hey there


it's FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 and i have some thoughts on action items. and choice.


So. You've reflected on 2019. You've thought about how you want to feel in 2020. You've set some goals. Now what?


Now comes the hard part! Now you have to...act. Today you get to pick a few concrete action items. These are the first few steps that you will take towards your chosen goal(s).


An action item is smaller than you think. It is usually something you can complete in under an hour. 


For example... writing this newsletter is not an action item. For me, writing a newsletter breaks down into so many smaller steps. I have to write the first draft (that's the hardest part). I have to edit the first draft (usually at least twice). I have to take and edit a photo. I have to come up with my product hype (that's the gray box below). I have to come up with my three things I love (and get photos and links). Then I have to read it all over again (and edit again). And finally, I have to summon the courage to send. It's a whole process that takes me 3-7 days.


So an action item that I would plan to do in one hour is "draft 12/26 newsletter" or "find three links" or "edit newsletter." All of this to send one newsletter. It's the same for any project you care about. You have to break it down. Then schedule the smaller steps into your days. 


What does this have to do with the giant goals you have set for 2020?


Take a look at your goal (or list of goals). If you have many, which one(s) are you going to work on first? What deadline is the closest? Which goals are habit based that you want to begin right now? What are you most excited about? Narrow in on just a few.


Now, look at each of those goals individually and pick one thing that you can do right now (or on January 1). If you want to pick more than one, you can! But be realistic. Choose things that you can actually get done!


Here are my January 1 action items and their corresponding goals:

  1. go to pilates. I am trying to attend 180 classes in 2020.
  2. sort my closet. I am trying to get dressed every day in 2020 and my closet is such a strange mix of unwearable pieces right now.
  3. turn on the downtime feature on my phone. I am trying to stop scrolling after 5pm.

Setting up iPhone downtime will take a minute. (Here is how you do it.) Pilates will take 65 minutes with driving. And my closet sort will honestly take maybe 30 minutes (Probably less, I am ruthless). This is manageable for me on January 1. But the key phrase is for me. My goals have nothing to do with yours. Your time has nothing to do with mine. This is about finding what works for you and your schedule and your plans. I am here to provide one example, not a one-size-fits-all solution.


Your January one action item(s) should be about starting a habit or clearing space for what you want to do. Your action item might be sending an email. It might be googling a local dance studio and checking their class schedule. It might be going for a ten minute walk. It might be clearing your junk drawer. It might be requesting a book from the library. It might be saying "Eff it. I am not interested in any of these goals I set last week. My life is great and I am going to keep doing my thing." 


All of the above ideas are perfect action items. No matter what you choose to do, the point it you are choosing it. You're developing a plan. (Deciding that you hate goals and you're not interested in this is still a plan.)


And day two? How do you handle day two? On January 2nd, you get up. You check to see if your email got a response. You call that dance studio. You take another ten minute walk. You marvel at your clean junk drawer and consider tackling your bathroom drawer. You stop by the library to pick up the book. You continue to feel great about where you're at.


This is it. This is also everything. 


Many things are going to happen in 2020. You will not get to chose all of them. So when you have choice, make it. Each day, decide on something! Pick a place to start. Pick a place to continue. It's going to be small! And that is exactly the point. 


Big things happen one day at a time.


you're doing great,




PS: here's what i am loving right now


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