Happy Fridayyyy.
I fully intended to brag about how many weeks I went without drinking Diet Coke in this week's newsletter. However, that sweet glass box at the Target checkout yesterday was taunting me and I couldn't resist. I'll pretend to quit again next week and we can repeat this dog and pony show one more time.
In other news, I started walking again this week after taking a little hiatus. Long covid had me feeling like a permanently exhausted pigeon. But despite the nagging dry cough, my energy is finally coming back.  FINALLY. (I think?)
*knocks on wood vigorously*
Primary bath 
The primary bath refresh is back in full force. Everything has been delivered, and it's all going down this weekend.
I have the new mirrors, the lighting, rugs, and something I have been dying to install for years. Trust me, you won't want to miss it. I cannot wait to show you guys.
Teacher lists
I have some very deserving teachers who need supplies for their classrooms. If you're able, I would love it if you checked out this list and helped them clear there lists. Linking it HERE.
When life hands you (more) lemons
Yes, I know, more f*cking lemons. A couple weeks ago, my father was diagnosed with Dementia. A disease I had only known about through the movies I've watched, but never knew of firsthand. My relationship with my father has grown complicated over the years, and with this new diagnosis, it complicates things even further. He's in Lebanon, and we live thousands of miles apart. 
I plan to write about my father, and our complicated relationship pretty soon. Relationships with family (or loved ones) can be tough, and I can imagine so many of you can relate. 
All this to say, that's why I skipped last week's newsletter. Thank you to those of you that always check in. I'm just over here juggling this thing called life like the rest of us. I just wish I was drinking less lemonade and more Diet Coke.
Random things 
1. Bringing this energy into next week and I think you should too.
2. Watch this for an instant mood boost.
3. Words of wisdom I've learned way too late in life.
Things I loved this week
*This post contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
Binged the first season. So good.
Have a great weekend!
If you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. And since you missed last week's email, I've Shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.