New clock, who dis?
Heyyyyy…I've missed you guys. I've been busy speed walking an hour and a half every morning, reading a ton of books, and failing miserably at quitting Diet Coke. I wish I could tell you I suddenly gained the drive to get active, but in reality, I just want to beat my husband in the number of steps he takes each day.
In other news, I had a magazine shoot at my home for two full days, and hey, my litigation is finally over. All in all, I am in a much better place than I was 3 weeks ago. Well, except for the Diet Coke. You can't win 'em all.
When one door closes…
This past year has been one of the hardest years of my life. I lost my vision, my ability to drive, and as many of you already know, I filed in court to sue my former employer. The employer that I proudly served for almost 11 years. The employer that I poured my life's work into. 
I started my career in politics working directly for candidates, running field operations for Congressional, U.S. Senate, and Presidential races. But it wasn't until a couple years later that I truly found my "home" with my former employer. The work was hard, but it was incredibly rewarding. I was promoted several times. And when I left for a brief year, I was recruited back. I worked my way up the Political Department, and before I was terminated, I was the Director of Government Affairs heading both Political and Legislative Departments.
I will never forget the doorbell ringing on the morning of August 6, 2021. I was still dripping wet in my gray bathrobe when I ran to answer the door. Charlie was barking, and I was yelling at her to move so I could answer the door. It was Fedex, and as soon as I opened that envelope I remember feeling like the wind was completely knocked out of me. It was a letter from my employer informing me that I was terminated. Terminated literally days after I went to HR to report sexual harassment. My services were suddenly no longer needed.
I had a very different post planned for this morning's newsletter. Up until last night, I originally planned to share the entire backstory. However, I think that's enough to answer any questions you've had about what happened to my job. Now that my litigation is over, I just want this all behind me. I want nothing but peace, and I hope you can respect this decision. I am so proud of myself and the example I have set for my kids, and I truly feel like this all happened for a reason. I'm feeling incredibly blessed and excited about this new chapter in my life.
One door opens..
So what's next? I'm taking those lemons and making some damn lemonade. But like, with orange blossom, because that's the Lebanese (and only) way to do it. Seriously, try it.
And while I'm not 100% sure what that will look like, I know one thing for certain, I'll be investing all my time HERE WITH YOU.  Designing rooms, hoarding art, sharing easy DIYS, but most importantly, writing a hell of a lot more. And not just about design, but about things I care about, and slowly but surely, my journey to get here. 
I've said this before and I've warned you I'd say it a million times again (I mean, it is the name of my newsletter), THANK YOU. I wouldn't have had a single opportunity through my blog without you, and I think about that always. You are my people. 
Things I loved this week
*This post contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
Alright, I'm off to roam the beautiful neighborhoods of the Southern California coastal town I'm growing to love. But more importantly, hopefully beating my husband in steps this week. I'm far behind, it's not looking good you guys.
Lastly, if you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. It makes me feel less like a robot. Don't make me feel like a robot. Don't be that person.
And if you missed last week's email, I've Shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.