Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
Out of Chaos Comes Order,
but by what means?
Daniel Giamario's
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations
"The Chaos happening around the world is right on schedule. The phenomena of acceleration, recapitulation and inversion are supremely evident, except for the most asleep. The recent research on the Yuga Shift reveals that at the end of Kali Yuga will occur a conflagration, just as a 1200 year period of deluge, occurred halfway back in the 26,000-year precessional cycle, the period known today as the Younger Dryas.
Naturally induced chaos could ensue by means of a micro-nova, plasma strikes, asteroid strikes, galactic center flare-ups, magnetic pole shifts and excursions, the Earth herself expanding, and many other novel possibilities. 
So what kind of Chaos is not natural? Intentional false flags, banker wars, ethnic cleansing, manipulated scarcity, manipulated weather events, attempts to fulfill some versions of Bible prophecy, etc. But above all, the imposition of an AI takeover run by unelected billionaire oligarchs, technocrats and bankers."
"The time of the end of Kali Yuga is when materialism is at its most extreme and when connection to Spirit, Soul, Heart and moral and ethical qualities of our basic humanity are at their lowest ebb. It’s also a time of maximum involution, or even devolution, as the rising and falling of consciousness and evolution proceeds in cycles, rather than in a linear view of “progress.” Surely AI “Artificial Intelligence” (if there was ever an oxymoron, this is it!), the metaverse, and the creation of digital twins and the digital simulacrum of Earth, are the final and deepest descent into materialism. If we must use the acronym “AI” let’s think “Authentic Intelligence.”
Seed People Spotlight: Naraya Naserian
Roles Reversed - Naraya Interviewed by Lorena Sabugal
For this episode of Seed People Spotlight, the roles have been reversed: 
TOTAMS EU Council Member Lorena Sabugal puts our Naraya Naserian on the hot seat. Naraya has been travelling the world for the past 4 years and currently walks with giraffes and hippos in her beloved Kenya. She is a Foundationally Certified TOTAMS Astrologer as well as the TOTAMS Team & Media Maven, i.e. valued content editor and creatress, and the face behind every Newsletter reaching your inbox and (almost) every post appearing on our social media channels.
Pisces New Moon
Navigate Back to Your Center, by Susan DeRyder
Pisces teaches us empathy, compassion and love for all beings. The higher teachings of Pisces walk us toward the knowing that we are all interconnected, interwoven beings of life, that we are all one, we come from one and will return to that elixir. As with all of the waters of this world, every river, rivulet, ocean and sea. From every tear that rolls down our cheeks in joy and in sorrow, to the blood coursing through our veins, to the waters that rocked us in the womb before our birth. This truth is not something we can read about to understand, it comes from feeling. How we get to this point depends entirely on each of us as individuals and to what extent we may have closed down our hearts. Once the heart opens, it is impossible not to see it. What then, does a line up of 6 planets and points in this sign look like for us globally? Susan DeRyder
TOTAMS 2025 All School Gathering
April 20-25, Oracle/Arizona - These are the Presentations!
 Presentations info out now for our
From out Founder Daniel Giamario:
"Our live in-person gatherings are at the very heart of the Turning of The Ages Mystery School. Here we gather face-to-face and soul-to-soul as living, breathing human beings. I love it when I can be there with you in-person, as I shall in April 2025. Our time together includes a variety of lively presentations, suitable for both beginner and advanced levels of our paradigm, as well as evenings under the night sky and around the fire, musical performances, and an opportunity to share with others in circle, ceremony and learning. I hope to see you there!"
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Daniel Giamario
The Turning of The Ages
Daniel Giamario
The 4 Outer Planet Ingresses of 2025
Daniel Giamario
TOTAMS’ Vision and its Spiritual and Philosophical Foundations
Daniel Giamario and Gemini Brett
The Lunar Standstill Season, Lunar Nodes Cycles and Eclipse Cycles
Gemini Brett
Surprise Topic
Silvianne K. Delmars, Marianna Voulgaris and Lizzie Moon
Beginners Training
Marianna Voulgaris
The Underworld Saga of Venus and Mars
Silvianne K. Delmars
Star Portal for the Turning of an Age:
The Guadalupe Event and the Venus Master Cycle
Lizzie Moon
Let's Talk About Men!
 … or contact lizzie@turningoftheages.com with any questions you might have!
March Equinox Seminars
All About The New Venus & Mars Cycles
Within the TOTOMS Astrology Paradigm, 
Mars and Venus have a different and greater significance than in many other schools of astrology which emphasize the Sun sign.
Venus symbolizes the intended archetypal expression of the Sacred Feminine in both women and men, and Mars symbolizes the intended archetypal expression of the Sacred Masculine in both men and women. These planets also play a huge role in the Inner Sacred Marriage Process, uniting the two to create inner wholeness.
This seminar will explore the archetypes of Venus and Mars, their natal placements and complexes, as well as transit cycles.
Our customary Equinox Ceremony will be part of this event.
One of the most important foundational elements of TOTAMS is a unique understanding of the synodic cycles of Venus, Mars and Mercury, known as their Overstories. Venus and Mars are beginning new overstories this year: Mars for Cancer on January 15, and Venus for Pisces on March 29. Taken together, these are creating a brand-new Venus-Mars Underworld Saga. This seminar explores the various phases of both Mars’ 25-month and Venus’ 584-day synods and their interactions. This seminar also serves to introduce the new group experience commencing with the heliacal rise of Venus in Pisces.
To support our school in continuing to offer 
such high-level content, seminars, research, teachings and insights, please consider a donation of your choice at checkout.
You will receive live access to both seminars as well as replays and downloadable resource PDFs.
Your Personal Venus Placements & Transits
Group Mentoring with Daniel Giamario
As Venus is completing her current synodic Overstory and will rise on March 29 to begin her Pisces Overstory, it’s a great time to turn our attention to all things Venus.
Included in this Group Mentoring can be questions about natal Venus by sign and aspects, transits to Venus, timeline cycles of Venus (i.e. Venus returns), Venus in the Inner Sacred Marriage, and the variety of Venus’ meanings relative to sex and gender.
Submitting your questions early can assure they will be addressed live.
This is a monthly mentoring Q&A on Zoom, hosted by Daniel Giamario. Participants are encouraged to ask questions can share chart data in order to receive direct feedback from the founder and other group participants.
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Join Our Community - Help Plant The New
Consider A TOTAMS Membership, So Many Perks!
Our members represent the heart and soul of our school. They are uniquely diverse yet unified Seed People carrying forth the wisdom of the past to co-create a new world at this time of the Great Turning of The Ages.
As a Private Membership Association, 
the Turning of the Ages Mystery School depends upon support and interaction from our members in order to provide transformational teachings and continue to evolve the paradigm with the most cutting-edge research.
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Looking Ahead …
More In-Person Events … 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of the Turning of The Ages Mystery School.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
9023 S, 134th Ave
Goodyear, AZ 85338, United States

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TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!