Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! 
NEW YEAR, NEW MEEEE. Just kidding. But I did resist the urge to paint my dining nook last night, and that's progress.
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I've missed you guys. My Friday mornings haven't felt the same without you. Our Christmas was a magical day of me happy crying every 10 minutes in between bouts of stuffing ungodly amounts of food inside my body--specifically pie and macaroni and cheese for those with inquiring minds. Time felt like it was completely stopped, and I kept asking myself why we don't eat pie more often. Seriously, why don't we?
Those moments of tranquility abruptly came to an end when I woke up the next morning to manic clean. The tree came down, the decor went in boxes, and I kicked everyone out of the house so I could blast Sam Cooke while I mopped the floors. 
The rest of the year was a bit of a blur, and we strangely had some water falling from the sky that I think other parts of the country call rain? It was weird, but we powered through it like the California warriors that we are. 
Fun fact you didn't ask for
This random fact I read made me giggle and I have no idea why I'm sharing it with you other than the fact that I love ridiculously useless facts. Please enjoy.
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Tracee Ellis Ross slapped me in the face
Ok not literally, but her words totally did. Also, side note, am I the only one on the planet that did not know she was Diana Ross's daughter? I can't believe I didn't know that two people I admire are related. My mind was blown. I digress.
Tracee was on the podcast We Can Do Hard Things where she talked about how to make peace in your own head, and described her mind as sometimes a “dangerous neighborhood.” I loved the entire episode and all Tracee's nuggets of wisdom. 
At one point I think she was describing how she talks to herself when she's down and I thought she said something so simple yet, so profound. When she's feeling down, she talks to the little girl version of herself and reminds her that, “I don't know how to be anyone else but me." I found it to be such a powerful reminder in a world that is constantly trying to make you like everyone else.
A reminder
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What you missed on Instagram
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
I'm pumped about this new year, and have so many plans for this newsletter, my blog, and for my social media platforms. If you've been reading my newsletters for awhile, I'd love it if you responded to this email and told me what you like about it and want to see more of, or what you'd like to see less of. I'm always fine tuning this baby of mine, and of course love to hear from you. 
And if you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.