Happy Friday
Did I ever tell you guys that I found out why the delivery guy kept walking to the back of my house? Remember the one that I flashed? I watched a TikTok recently of an Amazon driver that was explaining you may have old instructions from your previous residence still programed on your Amazon account. So I checked, and we definitely did. We had the notes “drop package at back door” saved from when we lived in an apartment and had no idea.
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Here we were thinking he kept coming back for a second look, but no, we were idiots. Let this serve as a PSA to any of you that may also need to check your account.
Fun fact you didn't ask for
Last week's fun fact was so popular, I had to share another ridiculously useless fact. 
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Campaign of misery
Mel Robbins was on Jay Shetty's podcast talking about what she called her “campaign of misery"and letting go of her negative thoughts. She shared a ton of great stories and perspectives that I loved. I highly recommend listening, but I did want to share one exercise that she shared at the end of the episode.
Her daughter had just graduated from college, and was very unhappy. She had her draw a line straight down the middle of a piece of paper. The column on the left said “happy me,” and in this column, she asked her to write down the last time she remembers feeling happy, confident, and alive. Her daughter said it was her Senior year in high school. She then had her write down all the things she did in a week during that time, and asked her to really go in detail. She wrote things like: I got up at 6am, hung out with my friends all day, I was looking forward to college, I played varsity lacrosse, exercised 6 days a week, only partied with friends twice a week, was in a healthy dating relationship, and ate four dinners a night at home. Then, in the right column, she asked her to write about her life now. She wrote things like: I sleep till 1pm, I drink everyday, I feel like I don't see my friends, I have nothing to look forward to, and I'm not exercising.
She then looks at her daughter and says, ok, now compare the two. Your own life experience is the map. She goes on to say how we tend to over complicate things, but that happiness is found in the little things. I found this exercise incredibly powerful.
A reminder
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Tweets that made me giggle
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Next project
Remember this moodboard for the office project? The couch finally came back in stock and I bought it. I ended up ordering a coffee table with a pull out top instead of that desk. I cannot wait to get this started. (All linked here)
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What you missed on Instagram
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
If you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails.
And if you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.