Happy Friday.
This past week I was having a conversation with my husband about our dog Charlie, and outlining the obvious, that I am her favorite. I proceeded to skillfully outline an argument with the most logically sound points. And before I could conclude what felt like a triumphant moment for me, my daughter, who came out of nowhere might I add, violently humbled me in seconds. 
My argument was that Charlie saw him as the pack leader, but saw me as her bestie/favorite/sister/mother she never had/greatest human on Earth. You see, I proceeded to explain, he walked Charlie every day. In her mind, he's our fearless leader. But me, I continued, I was the one that feed her, gave her water, attend to her needs…and before I could even continue, my daughter interrupted loudly, “So basically you're her servant."
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Needless to say, I'll be removing her from our will.
If you're an introvert, you'll love this episode
An episode on the podcast We Can Do Hard Things called Letting Go of How It's “Supposed to Be,” took questions from several callers. One in particular was about friendships, and if you're an introvert, you need to listen to this one. She said something profound that reminded me of the conversation we had a few weeks ago about social media. One caller was talking about the pictures she sees online of friends hanging out and having vacations together and said, “I wish I had something that feels like that looks like that feels.” They go on to discuss how social media can dictate how friendships are “supposed” to be based on the perception of what's being put out there, but that none of it is real. 
A reminder
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Loved this episode on Jay Shetty's Podcast
I didn't know who Alex Cooper was before I heard her interview this week with Jay Shetty, but she has the #1 podcast in the world for women. If you've ever felt insecure (who hasn't?), you will enjoy this episode linked here.
Alex covers a wide variety of topics from being bullied for her looks, how she hated herself as a child, to how she loves a contradiction (it's not what you think). She talks about the negative affects of social media, and how she breaks the pattern of her thoughts by journaling. 
I loved her conversation around how we perceive others, and it really stuck with me. She shared a quote from a study (or maybe it was a book?), that stated it takes 200 hours to REALLY know someone. Meaning, you had to have spent 200 hours with a person to know them. At first I was thinking back at all my friendships and wondering who I've spent that much time with, but then I thought to myself, I'm going to think about that the next time I pass judgement on someone I *think* I know.
Anyone looking for a new email signature?
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What made me smile/laugh this week
*FYI you don't have to be on TikTok to enjoy these videos.
Books I loved
We are what we think isn't a new concept by any stretch, but lately I've been reading a lot of books around this topic (and listening to several podcasts). I read a couple books this week, and two in particular that I loved were The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, and even more so, Unf*ck Yourself by Gary Bishop. I'd recommend both, but much preferred the latter and found it so inspiring. Not cheesy at all FYI.
Unf*ck Yourself was a quick read but had so much depth and was incredibly thought provoking. The author talks about how we are our own worst critics, and the importance of controlling our thoughts and narrative. I finished it feeling happy and inspired. I highly recommend it. 
Upcoming project
Remember a few months ago when I said I wanted to make this space more practical?
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It's a tight space and the challenge has been finding a couch or set of comfy chairs that will actually fit that don't break the bank. But stay tuned it's either this room or my bedroom that's next.
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
Thank you for all your kind messages this week regarding my newsletter. Reading how much you love it makes my stone cold heart explode. But also, I love feedback. So if there's something you wish there was “more of” or “less of” I'd love to hear it. 
If you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. 
And since you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.