Pisces season is the culmination of the Astrological year AND it rules over the lymphatic system which is one of our main systems for supporting detoxification, keeping our energy moving and our overall health. This is an extra fantastic time to tend to your lymphatic system with intention before we transition into the new year on the Spring Equinox bringing renewal. Dry brush, get on a vibration plate, take work breaks to move your body, get a lymphatic massage, do
this movement practice daily, jump on your rebounder. I also really like
this lymphatic tincture if your system needs a bit more love and there are some great programs on the
Healy including Lymphatic System Harmony in Digital Nutrition, Lymphatic System in Meridians 2, Classical Physical in Power of 3 and Care in the Gold programs, as well as the salve I mentioned in
last week's nourish under current obsessions.