the opportunity to come early to the home meetings. During these times we got to know one another and enjoyed prayer and fellowship before the new ones arrived. This enabled us to enter the existing burden in oneness with the local saints.
During our time in Lille, we sent messages to the saints we are related to back in the US. These saints felt like they came to Lille with us. They asked questions about the new ones we met with. In time, they felt like they knew them and were bearing them in prayer with us. What a picture of the body bearing fruit! We had saints in six localities back home participating in this way in our labor here in Lille. “Pray, give and go” became so real to us. In the past, we have given and prayed for those going, but it wasn’t until we went that we realized how crucial the giving and prayers are. We entered into a reaping and labor full of enjoyment, not only because of the current support but also because of the previous years of labor and prayer. What a blessing and joy to be in a “shepherd's tent" feeding His lambs. |
2) Paris-Palaiseau The saints experienced a rich and joy-filled church life in Palaiseau during the recent summer OL gospel trips. The saints lived and served together, while sharing meals, coordinating in service, and going out daily to preach the gospel. This harmonious living not only strengthened the saints but also became a powerful testimony that attracted many new ones. Many new ones told the saints that the meetings were filled with joy and love, drawing them into a sweet church life. Following the gospel trips, the Palaiseau region had a total of 51 new ones who participated in Bible study groups or seminars, with 16 of them now regularly meeting with us. Among these, five have been baptized, and six are students. To care for these new ones, two more homes in the nearby Palaiseau area are open for group meetings during the week, providing an environment for more blending and shepherding of the new ones. By the Lord’s sovereign arrangement, a team of full-time serving ones are serving in Paris. During our prayer over the list of new ones, the Lord unveils to us the burden of having weekly blending visits blending with both the local saints and the new ones. As we become more blended, we realize that the coordination between the shepherding saints and local saints spontaneously strengthens the shepherding of these new ones. Recently, as some of these new ones are becoming more familiar with the church life, shepherding saints encourage them to have one-to-one phone calls reading and/or having prayer time. We currently, have 6 new contacts under such care. Through this continual shepherding, the Lord continues to strengthen His testimony. |
3) Paris-Nanterre We had 3 brothers from the shepherding trips join us in Nanterre to help care for about 27 new ones that were contacted this past summer. We had 6 get baptized with 5 who had come to at least once to a Lord’s Day meeting. Three families are hosting 2 weekly Bible studies, and we generally have ten new ones coming as well as other local saints. |
4) Rouen and Dieppe We thank and praise the Lord for His faithfulness in providing a comfortable and “homey” shepherd’s tent for His seekers in Rouen. When we first started our shepherding times in Rouen, we met in a place that was not easy for others to come to. We also found that evening meetings was not the best time for our new ones. In a short time, the Lord has now provided a “homey" place that is in a central location. We also changed our gatherings to Saturday afternoons. We would gather together and usually spend four hours together. Each one feels so welcomed, so cherished and nourished with the Word as we fellowship together. It seems that no one wants to leave! We often have 16 adults and 2 children at our gatherings. At least 1 couple comes from UK, 1 couple is from Paris and 1 couple comes from Dieppe. We have at least 6 or more new ones joining regularly. These new ones from Rouen know that this is “their" meeting and everyone takes part! We have translation as we fellowship in French and English. On Lord’s Day morning those from UK along with some from Rouen drive to be with the church in Dieppe. How wonderful it is! |
5) Toulouse The Lord is raising up a lampstand in Toulouse! For a few years, there has been only a sister, her mother, and her teen-age daughter here, with one brother living about 1 hour from Toulouse. A team of serving ones from Munich, Germany along with some from Spain came to Toulouse after the OL gospel trip to shepherd the new ones. Since then, saints from Spain rotate to shepherd dear new saints. Currently many from the full-time team in Paris are supporting the labor here in Toulouse. During an OL gospel trip, a couple from Paris received a burden from the Lord to move to Toulouse. A new brother that was gained by this couple during an OL gospel trip has been giving hospitality to this couple until they are able to move into the apartment, they bought. The new brother recently testified: “…We have been living a true awakened dream, blessed by the Holy Spirit... Thank you for the wonderful moments of fellowship dedicated to the Lord. My life is not the same after meeting you and the saints! Our God is marvelous, always good and faithful. This is a first step, and I prophesy that we will continue building the church of God in Toulouse in the holy name of Jesus Christ.” Recently, he was joined by another new brother to come to dinner; each brought a new friend, and both got saved and one got baptized! We were all filled with new wine that night! We have baptized more than 12 new ones, from these, 6 were baptized in his apartment. This new brother wants the Lord to raise up a church in Toulouse with people like us! Most of our new ones are having real personal experiences with the Lord and are getting increasingly attached to the saints. Some new sisters feel so comfortable with our sisters that they come and spend the night. We have started two regular weekly meetings: on the Lord’s Day and Friday night, so that the new ones can start regarding these times as “their” meetings. On a recent Lord’s Day, we had about 22 attendees, including 8 who were new, two of which got baptized that day. On a recent Friday night meeting, there was a total of 17 attendees, including new ones we had not met before. New ones are bringing new ones! We have a constant stream of new-new ones. We are experiencing Acts 2:47; we sense that this is only the beginning of the Lord's move here. A church in the US is burdened to rent a “medium-term" place for their saints to come on a rotational basis beginning in early 2025. It is so fresh in Toulouse! Last Lord’s Day morning we met and then ate lunch together. After eating the new ones wanted to sing some more and have more fellowship. We stayed together until 5pm. How wonderful this is! Also, three new sisters from Toulouse went to the conference in Malaga (Dec. 13-15). When they returned from the conference one of them shared that she enjoyed EVERYTHING! “The Lord is shepherding us in our spirit every day and He is guiding as His flock, the church. While at the conference I was so nourished and received the good food”. Another one shared how nourished she was by the messages and what was spoken resonated within her. She felt so shepherded by the brothers and sisters. And lastly one shared about message 4 in the conference which was about Paul's ministry of shepherding. We discover that Paul was an emotional man, he really cared for the Body and its members. He was like a mother caring for her children and an exhorting father. The Lord chose him so he could care for the saints. He had a heart for the saints and for the church. We can also have the same heart. We need to pray, "O Lord Jesus! Enlarge my heart!” so that we can have a heart that welcomes our brothers and sisters. Our goal should not be to be good people nor to be considered great people. But rather we can be small people with enlarged hearts that can welcome all the saints. Amen! Hallelujah!! Two sisters completing the middle-age training in Anaheim will be coming in early 2025. There is also a couple who were in Paris have purchased a place and will move in the beginning of 2025. An older sister will also move to Toulouse in early 2025. We feel if a few solid saints from the US migrate to Toulouse, a lampstand will be raised up with what the Lord has already gained here! |
6) Geneva Thank the Lord for preparing so many open vessels in Geneva! This has been the testimony of all the saints participating in the two gospel trips this past summer. Through the prayers of the saints the Lord went before us and did much more then we could ask or think. Geneva is a highly international city, home to numerous global organizations with a population representing many different countries. Often people from aboard are more open to the gospel. We prayed that the Lord would rise up a hunger in the local people. We were amazed how the Lord answered our prayers and brought a good number of young people and young adults who grew up in Geneva and wanted to know more about the Lord and the Bible. At present, there are 5 new ones with whom the saints have regular appointments with and 2 new ones regularly joining the weekly group meeting. Another 15 like to stay connected with the local saints. There are currently 12 saints in Geneva, including three families. In the late summer a young family moved to Geneva. The wife got saved in Geneva many years ago, went to the full-time training in London and then married and raised a family in Germany. The Lord opened a way for the family to return to Switzerland this spring and the Lord released a job in the summer for them to move to Geneva. The Lord sovereignly arranged for a FTTT graduate to stay for three months after the last gospel trip in August. A brother contacted her the day she was supposed to go back to Taiwan, he asked her if she would be willing to stay longer to shepherd the new ones that were gained through the two gospel trips. Through the help in the Body we were able to make all the needed arrangement for her to stay in Geneva. Together with the local saints she has been able to follow up with many of the new ones we received through the gospel trips. The Lord has been swiftly moving in Geneva over the past four months, so a desire for a regular time of prayer has arisen among the saints. Since mid-October, they have been praying once a week with saints living outside of Geneva who also are burdened for this city. May the Lord continue His work in Geneva through much prayer, fellowship, blending, and migrations and rise up His lampstand in the very near future. Geneva Prayer Burdens: - For the Lord to fully finish His work of recovery in the city of Geneva (Rev. 3:2) by gaining a genuine, shining and living expression of His Body of Christ.
- For 2-3 solid couples/families to migrate to Geneva to practice the God-ordained together with the local saints.
- For the saints in Geneva to be coordinated with the serving team in Paris for the following-up of the local contacts and new ones.
- For the saints in Geneva to be blended with the churches in Switzerland and in France for the reality of the Body of Christ.
Saints who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other expenses can give through LME by following instructions at Designate offerings for “Paris Olympics.” |
Read all the past gospel reports here. |
268 bd Gambetta Tourcoing, 59200, France |