Happy Friday!
After her third visit in the past 12 months, I'm starting to think that Covid is obsessed with me. And honestly I don't know how to tell her that I already have enough friends and she really needs to stop visiting. 
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While my doctor gasped when she found out I had it again and asked me if I licked poles for a living, she did say I was special. OK, technically the exact word she used was “rare” but I knew what she meant. 
Food for thought
In the midst of eating ungodly amounts of food, feeling sorry for myself, and buying things off the internet that I didn't need during quarantine, I managed to read a couple books. I'll link the ones I liked at the end of this newsletter, but there's a specific story from Stop Doing That Sh*t that I found especially powerful that I want to share. Here's the exercise on perception straight from the author:
Imagine you're holding a cup of hot black coffee. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone bumps your elbow and the scalding liquid goes everywhere. It splatters across your bare arm, down your leg, all over the floor. The burning pain is intense, the mess irretrievable, your pants completely ruined and you have a job interview in 20 minutes. You need to change clothes now, except you can't, you're in Starbucks. You're miles from home and your interview is a 15 minute walk away. You look at the guy who crashed into you and say, “Seriously man?” He shrugs his shoulders and mutters a barely audible apology quickly walking away like he doesn't give a damn. Your heart is racing, your head a mish mash of thoughts, your body pulsing with anger then frustration before subsiding to helplessness and then down to resignation. It took ages to get this interview. You're screwed. You leave and head home.
Ok, now imagine you're someone else who is watching this same scene from a corner of the Starbucks. Instead of the participant in it, you're now an observer of it. You're quietly enjoying your morning tea and muffin when a guy comes in and catches the corner of your eye. He looks agitated, a little nervous. He orders a coffee, reaches for his wallet, takes out his credit card and then drops it. “Damnit!” He proclaims in a biting tone. He pays and steps to the side, passes several other people between himself and the pick up counter. “Timmy!” Says the server. “Eh, it's Tommy actually.” He retorts. Tommy grabs his cup, briskly turns, obviously not looking where he's headed and BAM. He smacks right into a young guy who didn't see him coming. Tommy's coffee explodes everywhere. “Seriously man?” Exclaims Tommy. The entire room silences as everyone turns to find the source of the drama. The young kid, clearly embarrassed and trying to get away from the spectacle, softly apologizes and makes a hasty retreat. End scene. 
He goes on to share that the tricky thing about "truth", is that we see it it only from our own perspective. I found this incredibly powerful.
A reminder
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Laughing so hard my sides hurt
A couple weeks ago I shared the below meme on Instagram…
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I then asked my community on Instagram to share their edible stories, and I haven't laughed this hard in awhile. I've shared 175 of them---sorry if I missed yours, I typed up as many as I could! Here's the LINK. 
LOVED this podcast
Sara Bareilles, one of my fav artists when I was in my 20's, was on the Podcast We Can Do Hard Things. She was incredibly vulnerable, and if you struggle with anxiety or depression you will really enjoy this episode. I laughed, I cried, it was SO GOOD.
Things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and I. But most importantly, helps fund my art and Diet Coke addiction.
Linking the strap HERE.
I watched so many shows/movies in quarantine I don't even know where to begin. The Watcher on Netflix was good, Love Is Blind has a new season on Netflix, also good. Did you guys watch that crazy documentary awhile back called Abducted in Plain Sight? Well now there's a show called Friend of the Family based on that documentary. That story is crazy, I kept screaming at the TV.
And since you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.