Spring is around the corner
At this point we're all aware of the fact that I'm unable to keep secrets when it comes to good news or gifts. I think I made that pretty clear when I shared the story of how I texted my husband the news of my first pregnancy because I couldn't wait for him to come home. Well this week I ordered my son a piano as a surprise and every day that I wait for it to arrive is a testament to the patience that doesn't exist within me.
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Last night before I tucked him in, I debated telling him “something” was coming but had to stop myself. I even opened my order email sitting right next to him hoping that he'd catch a glimpse of what I was looking at. I don't know if I'll make it to next week, please send your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I am not well.
Weekly fun fact that you didn't ask for
It's gross, I know. But it's true, I Googled it.
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Loved this podcast episode
I listened to Steven Bartlett's podcast this week with Shahroo Izadi, a behavior change scientist. She shared a heartbreaking story about how the kindness she showed herself was always conditional on her looking a certain way. It was a powerful episode that's definitely worth the listen--especially if you've ever struggled with body image or imposter syndrome. However, if you don't have the time, I wanted to share one high point from the episode below.
Kinder self talk, Shahroo says, is the best way to get to where you want to be. I LOVED her exercise to “collect evidence” that disproves self doubt. The next time you're trying to change a habit, or create a new routine, take that initial discomfort as an opportunity to check in with yourself.
"What am I telling myself? What are my assumptions about myself in this situation? What are my assumptions about what I deserve? Write them down, think about whether you'd say that to someone else and then start thinking about where it came from. Start seeing whether it's true. Just start curiously inquiring."
I just love this idea of collecting evidence to disprove your self doubt. I know so many of us can relate to this.
This stopped me in my scroll this week
This stopped me on my scroll this week. Also, I miss him. He was such a great actor.
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When Augustaux reached out to me a few weeks ago to offer me a $100 gift card, I asked if it would be okay to give it to one of you instead and they said yes!
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They print public domain art, but most importantly, share the history behind the piece and the artist--which as you know, is incredibly important to me. I'll be giving away their generous gift card. If you're interested in entering, email me with the subject line “I want art," and I'll do a random generator to pick one of you. 
Hope to do many more of these, it's a great way to share small businesses and share some of the many perks of my job with you. Love you, mean ittttt.
This week's community spotlight has me SOBBING.
On Instagram this week, I asked you all “what's the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?” and your stories left me sobbing and feeling inspired. Below is a very small sample, but you really should click here to read all the submissions, you will love them.
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Tweets that made me giggle

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What you missed on Instagram
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
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If you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. I feel less like a robot.
And if you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.