My living room is painted!
Once you go black…
I keep children's chewable Tylenol tablets in my purse because my son (like me) gets frequent headaches. Before I tell you why I'm sharing this, it's important to note that my purse is a pretty decent size. It's become a portable black hole filled with things I forget even existed. And among those things, was an open bottle of those chewable tablets that seemed to have been crushed into powder over time. A powder so fine that it had morphed into what can only resemble something you'd find at a Hollywood party and not something all over the bag of a 38-year old mom of 2 coming in to get her mole checked at the doctor's office. 
Had I known that this powdery substance would be all over my fingers when I reached for my wallet, I likely wouldn't have chosen to put on bright black nails that same morning. But given the fact that medical offices have long been a breeding ground for my most mortifying moments, I really should've seen this coming. And to make matters worse, I was there to get a mole checked on my nose. MY NOSE. I could only imagine the story the receptionist may have painted in her head, “Girl with white powder residue on her nails comes in for an itchy nose, blames mole."
I thought about nervously assuring her that it was indeed Tylenol and not cocaine all over my fingers but I felt like that would sound even more insane. And as a certified expert of consistently looking guilty during moments when I've done absolutely nothing wrong, I decided to put my tail between my legs, and do a walk of shame towards the waiting room.
Spoiler alert: My mole turned out to be fine, my reputation was not.
Instagram accounts sparking me joy
Followed a few accounts this week that I found inspiring and always leave me feeling good. Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty (who happen to be a couple) both share inspiring and sweet videos, along with thought provoking posts and subtle reminders like the one below. 
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After I read Adam Grant's book (that I highly recommend) Think Again, I followed him on Instagram. Love his thought provoking posts. The one below touches on something I've really been making a conscious effort of this past year. And after the President's address  last night, this rings especially true.
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Upcoming projects
An extra gallon of paint has been purchased, and I'll be continuing that black paint to the other side of the kitchen--for those of you that think I may even continue to the dining nook, I resent that. But also, ok, maybe?
 If you missed kitchen paint 1.0, you can see that video below.
Things I loved this week
On Apple TV
This show is WILD. I don't want to give too much away, but it's about a couple who loses their baby, the mom has a psychotic break, and as a part of her therapy, she has a fake baby (a doll).
On Apple TV
Still watching this, and it's getting even better. A woman loses her memory from an alleged suicide attempt. She slowly starts to piece together memories. 
 This video is the sweetest damn thing I've seen all week.
If you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. And since you missed last week's email, I've Shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.