Finally finished.
Life is wild. One year you're dancing on top of a bar and eating burgers with friends you made in the bathroom that night and the next you're taking quaint morning walks and posting tree pictures on the internet. I'm happy to report that this phase in my life has far less hangovers.
I love those morning walks. And not only because I want to beat my husband's step score--because let's be real, that's my driving force. But because it's been so good for my mental health. That bitch anxiety seems to be coming around a lot less lately and I don't miss her one bit. Good riddance.
And when I'm not listening to a book, I get to listen to my favorite playlist while pretending I'm in a music video or winning an argument in an epic movie scene. Except when Apple interrupts to let me know my volume is too loud. Seriously Apple? I was just getting to the good part.
Daughter's room is complete 
I finished my daughter's room this week. If you're interested in sources, links, and a bunch of before pictures, you can check out my blog post below.
Next project!
I realized as I was typing this that I never showed you the backyard with the recent updates in all her glory. I'll definitely be sharing that soon, so get those judgmental fingers ready for my faux flower reveal.
As for my next project, I'll be working on quite a few changes in my bathroom including something I have been dying to get in our home for years. Stay tuned.
Food for thought
I finished a 4th of Brene Brown's books this week, and just like the other 3 I read, I loved it. Braving the Wilderness (linked below) is about the quest for belonging and the courage to stand alone. It's an easy read and I highly recommend it, but thought I'd share a couple notes I saved for myself below that you may also like:
Brene wrote about gossip and friendships and really taking the time to analyze the foundation of some of the people you surround yourself with. This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Just to be clear, I'm not saying I don't love gossip as much as the next person, because I do. And just like Brene said, there is nothing that brings two people closer together than the shared disdain for another person. So believe me, I get it. However, the way she described these encounters has stuck with me and I had to share it. She said leaving interactions with those friendships based solely on gossip often left her with “an integrity hangover.” I have not stopped thinking about this. 
Brene also talked about the need to be vulnerable in order to connect with others. And given the political climate that we live in, I found this section especially poignant. She goes on to say that the stories brought up in the news (citing examples like the gun debate) are typically painted as black or white when in reality there's much more nuance than that. She went on to stress the importance of getting uncomfortable and having difficult conversations, not painting people with a broad brush, and REALLY listening to each other instead of simply agreeing to disagree--something I admittedly often resort to. 
Anyway it's a great book, and if you want to read it, I've linked it under the things I loved section below.
This guy gives me goosebumps
 I came across this guy singing a cover of Don't Stop Believin' and it gave me goosebumps and I had to share. His voice is incredible. Trust me, it will make you smile. You can watch it HERE.
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
Thank you all for the outpouring of support from last week's newsletter. You are my people. 
Lastly, if you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. It makes me feel less like a robot. Don't make me feel like a robot. Don't be that person.
And if you missed last week's email, I've Shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.