Happy Friday, it's almost october!
Have you ever watched a movie as an adult that you watched as a child and realized how ridiculously inappropriate it actually was? Lately my daughter has been asking to watch movies I loved as a kid and it's been wild experiencing those movies through a new set of eyes.
Spoiler alert, I don't care how inappropriate some of them are, we still watch them. And side note, 80's and 90's movies really are the best. 
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This podcast blew my mind
On the podcast We Can Do Hard Things, I listened to the episode Breaking Cycles & Reparenting Yourself w/ Dr. Becky Kennedy, and it was so good. Even if you're not a parent, this was fascinating just from the perspective of how you were raised.
 One of the most interesting parts was when she talked about the hypocrisy of how we praise or dismiss things in adults but do the opposite for children. So for example, regarding children who do or don't listen, "we call shyness early on what we call confidence later on. And we call confidence early on, what we call blindly following the crowd later on.” It was all so interesting. And regarding setting boundaries all while making your kids feel heard, she used the most incredible pilot metaphor for finding that balance.
Another part I found especially useful was about our triggers. Dr. Becky said, “we look to shut down in others, what we had to shut down in ourselves.” I was laughing so hard at an example Glennon gave regarding this because I related to it so much--she talked about how annoyed she gets with her partner for having the audacity to relax on the couch in the middle of the day while there was so much work to do around the house. She got so annoyed with how relaxed her wife looked and eventually realized she was just angry with herself for not allowing herself to also relax.
She went on to read a highlighted part of Dr. Becky's book that said, “Whenever you're triggered by somebody, don't try to shrink the thing in the other person, try to grow the thing in yourself.” Basically, don't get mad, but be curious. The entire conversation around our personal triggers was absolutely fascinating, and now I can't stop thinking about all of mine.
There are so many good nuggets of wisdom in that episode, I highly recommend listening to it. I've also added Dr. Becky's new book, Good Inside, to my wishlist. Can't wait to read it.
And on that note..
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What made me smile/laugh this week
*FYI you don't have to be on TikTok to enjoy these videos.
Another podcast..
Dr. Daniel Amen, a Lebanese immigrant who's a celebrity psychiatrist and twelve-time NY Times bestselling author, was talking about brain health this week on Jay Shetty's podcast. He's analyzed so many brains--including those of convicted killers, and shared several scientific studies.
“You are what you think,” isn't a new concept, but I loved the discussion they had around that on the episode. He also talked about how the music we listen to affects us, the food, daily practices, and our genetics. I especially enjoyed the conversation about what he called positive thinking vs. accurate thinking--basically around toxic positivity and having healthy doses of anxiety. 
You can listen to it HERE.
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
I'd love to hear what some of your favorite movies were as a kid, sometimes I forget the best ones. 
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And since you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.