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Mini Resource Guide: Body Positive New Year's Resolutions
Hi friend,
There are so many reasons why fat people are hated, but today, let's look at just one: profit.
Who profits when fat people are considered second-class humans?
The diet industry. Worth $72 billion in 2020, the diet industry is one of the obvious culprits in this list. They still haven’t figured out how to make fat people thin; it’s a scam. I’ve talked quite a bit about the diet industry and its ramifications.
Other industries. From the beauty industry to the wellness industry, dozens of major industries reap the financial rewards of people feeling bad about their bodies. The healthcare industry isn’t exempt, either; the bariatric surgery market alone is worth around $2 billion. (Funny how with all that profit, they can’t seem to reliably make fat people thin, either.)
Individuals. Every individual who makes money from enforcing the body hierarchy is responsible for upholding and increasing the oppression of fat folks.
(You don’t have to be malicious to uphold oppression, by the way, but the impact you make means more than your intent.)
These people include, but aren’t limited to:
  • Beachbody coaches, people who sell skinny tea, and every other diet, “body transformation,” “health coaching” and weight loss peddler out there
  • Personal trainers who focus on or promise weight loss
  • Influencers who build audiences on body positivity and then sell those audiences diets and weight-loss products
  • Anyone who makes money telling you that your body is the wrong shape or size (and how you can pay them to change it)
Unapologetically fat,

Here's what's interesting me this week:
» Join our new group - Let Us Eat Cake! - to learn more about intuitive eating by going through the book together with like-minded folks while building community and support in an anti-diet, body liberation focused space! – Group starts on March 5, 2025 and runs every Wednesday at 6:30 PM PST. Last day to register is March 1, 2025.* (see)
» Due soon: Abstracts for the 11th Annual International Weight Stigma Conference by Feb. 23 (see)
» You want to be an ally for the most vulnerable like disabled people and people of color? Wear a mask. (read)
» Migrant solidarity graphics from our free downloads page: hundreds of free images available for your organizing (browse)
» Fatness, Gender & Forced Adornment (listen)
» Lancet "Clinical Ob*sity" Deep Dive (read)
» Despite what my trolls will tell you, I am a person who cares about my health and longevity and that means strenuously avoiding food and body-shaming essays, especially by super privileged women who have not reckoned one bit with their anti-fat bias. (read)
» Embodiment as an Anchor in Challenging Times (listen)
» Book review: Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim by Leah Vernon (read)
» Said it before, sayin' it again, AI is colonialism. It's relies on resource extraction, both of the environment & of people's work. And it exploits the global majority. (read)
🦄 Unicorn chaser: Ridiculous structure, prolific lightning, and a sky full of stars. It doesn't get much better. What a planet we live on. (see)
» Promote your event or resource in the Body Liberation Guide (see)


About Lindley
I'm a fat artist, activist and your round unicorn friend. I create photos that celebrate the unique beauty of fat bodies and use them to change the world.
14201 SE Petrovitsky Rd Ste A3 #234
Renton, WA 90858, United States