it's from the heart...


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~ Email #91 ~
Why We Don’t Do What We KNOW We Should!
It happens to ALL of us!
There is something we feel like we should be doing (even KNOW we need to be doing) – we should stop a certain habit or start another habit.
We should drink more water, go to bed earlier, exercise more, drink less coffee or wine, eat more vegetables, learn to meditate, blah blah blah :-)
In today’s email, we want to give you some inspiration. Because we have all been there – knowing we should be doing something for our wellness.
But we don’t.
More often than not, we feel guilty, wish we had more will power and judge ourselves for not doing what we feel we should.
BUT there is more going on “behind the scenes” that you don’t realize and it’s 3 of those things we are going to explore in our podcast episode: 3 Surprising Reasons We Don’t Do What We Think Should Do.
Here is the list in a nutshell. Be sure to listen to the episode. We share ideas for “solving” these issues.
1. Negatively judge our “bad” habits: We put ourselves down and feel badly which just makes it harder to have the energy to change anything.
2. Focus on what we don’t want – what we want to stop: So we are putting our attention on what we don’t want…rather than what we do. Guess what we think about all the time then?
3. Assess things as bad – when we really, genuinely, enjoy them! Drinking wine or eating cake can be a good thing.
Did you get a chance to look at last week's email about Our STRAIGHT TALK Series? No worries if you missed it. You can find it HERE. Our “Resources” email is also worth repeating. It was chock full of info and some freebies we have for you at SIMPLY :: the wellness place. Check it out HERE.

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Choose ONE thing you want to change and explore how you can change your perspective to make it easier.

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Feel better, do better!

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SIMPLY :: clean
Rest & Renew
Next one in January!
Plan to reset with us in the new year!
Join us! More info to come…

Know what you get when you purchase a 
Young Living product through our referral code?
First of all… you get US!
A welcoming, non-judgmental, open-minded, relaxed group of peeps who will support you in finding wellness in a moderate, balanced way!
We are certainly not experts but, collectively, we have been on our own wellness journeys for decades. Since we all reached “that age” where things tend to change, we found it was time to do more. We are a work in progress and enjoy supporting others facing the same challenges. We do not believe in giving up your coffee/wine/soda/ice cream along the way. (Life is too short, amIright?)
We share this information for free and are excited to have you here.
We make money whenever you purchase a wellness product through our referral link from our brand partner, Young Living - a company whose products have transformed our lives so we want to share them!
You can simply enjoy our FREE resources (below) and/or you can become a member of SIMPLY :: the wellness place by opening a free account with Young Living (no purchase OR credit card needed) for even MORE benefits! (Check them out below.)
Membership includes:
  • Personal Wellness Concierge: This person will help you navigate Young Living to find the perfect products to help you find your solutions!
  • Full access to our oily resource: Oily U (Check out the member resources here.)
  • Admission to our signature wellness program, SIMPLY :: clean (see below)
  • Exclusive access to our business training & mentorship, should you choose to become a coworker with us.
You don't even need to order - SERIOUSLY! 
If you set up a FREE Young Living account, you get a FREE membership to SIMPLY :: the wellness place! Click HERE.

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14-days to help you step into healthier habits
We supply education, preparation ideas, tracking sheets,
menu ideas, shopping lists and more!
If you want to join, check out the DETAILS HERE.

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We put this in here to make sure you realize you can ask us anything. We do not have all the answers but we do have access to many resources and we also have a community of people who enjoy helping others. This is a safe place to come with those questions that have been unanswered for whatever reason…

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Speak soon, friend!

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Natalie, Laura, & Denae
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A little more for ya…
Get our weekly email + a freebie! Some of you may not be on our weekly e-news list so click to sign up and grab our SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint - 3 steps we recommend everyone take for their wellness journey!
If you think of anyone who needs this info, feel free to share it with them. We want to reach as many as possible with positive, health benefiting information! Just send them this LINK.
Just ORDER HERE from our Brand Partner, Young Living. You will also get a yearlong membership to our fabulous community: SIMPLY :: the wellness place with a bevy of goodies! However, NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY! You can set up a FREE account HERE with Young Living to give you a chance to see what we have to offer in fun and education!
Make sure you subscribe to our podcast - SIMPLY: THE WELLNESS PODCAST so you get updates every time we drop a new episode.
PO Box 44042
Eden Prairie, MN 55344, United States