it's from the heart...


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~ Email #80 ~
Brain Health: Focus
We have a friend who jokes his “sharp time” is from 10-11 in the morning.
At least I think he is joking. Not gonna lie, we understand!
One of the things all three of us have been doing for a few years is learning how to take better care of our brain.
We covered the brain a few weeks ago - and realized we need to say more. Of course, our brain is important, we all know that, but what you might not know is there is SO MUCH you can do to take better care of it - short-term AND long-term.
So we are going to do a two-part brain email AND our focus for this month’s SIMPLY :: clean, a 14 Day Reset is the BRAIN!!
Topics for the next few emails…
Week #1: Short-term - How to FOCUS better
Week #2: Long -term - How to support longevity for your brain
That said… let’s hop in!
Do YOU have a sharp time? Have you noticed brain fog setting in? Sometimes all day…
Did you know it’s common for women in perimenopause or menopause to experience brain fog?
AND even if you aren’t at that point, brain fog is a real thing.
Want to get your focus back?
Read on…
Did you get a chance to look at last week's email about? No worries if you missed it. You can find it HERE. Our “Resources” email is also worth repeating. It was chock full of info and some freebies we have for you at SIMPLY :: the wellness place. Check it out HERE.

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Here is a super simple habit to incorporate that might help with brain fog: Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. That’s it.
[From Laura] I now drink a full 20 oz before breakfast. (I eat about 2-3 hours after I wake up.) If I skip that water, it’s like I can never catch up. It’s the most important time of the day for my body to get water. When I feel dehydrated, it is very hard to get any focus!

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Easy Ways to Improve Your Focus
Wellness tips:
  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Exercise
  3. Get out into nature: it’s grounding which helps you get out of your head.
  4. Relax: Taking time to relax each day helps us replenish our focus.
  5. Hydrate: While it’s actually controversial whether dehydration affects your focus, the 3 of us all agree it makes a big difference. Test it for yourself!
Tips for when you are working:
  1. Take frequent breaks: Your brain only has the energy to focus for about 90-120 min before powering down. If you force it to keep going
  2. Practice uni-tasking: Yep, it’s what you think it is. ONE task. Just one at a time. Think you can multitask? It’s not a thing and thinking you are doing it wears out your brain!
  3. Ultradian rhythm: Figure out your flow during the day. You will find you have natural ups and downs that are similar each day. You will find certain tasks are easier when you are up and also when you are down. Working within your natural flow will help you use our focus to the best ability.

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Focus Spray
2 oz glass bottle filled with distilled water
add 5 drops of peppermint oil 
Spray your face whenever you need a “wake me up”
Ideas for use
  • Keep at your desk
  • Use when driving for a pick-me-up
  • Hot days - spray face, arms, legs then let the air cool you off!

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OHmyWORD: This product is a favorite for all three of us, but especially Laura. Laura had undiagnosed ADHD for 53 year. 
53 years.
She didn't even know it was an issue until she took this supplement and had focus like she had never had before. (You don't know what you don't know!)
The focus is not jittery like from caffeine and no crash afterward. It's amazing!

Know what you get when you purchase a Young Living product through our referral code?
First of all… you get US!
A welcoming, non-judgmental, open-minded, relaxed group of peeps who will support you in finding wellness in a moderate, balanced way!
We are certainly not experts but, collectively, we have been on our own wellness journeys for decades. Since we all reached “that age” where things tend to change, we found it was time to do more. We are a work in progress and enjoy supporting others facing the same challenges. We do not believe in giving up your coffee/wine/soda/ice cream along the way. (Life is too short, amIright?)
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  • Personal Wellness Concierge: This person will help you navigate Young Living to find the perfect products to help you find your solutions!
  • Full access to our oily resource: Oily U (Check out the member resources here.)
  • Admission to our signature wellness program, SIMPLY :: clean (see below)
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14-days to help you step into healthier habits
We supply education, preparation ideas, tracking sheets,
menu ideas, shopping lists and more!
If you want to join, check out the DETAILS HERE.
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Speak soon, friend!

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Natalie, Laura, & Denae
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A little more for ya…
Get our weekly email + a freebie! Some of you may not be on our weekly e-news list so click to sign up and grab our SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint - 3 steps we recommend everyone take for their wellness journey!
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Just ORDER HERE from our Brand Partner, Young Living. You will also get a yearlong membership to our fabulous community: SIMPLY :: the wellness place with a bevy of goodies! However, NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY! You can set up a FREE account HERE with Young Living to give you a chance to see what we have to offer in fun and education!
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