Sandhill Sling Sew-Along: Week 4


Hello First name / there,

Welcome to the fourth week of the Sandhill Sling Sew-Along! I'm so glad you've followed along and I hope you enjoyed making your sling (or two!).


Last time (Week 3), I put together a video on completing the exterior and lining gussets and attaching the gussets. At the end of last week we had the exterior all assembled and the lining assembled. You're doing great! Here's a link to that newsletter


Also, if you've signed up recently or just missed a newsletter, scroll down to the bottom of this email for links to all the past newsletters! 



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Here's the video for Week 4 of the Sandhill Sling sew-along! Click the image above to play today's video.


Here are the links that are ALREADY included in your pattern (which I mention in today's video), but just in case, I'm linking them here for you:


Video for Step 11a-b


Video for Step 11c


Be sure to watch those two videos along with this week's video. After these steps your sling is complete! That's so exciting!!! I hope you're proud of what you made. And I hope you make more! 


If you're on Instagram feel free to add your images to the hashtags, 

I'd love to see what you made:

#SandhillSling and #SandhillSlingSewAlong


Here's a look back on the sew-along schedule:

Week 1: February 17th, fabric selection, cutting & fusing interfacing, strap and shoulder connector assembly

Week 2: February 24th, make front pocket (View A and View B), assemble interior pocket

Week 3: March 3rd, gussets, complete exterior and make lining

Week 4: March 10th (today), finishing

Week 5: March 17th, link wrap up and any loose ends!


Missed an email?


If you have a question regarding today's video feel free to reply to this email


Thanks for joining along! Next week I'll stop back in to share all the newsletter links and wrap up any loose ends (including showing you that alternate construction method I mentioned today), see you then!


