Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
Mars: The Birth of The Next Overstory
Daniel Giamario's
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations
In TOTAMS’ understanding, the phases of a Mars synod differ considerably from how most other astrologers, past and present, see them. Most importantly, the synodic Overstory begins with the acronychal rise of Mars, when Mars rises in the East as the Sun sets. This is the Mars-Sun opposition. It is also when Mars is closest to the Sun and Earth, when Mars is brightest, and when Mars is retrograde
Mars' new Cancer Overstory begins on January 15 2025.
Time to explore this in-depth!
Capricorn New Moon
More Intentional Than Ever, by Susan DeRyder
"The culminating New Moon for the Gregorian year of 2024 lands this Monday, December 30 2024. Before we even begin to explore the New Moon chart, I have felt strongly called the past few days to remind myself and others that this is not a time to ‘speed up’. There is plenty of forward motion all around us and more on the horizon, we do not need to add to that. Let us instead slow down, become more mindful than ever with every step, and more intentional than ever with every action, as we navigate the final three months of the Kali Yuga together." Susan DeRyder
TOTAMS 2025 Astrological Preview
Recordings & Resources For You
We are immensely grateful
for all the love, support and donations received during our
recorded live, December 20/21, 5:00-7:00pm PST
If you won a prize in our raffle, congratulations!
If you joined us live, thank you!
If you missed the opportunity, take heart, you can still take part!
This is your chance to make a donation, support TOTAMS' Mission & Purpose,
packed with astrological information and 2025 data!
Shamanic Astrology with Daniel Giamario
An In-Depth Interview by Christine Stockham
In this enlightening nearly two-hour conversation, Christine and Daniel explore the transformative power of astrology in personal growth, family dynamics, and understanding life purpose. Daniel shares insights on the significance of self-exploration, the current Kali Yuga cycle, and the importance of balancing free will with destiny. The conversation delves into the role of spirituality in astrology, the navigation of fear, and the cycles of initiation and transformation. They also touch on the implications of Pluto's transition into Aquarius, the shadow of technocracy, and the collective themes that shape our experiences. The discussion concludes with reflections on the US chart and the potential for renewal and rebirth.
New Graduates, New Student Intake
Become a Certified TOTAMS Astrologer in 2025!
Most heartfelt congratulations 
go towards our four newly 
Foo Hui Yee, Malaysia
Cristina Moreira, Portugal
Karen Ledesma, USA
Jamie Smith, USA
We are so grateful you are part of our Seed People Clan!
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is now in full swing. START YOUR JOURNEY with us this year!
TOTAMS 2025 All School Gathering
Join us April 20-25 in Oracle, Arizona
Whether you're a seasoned member of our school
or just want to find out in-person for the first time if this 
Seed People Clan resonates with you,
 we have room for you at the 
The tradition of our school is to come together for a yearly in-person event that offers the opportunity to be in circle in-person, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul.
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From TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario:
"Our live in-person events are at the very heart of the Turning of The Ages Mystery
School. Here we gather face-to-face and soul-to-soul as living, breathing human beings. I love it when I can be there with you in-person, as I shall in April 2025.
Unlike more formal courses and teaching events, our yearly All School Gatherings 
feature offerings and teachings from a variety of members of the school as well as special guests. Our time together also includes evenings under the night sky and around the fire. Musical performances are planned. Most importantly, we provide an opportunity to share with others in circle, ceremony and in learning. 
All levels of astrological background are welcome.
I hope to see you there!"
Quest to Callanish 2025
An Invitation from Levi Banner
“Ever since I first met Daniel Giamario, and ever since I picked up the Shamanic Astrology Handbook I’ve heard a calling and felt curious of Callanish. An ancient stone circle located on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. An image that graces the cover of the Shamanic Astrology Handbook, and a potent vision that was shared by so many of Daniel’s stories of his greatest inspirations. Something that was so powerfully activating and inspirational to my long-time mentor became something that has fascinated me. Being someone who has been to a myriad of sacred locations around the globe, as well as researched many others, this one has been a location I’ve saved for a special time.” Levi Banner
Working with Mars
Group Mentoring with Daniel Giamario
As Mars reaches the conclusion of its Gemini Overstory and prepares to birth with the new Cancer Overstory on January 15, 2025, the topic of this Group Mentoring will be all things Mars. This can include natal Mars archetypes and complexes, transits, and Mars timeline cycles. The three Mars-Pluto oppositions of November 3, 2024, January 2, 2025, and April 26, 2025, will be featured. Should you be in the vicinity of age 15, 32, 47, 64 or 79, this class will offer surprising information specific to you!
Free for Premium Members! Discount Code on your dashboard! Remember to register!
Basic Members click HERE to purchase for 50% off!
Not yet a Member or our school? Consider joining today!
The Lunar Nodes Enter Pisces/Virgo
Highlight Seminar with Daniel Giamario
Approximately once every 1.5 years the transiting Lunar Nodes precess into new signs. These nodal turning points can be likened to a new set of themes for the world and global humanity for the next 18 months. This Highlight Seminar explores the significance and intent of these themes. The recent history of this nodal alignment will be explored. Also covered will be nodal transits and timeline cycles of nodal returns and reversals.
We offer Free Livestream Access for everyone! 
You can purchase the recording at a discounted price during registration.
Premium Members, remember to register to secure your Free Livestream access!
Event recording and resources will automatically appear on your dashboard 
once they become available.
Gathering of The Shamans
Early Reg Discount Ends January 1!
Remember that
will be teaching at
and Early Registration Pricing ends January 1!
Join Daniel and a host of other inspiring teachers and facilitators
for a transformative spiritual experience in the sacred embrace
of the stunning red rocks and powerful energy vortexes of the area. 
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Mastery Of The Moment
Free Virtual 3-Day Summit
We're honored to share that TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario will be a speaker at
This summit is designed for those who feel called to harness ancient wisdom to step into their highest heart consciousness. It is an opportunity to connect with master souls and align with the timeless mission of truth, right action, peace and love.
Over 3 days, 21 speakers will share ancient wisdom and spiritual practices that will guide you to wash away karmic blocks, awaken your true nature, and step into your role as a contributor to wider humanity and to fast forward your soul's growth.
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You read this far? 
That is amazing! We say Thank You and send you
Brilliant Sacred Season Blessings.
Our very best wishes for an epic 2025!
Enjoy Being Alive
at this Great Turning of The Ages!
Looking Ahead …
More In-Person Events … 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of the Turning of The Ages Mystery School.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
9023 S, 134th Ave
Goodyear, AZ 85338, United States

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TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!