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Hey First name / friend, it's Tiffany! 
Today, I have a life update and some hopefully helpful thoughts about practice design - with a free download. šŸŽ‰ 
First - I am in a transitional moment! My husband and I moved to San Francisco last summer, but I continued in my role as the clarinet professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA throughout this academic year. I loved getting another year with my students, although the traveling was a bit nuts and I also started another full time job at Cal Performances, the performing arts presenter at Berkeley, in January. 
Needless to say - January to April were a whirlwind.
My last official day teaching at VCU was April 29 . The next day, I flew from Richmond to see my family for a few days and then came back to San Francisco. 
Once I landed I felt simultaneous relief to not have so many balls in the air and a bit of an identity crisis. 
Iā€™ve been working a long time to have that clarinet professor title - but it was time for change and my husband had a really wonderful opportunity in SF. Plus, on top of it all, the end of a school year always brings with it feelings of ā€œwhat now?!ā€, at least for me! 
The best thing I knew to do was focus on giving myself some much needed self care for a little bit. 
I worked with a trainer in Richmond and had been missing that focused activity so much ā€“ so I found a new gym and trainer a few blocks from our apartment. Itā€™s wonderful and Iā€™m so grateful for my new coach and the resources to get some help feeling like myself again. 
However, whatā€™s really struck me about starting with this coach, though, is the programming. Heā€™s the most methodical coach Iā€™ve had, and it has made me think so much about practice design!!!
One of the first things weā€™ve looked at are my bench presses. Yes, I need to get better at them. 
So what does my coach do? Spells out that we need to:
  1. Increase my shoulder mobility
  2. Gain chest strength
  3. Work on overall power
He clearly stated that in order to get better at a bench press, we arenā€™t just going to do a bunch of bench presses. Because itā€™s not the most efficient way to get better. 
Then, we put those 3 skills into a timeline. Whatā€™s my weakest skill out of those that needs the most attention? What other skills/activity do I need to continue while working on this skill? And then, whatā€™s our 3 month goal,  1-month goal,  weekly goal, and what are we focused on in this session? 
All I could think about when we were organizing the plan is that this is SUCH AN EFFECTIVE MODEL for practice design! Iā€™ve naturally gravitated towards this thinking, but, I definitely found new clarity when I was trying to relate it to a specific fitness plan. 
Thereā€™s extensive research in fitness, kinesthetics, the body, weightlifting, sports, nutrition just to name a few. Yet, musicians are just not the best at looking to other disciplines for answers. 
But, weā€™re going to change that today. Letā€™s equate this all to practice. 
We all know that practice alone does not guarantee improvement just as time in the gym doesnā€™t equal getting stronger. Youā€™ve probably heard that concept around the internets. 
But, if practice doesnā€™t guarantee improvement, what does? 
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In today's blog post, we break down a model for practice design that will help answer the question of what really leads to improvement. We cover a practice design concept based on these ideas: 
  1. What exercise/repertoire do I need to improve? [For now, pick 1!]
  2. What specific skills are needed to improve them?
  3. What measurable goals can I set to determine if I have improved?
  4. How can I design a timeline that addresses those skills specifically and intentionally in my practice?
  5. How can I analyze if it worked?
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Arguably the most important lesson here is that we must find the discipline and clarity to be intentional. If we can do that, boy is anything possible. 
Okay, last, a šŸŽ . We've also got a free download for you! Getting Started with Practice Design - so that you can start applying this immediately to your own life! 
Found this helpful? Have questions? Need help? Just reply! 
Much love, 
Tiffany, Ixi & Ted

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Just saying hay!!
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Don't forget! The Thrive Membership Summer Session (May-Aug) is open until May 31!
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