it's from the heart...


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~ Email #76 ~
Supplements for a great night of sleep
Can we talk candidly about getting support for sleep? It’s so easy to grab an over the counter sleep aid, isn’t it?
We get it.
Okay, Natalie and Laura get it. Denae has never really struggled with sleep issues. (We try not to hold it against her… much. :-) )
BUT, let’s talk about what those sleep aids can do:
  • They can lead to “addiction” because your body gets used to falling asleep with them and can’t fall asleep on its own.
  • They can also prevent us from getting into the deep sleep which is when our bodies regenerate and the glymphatic system in our brains can clear out the “debris”, including the beta-amyloid protein indicated in Alzheimer's.
  • AND many of them contain melatonin which is only meant for short-term use (around 2 weeks). Long-term use can mess up the body’s ability to make melatonin on its own. Since melatonin is a crucial hormone for relaxation, we don't want to mess with it!
Sleep is a major source of the problem and the solution. Wait what? Stick with us…
  • Poor sleep leads to inflammation.
  • Inflammation causes insomnia.
  • Exhaustion makes it harder to handle… well, life, which leads to stress.
  • Stress adds to inflammation and stress leads to poor sleep.
  • And we could keep going!
It's a vicious cycle that feeds on itself - and we need to break it. Sleep is a great place to start!
Getting a GREAT night of sleep, waking well-rested, not only affects your mental health, it does so much for your longevity because the body & brain rejuvenates in deep sleep.
Obviously what we REALLY need to do is find something that helps our bodies do what they were born to do - sleep well.
In comes TWO new products from Young Living that we are so excited about:
  • Deep Sleep Essence: a melatonin free sleep support with essential oils for relaxation
  • Super Magnesium: Magnesium supports a calm nervous system and a restful night's sleep.
We mentioned them in last week’s email because they are center stage of our August SIMPLY :: clean, a 14 day lifestyle reset.
They are safe ways to support a good night's sleep!
From Laura: I've just started taking them - two nights in and I slept through both nights! I also recharged my Body Battery (a feature on my fitness watch) to 71 then 97! (That's big for me - I generally hang out in the 20-40 range, but it's getting better!)
Want to order them? Scroll down.
Better yet → join us for August's SIMPLY :: clean and we will work even MORE on your sleep! (Scroll down to grab the sleep ebook for the event to enjoy even if you aren't planning to join us!)
Did you get a chance to look at last week's email about Rest & Renew? No worries if you missed it. You can find it HERE. Our “Resources” email is also worth repeating. It was chock full of info and some freebies we have for you at SIMPLY :: the wellness place. Check it out HERE.

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If you don’t already have a plan for a calming bedtime routine, think of ONE thing you can add to your evening that would help you sleep.

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Young Living Blog: Lavender Life…
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Better Rest Guide
Check out the ebook for August's SIMPLY :: clean.
We want you to just have it to enjoy.

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The ingredients in Deep Night Essence include products that help your body do what it is supposed to do - relax and sleep:
  • Spearmint: Supports healthy neurotransmission
  • Green Tea Extract: helps support relaxation
  • Holy Basil: Calming
  • Lemon Balm Extract (Melissa): Helps support bodies natural response to stress
  • Lavender: Supports deeper sleep

A bit about this mild-mannered supplement:
  • Supports over 300 functions in the body, including a calm nervous system, healthy organ function, restful sleep, and metabolic health*
  • Inhibits oxidative stress*
  • Contains melon juice concentrate to increase magnesium efficiency in the body and reduce oxidative stress and fatigue*
  • Decreases physical fatigue while supporting an active lifestyle and normal energy levels*
  • Vegetarian and vegan friendly
Want to order?
Click below to grab these amazing products through our referral code.
We added into the cart the kit for August's 
SIMPLY :: clean, a 14-day reset.
The main supplement for SIMPLY :: clean, the reset, is Young Living's amazing antioxidant drink, Ningxia Red. That supplement is our staple and it's the center piece for our event.
We now have a special focus topic for each month and for August it's sleep. So if you want to work on sleep with us, you will want to order the 2 supplements, too.
We just want to be clear: You can do the reset with just Ningxia Red OR you can also add the supplements. 
Of course, you can also just order the supplements!
When ordering:
  1. Use discount ShareYL to save an additional 10%.
  2. Make your order a Loyalty Rewards order - you get so much more with it! (This month you get a free bottle of Laura's fave sleep oil, Sleepyize. Made for kids, great for adults!)
  3. Reply to this email if you have questions. Or you can text Laura at 612.263.7686 for a faster response.

Know what you get when you purchase a Young Living product through our referral code?
First of all… you get US!
A welcoming, non-judgmental, open-minded, relaxed group of peeps who will support you in finding wellness in a moderate, balanced way!
We are certainly not experts but, collectively, we have been on our own wellness journeys for decades. Since we all reached “that age” where things tend to change, we found it was time to do more. We are a work in progress and enjoy supporting others facing the same challenges. We do not believe in giving up your coffee/wine/soda/ice cream along the way. (Life is too short, amIright?)
We share this information for free and are excited to have you here.
We make money whenever you purchase a wellness product through our referral link from our brand partner, Young Living - a company whose products have transformed our lives so we want to share them!
You can simply enjoy our FREE resources (below) and/or you can become a member of SIMPLY :: the wellness place by opening a free account with Young Living (no purchase OR credit card needed) for even MORE benefits! (Check them out below.)
Membership includes:
  • Personal Wellness Concierge: This person will help you navigate Young Living to find the perfect products to help you find your solutions!
  • Full access to our oily resource: Oily U (Check out the member resources here.)
  • Admission to our signature wellness program, SIMPLY :: clean (see below)
  • Exclusive access to our business training & mentorship, should you choose to become a coworker with us.
You don't even need to order - SERIOUSLY! 
If you set up a FREE Young Living account, you get a FREE membership to SIMPLY :: the wellness place! Click HERE.

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14-days to help you step into healthier habits
We supply education, preparation ideas, tracking sheets,
menu ideas, shopping lists and more!
If you want to join, check out the DETAILS HERE.
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Speak soon, friend!

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Natalie, Laura, & Denae
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A little more for ya…
Get our weekly email + a freebie! Some of you may not be on our weekly e-news list so click to sign up and grab our SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint - 3 steps we recommend everyone take for their wellness journey!
If you think of anyone who needs this info, feel free to share it with them. We want to reach as many as possible with positive, health benefiting information! Just send them this LINK.
Just ORDER HERE from our Brand Partner, Young Living. You will also get a yearlong membership to our fabulous community: SIMPLY :: the wellness place with a bevy of goodies! However, NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY! You can set up a FREE account HERE with Young Living to give you a chance to see what we have to offer in fun and education!
Make sure you subscribe to our podcast - SIMPLY: THE WELLNESS PODCAST so you get updates every time we drop a new episode.
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Eden Prairie, MN 55344, United States